with all due respect all you say in this video is driven by emotions and common sense (if you will) however every long-term winning professional gambler will tell you it's a wrong approach and mathematically speaking sub-optimal
yes, one has to implement risk management and bankroll policies but it simply must reflect the rigorous assessment of probability distribution, expected outcomes and variance as not doing so results in decisions with negative expected value and deterioration or your wealth
this whole "reballancing" idea is about feeding your inner human with false safety and dopamine shots
people tend to ignore the responsible assessment of counter-party risks and the value of their limited lifetime
investing (more precisely allocation or conserved energy) is a continuous process without memory - at every moment you should ask yourself whether what you hold is what you would buy today - in other words (assuming your unit of account is USD!!) there is ZERO difference between holding 1M USD in BTC you made by investing 50k (10 years ago) and holding 1M USD in
cash or RE valuated at 1M - the only thing that matters is what to do next (= which available form of energy conservation is optimal at given moment)