Integrating is something you do if you're not a parasite. Why do you move there if you hate it so much? Russia is better, right?
@369 I wanted to ask once and for all, are you Russian and do you live in Russia or where do you live? I still don't understand why you're so pro Russian.
Who is the biggest parasite in EU ?
You know what amazes me most.Today's german morons don't even know who their enemy is.
Who is sucking out wealth from germany,misusing germany for attacking wars and more important not allowing germany to leave as their colony.
But hey the others are the enemy and not the nation which does these things
Germany doesn't even have control over their own media till 2099
And to answer your question no i'm not russian.
I was born and raised in germany.
I had the luck getting a great education by old hardcore pruss teachers you won't see today anymore.
I was lucky that they pushed us to the limit learning self thinking ,self analyzing and most important self confidence.
An answer in geomatric like "here applies the sentence of pythagoras" would only get our teacher a smile in his face with the question "how do you know he was right?PROOF IT TO US"
These kind of trained thinking structur is not being teached for decades in germany anymore.
Today people say it was posted in CNN,BBC or any other known source so its proof.No matter if its really true or not .Important is only were it is being published without self thinking and analyzing
And thanks to the new kind of teaching germany once a country of thinkers ,poet and engineers turned into a country of morons.
When i listen on todays young engineers in germany i just slap my had asking myself how could they get the title of a dipl.Ing.