historically the us army is somehow brave and fight in battles , also many who join it are immigrants who desperately wish to get us passport
I have never met a brave US solider just US people from disadvantaged backgrounds who join the military to get good healthcare, colleague opportunities etc. Yes many immigrants join as a way to gain access to the American dream and I don't hold that against them as its their means to an end. However I won't describe them as brave. Bravery goes with justification for an action. Most US soliders go home mentally screwed after battle and don't even know why they are fighting a harden enemy in the first place. There is high suicide rates, poverty and homelessness among US soliders who have finished their tours btw.
taliban members just hide in caves they didn't gave real good fight . i think us don't have victory of recent wars because their administration lacking purpose.
I don't think people understand the history of the Afghan people. They have fighting in their DNA. Their mentality and motivation is different. They have been fighting the US for over 18 years and would fight until eternity. Thats what happens when one is fighting to defend their land.
People talk about Taliban like they are not one and the same as Afghan people. The Taliban are the Afghan people and are defending their land against an invading force. When n**i Germany invaded France, Netherlands etc there was resistance forces of locals who took up arms against them i.e French Resistance and Dutch Resistance and in pretty much every other invaded country. Same with IRA trying to kick British out of Ireland.
If the US had any brain cells they would have researched history or at least gone to wikipedia...lol and seen the history of failed invasions of Afghanistan going back to 1838. The Afghan terrain and the fierceness of the people make it unconquerable. If they wanted to be successful in Afghanistan in the first place they should have done what they did 18 years later.....talk to the enemy.
P.S Anyway lets get back to bitcoin talk
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