Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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So Russia has the right to invade countries around it if they join NATO? What poking? As if Russia hasn't taken Crimea etc? Are you saying Ukraine should've taken Russias "security guarantees" or whatever lol? Or wait was it Belarus?
What do you think would happen if Canada got in bed with Russia and put missiles on the US Border?

Or maybe Cuba formed a partnership with the USSR and put missiles that pointed towards the USA. What would happen?
Reactions: bluegiraffe
Stupid question
The biolab bunker in Mariupol where Nato generals and officers from diffrent country are stuck who can't leave it anymore and which is being run by a company Hunter Biden ,Zelenskiy are coowners.
Its already known what is there and its just a matter of time till the russians get entry to it.
Macron can begg as much as he wants russions won't let the foreign legion go .

So Russia has the right to invade countries around it if they join NATO? What poking? As if Russia hasn't taken Crimea etc? Are you saying Ukraine should've taken Russias "security guarantees" or whatever lol? Or wait was it Belarus?
So USA inaved countries for accepting goods not in USD ?
Where were you there ?
And yes Russia has the right to defend itself since ukraine is existenially important for russia which russian politicans knew exectly and knew exectly that joining nato will cause by 99.9% a war.

Let me ask what YOU think, future teller (a.k.a. philosopher).
Idiots like you would see real consequences like a nuclear war.
What do you think would happen if Canada got in bed with Russia and put missiles on the US Border?

Or maybe Cuba formed a partnership with the USSR and put missiles that pointed towards the USA. What would happen?

Let me ask what YOU think, future teller (a.k.a. philosopher).

Last time it happened, the US went so mad it almost destroyed the world. Learn the damn history!
@polonieth has got a point. What exactly your point is? Russia isn't allowed to pursue its geopolitical interests just like the US does?

I don't give a f*ck about your ideologies or beliefs. I care about innocent people. Many Russians like yourself (probably) are brainwashed with zero empathy. And most of them are egocentric.

But I get it, Russians have such a kind of mentality. I am not speaking about all of them, but I know enough Russians to be able to identify this.

This is too crazy for me to rationalize any motive for the killing, raping, and hurting in other ways innocent people. And this is not a one-man show, but a clear strategy of your dicktator.

So feel free to pass on my comments, I have nothing else to say to you.
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There's a contradiction between these facts:
* on one hand, some guys on this forum in this topic claim that russia and its army are crumbling
* one the other hand, they keep posting here every day, multiple times, coming up with new and new proof from a certain type of sources

If the 1st was true, the 2nd wouldn't have been occuring. Why would they bother, if the 1st was so true and obvious?

The only reason they bother is that they themselves aren't certain that the 1st is true.


By the way, that applies to both sides.
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Did russia ever made a threat to finnland ?
So, you really know nothing at all about history. Yet, you berate those who actually know history. When you read this description of the "Winter War" it sounds almost like a description of the war in Ukraine.

1) Invasion of Finland by Soviet Russia.

2) Despite superior military strength, especially in tanks and aircraft, the Soviet Russia suffered severe losses and initially made little headway.

3) The world's nations condemned the Soviet Russian aggression and imposed sanctions, including expulsion from the League of Nations.

4) The Soviet Russians made the same ridiculous excuse of "security reasons" for its invasion.

5) The Russians invaded Finland after Finland refused the idiotic Russian demands.

6) The same pattern repeats with all of Russia's neighbors, which is why NATO exists and why Finland and Sweden now wish NATO membership, because no one is safe from Russian aggression.
It is ironic that Russia's aggression is always counter-productive because of its own incompetence. That has also happened this year. Finland and Sweden previously had no interest in NATO membership. Now they do. NATO previously had only trip-wire levels of troops near the Russian border, now it will have full-blown military bases and a far larger number of troops. Nice job, Russia. You really improved your security.
The poor performance of the Red Army encouraged German Chancellor Adolf Hitler to believe that an attack on the Soviet Union would be successful and confirmed negative Western opinions of the Soviet military.
Soviet losses were heavy, and the country's international reputation suffered. Finland retained its sovereignty and enhanced its international reputation.
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Mind you that you are literally speaking to the same guy who said this:

"The biolab bunker in Mariupol where Nato generals and officers from diffrent country are stuck who can't leave it anymore and which is being run by a company Hunter Biden ,Zelenskiy are coowners.
Its already known what is there and its just a matter of time till the russians get entry to it."
Reactions: John Spectre
Business is doing great. I have many happy and adequate Russian clients.
i know many russians who where very happy with their investments in germany till this year the diffrence between a good and bad advisor who doesnt forsees

Also you may answer to your one sided way of looking........where do you support civilians of poor countries who are going to suffer and many to die because of lack of food because of sanctions ?
So millions of people are going to die because lack of food because of sanctions but no mention about them because we need to support not our war ?
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Reactions: polonieth
Reactions: troubled soul
How can one belive that in those biolabs they are working on bio weapons lmao
You are truly deluded. That has nothing to do with sanctions. It has to do with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so that Ukraine cannot plant, grow, and harvest food for export.

Ukraine produces more corn and rapeseed for export than Russia does -- and just as much barley (Russia exports twice as much wheat). Even without Western sanctions, the invasion of Ukraine would have caused major disruptions to food supplies for third world nations.

Russia chose to invade Ukraine, so all the results of that invasion are Russia's fault.
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