Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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But that doesn't change anything that the ukrainian government decided themself to go in a route where they exectly new russia will be indirectly FORCED to start a war.
So who do i blame most ?Ukrainian leadership
This is a very wrong way of thinking my friend. It's like bully getting angry when the kid that is threatened all the time by that bully, decides to go their own way and have nothing to do with that bully. Then the bully says... I'm forced to beat you now because you don't do as I want and say. You are FORCING me to be a bully and beat the hell out of you. This is your logic.

Putin thinks Ukrainians are not real nation and they should all be under mother Russia. Who is he to decide that? Let me tell you something. I come from a former Yugoslavian republic. My country (Croatia) was attacked by Serbia (yugoslavia still back then) and they had 10/10 same BS reasons and rethoric and agenda as Putin has today.

They said for croats they are not real nation, they are just catholic serbs, that they go to war to 'protect' serbs, even similar stories about nazis. They even pronounced their pararepublic inside croatia where mostly serbs lived (all sound familiar?). You can conquer a land, but never the people, hence they lost the war. 3x bigger and stronger army have lost... after 5 bloody years and thousands killed.

You may love it or hate it, Ukrainian people will decide if they want to go to EU, not Putin. Ukrainian people will decide if they want to go to NATO, not Putin. Now they want this even more. Now even sweden and finland are thinking about this. This war will prolong, but nothing will be gained for Russia. There will only be thousands of dead russians and ukrainians. That's the only guarantee in this war.

I always blame the bully, weather that is Russia in this case, or west in some other cases. Anyways, isn't it great we all can state our own opinion here and not end up in a gulag in siberia for 15 years?

I saw that oposition leader in Russia was arrested today. Over the years many from oposition and journalists were arrested, killed, poisoned, disappeared in russia... We all know it's not a coincidence. Yup, sounds like a bully to me. If you are not as I tell you, you will FORCE me to kill/poison/xy you, so it's not my fault.
Russia was warned about sanctions so it's Russia's fault, right? They could've just not invaded y'know. Or does the same logic not apply here? Also, I wonder what Russia will do if Finland joins NATO (which it probably will).. Do you think Russia has a right to invade Finland then? LOL
The more that I think about this war, the more that I think that it is about something else entirely. Putin's claim about Ukrainian Nazis is idiotic on its face. Every nation has some small number of Nazis.

Until now, I always thought that it was about potential NATO membership by Ukraine. But Russia still had plenty of time to prevent NATO membership short of war. All it would take is for a single NATO member to oppose NATO membership for Ukraine to never become a member. And if Russia is so afraid of war, why would it start a war to prevent a war. That makes no sense.

I am beginning to believe that this war is all about Russia coveting Ukraine's energy supplies. Those energy supplies are located in Eastern Ukraine and in the Black Sea. I recently read about this issue and was quite surprised by the vast resources at stake, but I have no time to go into details right now. The amount of oil and gas at stake is simply staggering. I now believe that this might be all about a Russian strategic theft of energy supplies, which would tighten the noose even further around Europe. In other words, this might be a Russian aggression against all of Europe by the creation of a vast energy monopoly.

The one thing that you can count on are Russian lies, much like with the Soviets and the Chinese. That is a historical fact. If the Russians talk about their concern about Nazis, NATO, and security reasons, then it is 100% guaranteed that the invasion occurred for a completely different reason. Guaranteed.
Reactions: Gediminas
This is true though. Where is General Cloutier? We only need to see him on video!
Washington Post contributor arrested in Moscow after criticizing Putin. The Kremlin had previously poisoned him twice. Evil nasty savages. At least they are incompetent.
Following up on my post from yesterday, about this being a war to control Ukraine's energy supplies:
That conduit for American investment is precisely what the Russian army appears to be focussing its attention on right now: control the Eastern part of Ukraine and Black Sea ports like Odessa and Sevastopol and you control the Ukrainian flow of gas.
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Puppets always come up with the narrative of "innocent people dying" when it is in their interest. What they won't tell you is that it is only up to their masters to decide who is innocent and who isn't.

A good example is the recent missile strike on the Kramatorsk's train station when around innocent 50 people died and for what Russia was blamed initially by the western media. Have you noticed that no one talks about the incident anymore after Italian journalists found the serial numbers that conclusively proved the missile had been fired by the Ukranian Armed Forces to blame Russians? The double standards and the hypocrisy are unbelievable.
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They are doing it on a daily basis. They tried to push the chemical attack narrative yesterday. Ghost of Kyiv before that, then the attack on Snake Island. And don't forget the Retroville shopping centre which turned out to be housing Ukrainian military equipment. The list goes on...

The truth is, no one in the West (or EU to be precise) cares anymore. People are worried about their bills tripling and fuel prices going up, not about a shopping centre getting blown up in some corrupt Eastern European shithole, by another corrupt Eastern European shithole.
Reactions: polonieth
Yup Krarmatorsk has been memory-holed. It is embarrassing.

There are people in this thread falling for the most basic of propaganda. Yet they continually feel the need to remind us how educated, well-read they are, with all their sources.
It's funny how random trolls come here to forum to defend their dicktator with various ridiculous fantasies.

You guys should be working on random media sites where readers are a little more clueless.
The only troll is you who doesn't understand that the the real target are western countries citizens who get flooded with never ending lies and parole to justify people getting poor and high probably joining sooner or later a war.There are already offical talks to limit energy/heat to appartments and industry for the coming cold period with the slogan freezing for freedom.
If you are so concerned i recommend go fighting at the front instead advocating that whole europe goes to war and creates a total chaos

And about the millions of people who are going to die because of these trolls (i would even use way more heavy words for them and you) nobody even says a single word.
Sri Lanka has nothing to do with the war but now their whole nation has to suffer and no food to eat and that is just the beginning.
So who is the major troll here?
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Reactions: polonieth
Sri Lanka has nothing to do with the war but now their whole nation has to suffer and no food to eat and that is just the beginning. So who is the major troll here?
Obviously you, because Sri Lanka would not be suffering if not for Russia's war of aggression.

If a man throws a powerful firecracker into a crowd of people and a second man (in the crowd) reacts to that danger by slapping it away from himself so that a third man is seriously injured, who is to blame? The answer is quite obvious. It is the first man, who created the danger, not the second man who reacted to the danger. Russia is responsible for all the results of its barbaric war. And you are a complete failure at using logic.
By some people here who believe in russian propaganda, it looks like... Ukraine attacked itself, it's ruining and rocketing their own buildings and killing and raping their own people, including children. Russians are actually there to kill all the nazzis and protect ukrainians from their own government. If you believe this, sorry, but there is no help for you.

Read all this above carefully, at least few times and tell me... how to take you guys seriously . West isn't perfect, very far from it... but Russia is currently just one huge North Korea with the guy who kills, poisons or jails everyone who thinks different to him. All the russians I know that are educated and smart, live outside of russia and feel sorry for what their country has become.

Guys, I've been through war when I was younger and belive me when I say this. There is no common sense, logical or moral explanation for what Russia is doing. If you try to rationalise it, it's either because you have never been in such situation or you are a socipath that cares more about your opinion being accepted than what is actually going on to people who suffer. No offence to anyone
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