Russia residence - my journey

I wonder what’s so funny with taking a residence permit. @Dreamy , am I missing something?
Residence permit - it's not a funny of course. And collecting of residence permits in normal countries like latam, carribian, asian regions and so on - it's the way to get a lot of benefits, flags theory and so on. But not in the ruslandia It's probably just a matter of principle, again, I'm not telling you what to do, but it sounds strange to me to open a residency there. Have you ever been there? Have you talked to the locals? Do you like this mentality, this culture? Damn, I always found it so funny how all this attracts some foreigners, when on the contrary - the intellectual and rich people RUN away from there to other countries, because living there is unbearable for any normal educated rich person. It's only good there for those who are somehow connected to the corrupt government and work in tandem with it.
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Reactions: somop
I have been dealing with Russia for some 20 years.
I respect Russian people, culture and mentality.
I am disgusted by the decline of Western society and values.
Having said that, I do what is practically best for me, I am not driven by political or moral beliefs.
Reactions: Forester
As I said I’m planning to go there for depositing the application early in the new year
You don't plan to live there only proforma correct ?
I am very excited to hear how it will go for you. Is it your intention to also get a Russian passport in the future, and don’t you think it might cause problems?
I am very excited to hear how it will go for you. Is it your intention to also get a Russian passport in the future, and don’t you think it might cause problems?
That’s the next step after I obtain the permanent residence permit. While I don’t really need another passport, why not to get it?
Do you speak Russian or do they understand English ?
Yes I speak Russian but they also understand English like in all embassies.
You are not required to speak Russian at all to obtain the temporary permit, but you must when you apply for the permanent one, within 3 years (and no sooner than 8 months) - or you are kicked out of the country.
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Where did you learn Russian?
In my study, on the streets, in the bedroom, on the web… If you have familiarity with synthetic inflective languages it’s not difficult.
For some reason I also know too many Russian bad words
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