My concern is the off-ramps are being closed off, making it harder and harder even for those of us who look currently outside of
KYC. It's already harder for us today than it was 5 years ago, and 5 years ago was already harder than 10 years ago. The direction of travel is clear.
The sheep allowed this to happen by being so compliant. Cryptos could have remained as people transacting in decentralized currencies without government involvement. The governments would have had a hard time muscling in.
What did the sheep do? They opened the door wide open for them. The governments from a weakened 3rd-party position, began making noises that people's cryptos should be recorded through them. The sheep complied like the weak-minded, compliant thralls they are.
@JohnnyDoe said he spends
crypto via companies like Wirex debit cards. But the governments again, have ordered Wirex do KYC. So even spending your cryptos in this way is tracked by the government. This was not Satoshi's intention for cryptos.
What I do is buy my groceries online with shop's gift cards bought with
Monero via CakePay or CoinCards, which currently don't do KYC. The direction of travel means I think the noose wll tighten there too.
Ideally, I'd just go to a shop and buy my food with Monero directly. But shops aren't doing that. The sheep think cryptos are a speculation instead of a currency.