you clearly made your mind already
I'm practically all-in BTC, I felt never safer, never slept better, never more sure - I might be wrong but my long positions makes me qualified to talk
if you and
@369 are shorting BTC then I respect your stance to the extent of your risk taken
if you're not betting against then please realize that opinion has zero value and you should stay quiet in your corner like many reputable members here do despite they most probably don't share my view as well
You see thats the never ending problem with you crypto fan boys.
You always put words into our mouth we never said.
Did i claimed you can't
make money with bitcoin that you made the claim we should short bitcoin ?
I clearly stated bitcoin will be added in the new first monetary system in western countries and will fail.
Did i said anything that bitcoin will fail right now that you make the claim we should short it ?
You think you are so smart only to be able to make money from crypto in an easy to predict uptrend ?
The diffrence between me and cherry and you guys is we don't see bitcoin as a solution but as a trojan where you still can make profit if jumping out soon enough.Bitcoin works like a ponzi and when you don't jump out at the right moment you will get rekkt.
Also your guys arguments are from a technical point so poor i won't even argue.
The code of bitcoin can be changed anytime.
You guys act like that is not possible.
You clearly don't know how the real world works and how corrupt everything and everyone in crypto is.
Its of course your choice and i don't even care if you will have success or not however i hate seeing people making fun of valid arguments even from people who have some more background knowledge with their never ever repeating jada jada arguments which are so false and used by a group to attract more victims.
Btc solves this. Enough said.
No it doesn't.Just because they are currently not blocking to support crypto doesn't mean they are not able to block bitcoin transactions.
You can block very easily bitcoin transactions and they installed these control functions already over 15 years ago.
The only reason you don't hear about it is because by law this control mechanism which they implemented is currently ilegal which doesn't mean it will stay that way.
well yeah, the price is the best marketing gimmick ever. And?
You know how a ponzi works ?
Tell me the diffrence of a ponzi and btc
Unclear as many are exchanges.
Its not unclear as 17% of bitcoins are lost and the 5% of Sathosi increased this way its stake in the cake.You ever read what you can cause with that amount of control over an asset ?
As are many other fiats or things

. Its just accounting.
Why do you only compare to fiat ?Are you so limited ?Did anyone of us claimed fiat backed with nothing is better that you always bring that poor argument ?There is also other assets as tier1 money classified by biz bank
There is no intrinsic value anyway, its a moot point as all value is subjective and depends on the situation.
Wrong.Value comes from trust and planned institutional integration.
If you can predict the final monetary system you can preditct the asset which will have the highest value but for that you need to understand how the monetary system works but i don't talk about the current one they are in the process of exchanging but the final one which is being prepared for over 2 decades.
You think the elites don't know that fiat needs to be replaced ?I can tell you they are way smarter than you and me and they know very well how to install a new monetary system in their favour and seeing how people cheer for crypto i have to admit they are successfull in it.
No. Its not 2017 any more. You really should upgrade your args.
Actually Cherry is spot on.JPM / Blackrock and co are planning to make big profits on the sheep who will run away from CBDC's into crypto.
Easy to predict and easy to make them rekkt.
Nov 2025 CBDC's are coming lets see the run on crypto and afterwards the milking of the dumb sheeps who will get rekkt on the biggest worlds ponzi
instead of gold, stocks and property.
Property and stocks in western countries i would disagree.
The first asset will need some patience but will be the most lucrativ one.
Would people understand what the new monetary system means to that assets which they don't even hide they would mainly focus on it.