It is 100% the same in
Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium etc, etc.
I also know people from "The East" who ran into trouble back home, but they either SCAMMED their way to the top or went against the Big Boss! They challenged whoever was in a position of power to dethrone them. Yeah...challenging an army by myself is NOT my definition of a sane mind.
Here is one of MANY "dissidents":
View attachment 7784
Most (superficial) people think that an involuntary transgression should NOT be prosecuted, but we're on the other side of that equation!
(1) For argument's sake, let's assume that tax residents pay their taxes VOLUNTARILY in exchange for services "sold" to them by the State.
(2) Let's see these States as State-Owned Enterprises generating value for their customers.
View attachment 7785
(1) If a Russian or Chinese, aka dissidents in the West, steals from or defrauds one of these SOEs by ANY method, they should be prosecuted by any and ALL means necessary!
(2) The same applies to the other side, whether they are Americans, Germans, Brits, Spaniards, etc., aka dissidents in the "East" hiding in Russia, China, North Korea, etc. They should ALSO be prosecuted if they steal from or defraud a Western government!
Those who steal are GONNERS! Any involuntary transaction should NOT be tolerated!
Having interacted with MANY people shilling for one regime or another, this is absolutely lost on them, and I think this is the case of
I'm on the team that ONLY lives in
Monaco. I do have "vanilla" companies out of
Zug, Switzerland, where I did cut a deal a long time ago using Monaco as my leverage. I'm NOT here to "lower" my taxes in Monaco (an oxymoron) or even those in Zug. For what Zug provides, the ~9% CIT (after deductions) is fair ... in my personal opinion.
I spend more time in "non-Western countries" because they buy more from me (most of my clients are from there), and I can dribble the multinationals (e.g., Global Security) there with the thr**t of ***************

. I can't do the same in the "West" because the corruption in the West is much larger and legitimized through the courts' sophistry, casuistry, and duplicity.
Yanni explains it well here:
My point is that if I slip and make a mistake, any of my "passport" issuers would try to steal/confiscate/seize from me (they refer to it as "taxes") for things they are NOT entitled to. This is MADNESS! Madness is contagious! Except for banks in Monaco and
Swiss banks with branches in Monaco, every single bank, financial institution,
Crypto exchanger, etc. are asking me for either a Tax ID or my last five years of tax returns! Every.Single.One.Of.Them!
And I am NOT alone!
@Martin Everson mentioned it here:
View attachment 7786
I'm so glad he mentioned it because I seriously started to worry if I was being targeted and was taking provisions. After all, there is NO way I'm going to go down as a weak b1tch victim of anyone! I started to dig (such a waste of time and resources

) into who was behind this "attack." Due to Martin's comment, I realized that this is simply Hanlon's razor! Just as you mentioned before, "Bank monkeys are criminals, stupid and ignorant!"
I should have listened the first ten times you kept repeating this to us!
What can I say? I'm a slow learner