WTF is now wrong, all cryptos down?

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unironically you kinda have to go through a face like that in order to achieve greatness in trading. My charts in '18/19 were clustered with bs
Back in 1999 people were paying me to see those drawings
Reactions: TheCryptoAnt
I need guidance (for free obviously...) - does it mean I should buy, sell or wait?
If you want to make a quick buck, I don’t know.
If you are smart, just buy regardless of the price whenever you have some fiat available.
If you want to make a quick buck, I don’t know.
If you are smart, just buy regardless of the price whenever you have some fiat available.
just wondering, you always say bitcoin bitcoin, but what about everything else? american SOL, or american ripple... or canadian ETH. Or is it all nonsense, and in your opinion it is only worth buying btc at any price always, and not looking at alternatives at all?
I recently got rid of all the shitcoins. I am now holding only btc, ETH and xmr. If you want to diversify, follow a crypto index, such as the CCI30. Avoid picking random coins, you will get hurt in the long term.
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF
I got some grid bots on a few stronger ALTs just for fun, but it's just 4 digits to play.

You can make short term gains on ALTs if you ride the shills, but if you don't take profits they'll turn negative very quick.
And in a bear market they all get killed, we could see a glimpse of it in the price action yesterday (btc vs. alts).

If you want to keep your hair, BTC is the only choice.
Reactions: jayM
only bitcoin. The rest is all nonsense (i give eth a half pass here tho, plus the stablecoins if you must have them due to banking issues). If you want to diversify get some other asset class.

you can create some alts yourself and try to make some buck, or follow the influenzas (can be tricky) and it doesnt work for me now as it used to.
Reactions: intlman
If you understood money, then it would be painfully obvious that the current system is broken beyond repair. But it's a hard chasm for most people to cross, because then they have to admit that everything they were taught about money is wrong.

"Diversification" is simply selling the winner to buy a bunch of loosers.

Your stocks/bonds/cash/real estate etc is not keeping up with debasement. You think you're getting ahead (and you are in nominal terms), but in real terms you're going backwards very quickly.
Reactions: cryptofriendly

Hard currencies will outlive you, me, your children and their great children.

Even if you recognize the current flaws of the current system and provide a reliable and widely recognized solution (spoiler: you don't), history is filled with systems, ideas, or practices that persisted for centuries or even thousands of years after they were widely acknowledged as problematic or unsustainable and their collapse. I have hundreds of examples to prove that your conviction is incredibly reckless:

- The Roman Empire: The empire had obvious signs of decline for centuries: economic instability, political corruption, military overexpansion, and currency debasement (sound familiar?)
- The Caste System in India
- The USSR: It took 20 years for it to collapse, even though it was evident in the 1970s that it eventually would.
- The QWERTY keyboard: This layout was designed 200+ years ago to slow typists down and prevent the typewriters from jamming. More efficient keyboard layouts have been invented (like Dvorak, Colemak), but QWERTY remains the global standard despite its inefficiencies.

I could keep going. Unless you want to bring your Trezor wallet with you in your grave, I would advise not to be 100% invested in cryptocurrencies but once again to each their own. Diversification and Freedom are the two key values on OCT and I try to abide by them everyday of my life.
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Hard currencies will outlive you, me, your children and their great children.
Correct. BTC is the hardest money known to man.

- The Roman Empire: The empire had obvious signs of decline for centuries: economic instability, political corruption, military overexpansion, and currency debasement (sound familiar?)
Indeed. This is where all fiat currencies ultimately lead. Hard money always wins.

Unless you want to bring your Trezor wallet with you in your grave, I would advise not to be 100% invested in cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin, not crypto. "Crypto" is ultimately replicating the existing financial system on new digital rails. Highly centralized control where only a few insiders get rich.
Reactions: JackAlabama
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