Our valued sponsor

Account upgrades

Mentor Group Gold

95 /mo
  • Primary for Business
  • Access to the Secret Forums
  • The Prestigios Profile Gold Badge
  • PM / DM other users
  • Access to the Resource Database
  • Large PM Inbox
  • Advance PM Box with categories
  • Self-promotion Allowed, for own service!
  • Forum Spam rules apply
  • Can Edit Own Threads
  • One Advertising Thread 1 months
  • Advertising Signature with 1 link

Mentor Group Gold Premium

285 for 5 months
  • You get 2 extra months for free.
  • Same features as Mentor Group Gold Monthly

Mentor Group Gold Lifetime

3,999 One-time payment
  • LIFETIME ACCOUNT - Never Renew
  • Same features as Mentor Group Gold
  • + delete own threads
  • + 2 Advertising Threads for 2 months
  • + Unlimited Advanced Inbox
  • + Special Priviligues

Mentor Group Light

65 /mo
  • Not for commercial use / Businesses
  • The Prestigios Profile Light Badge
  • PM / DM other users
  • Access to the Secret Forums
  • Access to the Resource Database

Bronze Membership

98 for 1 year
  • Not for Business use!
  • No access to the Secret Forums
  • PM / DM other users
  • Large mailbox
  • Engage in Conversations
  • Get free advise from associates
  • Make Business friends
  • Support OffshoreCorpTalk