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Pavel Durov Arrested France

Literally, and they are not hiding it.
The “EU values” must be protected.
I completely understand many of the opinions shared here. But we all know that Telegram is often used for criminal activities, some of which are highly illegal. Unfortunately, Pavel Durov isn’t Mark Zuckerberg, and as already well demonstrated, if you don’t have public investors in your ownership circle and you allow criminals to use your platform, things can go wrong very quickly.

Everyone knows that Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Telegram are used as platforms for everything from trafficking to illegal drugs and even worse. The first three get away with it, while Pavel, the "supermodel," ends up in jail.

And then people talk about justice in this world. It’s so deeply corrupt that I’d rather believe in Santa Claus than trust any public system.
He agreed to cooperate - that's obvious if you look at the low bail for someone of his standing - and he admitted that he had been warned during the flight that the police were waiting for him at the airport. He won't be going to prison in France.
You call €5M low bail? smi(&%


Epstein RAPED countless underage girls, and his first bail was US$ 3K.

I'm baffled by some people's view on reality. stupi#21

I completely understand many of the opinions shared here. But we all know that Telegram is often used for criminal activities, some of which are highly illegal. Unfortunately, Pavel Durov isn’t Mark Zuckerberg, and as already well demonstrated, if you don’t have public investors in your ownership circle and you allow criminals to use your platform, things can go wrong very quickly.

Everyone knows that Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Telegram are used as platforms for everything from trafficking to illegal drugs and even worse. The first three get away with it, while Pavel, the "supermodel," ends up in jail.

And then people talk about justice in this world. It’s so deeply corrupt that I’d rather believe in Santa Claus than trust any public system.

PS. Great job, chief! You've cracked the code! coo-:!y
He agreed to cooperate - that's obvious if you look at the low bail for someone of his standing - and he admitted that he had been warned during the flight that the police were waiting for him at the airport. He won't be going to prison in France.
IMHO he was flying to Paris to make a deal. So the whole "unexpected arrest" was a big show made by French to show that "no one is above the law, look we arrested a billionaire". There will be a case heard in the court, the lawyers will get a big fat check, Durov will pay some "big" fine to make it look nice in the media and Telegram will bend even more to accommodate all the EU bulls**t regulation. All while Durov eats oysters with champagne in 5* hotel in Paris.
And the Durov story continues...

Links are about the alleged abuse of a child in Switzerland.
For UBS Bank.

Art Dealer Guy Wildestein had to pay 75M.
Dude! That is UBS, a Swiss multinational helping French citizens avoid getting robbed! stupi#21 And that was a TAX case! The people "imposing" that ridiculous amount were the SAME people who were going to benefit from receiving that money directly for their salaries. Like WTF???!!!

Wilderstein is a TAX case, too! The French just wanted to ROB the guy! This isn't even close to the same.

Like how did you conflate the two? :rolleyes:
It's not an amalgam. I gave a case of a legal entity, and another of a natural person. This is called an example.
Out of curiosity, do you have any legal training or education, or have you ever worked in Law Enforcement, especially in the legal area of interest? :rolleyes:

PS. Maybe you did it in a non-Western country I am unfamiliar with, and you are extrapolating from jurisprudence and stare decisis in a jurisdiction which I am unfamiliar with. I'm legitimately interested in this and how you came to these conclusions. I might be unaware of certain canons of interpretations in countries I am unfamiliar with or not fluent in their language.
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Out of curiosity, do you have any legal training or education, or have you ever worked in Law Enforcement, especially in the legal area of interest? :rolleyes:

PS. Maybe you did it in a non-Western country I am unfamiliar with, and you are extrapolating from jurisprudence and stare decisis in a jurisdiction which I am unfamiliar with. I'm legitimately interested in this and how you came to these conclusions. I might be unaware of certain canons of interpretations in countries I am unfamiliar with or not fluent in their language.
Give me a break, please. :)
IMHO he was flying to Paris to make a deal. So the whole "unexpected arrest" was a big show made by French to show that "no one is above the law, look we arrested a billionaire". There will be a case heard in the court, the lawyers will get a big fat check, Durov will pay some "big" fine to make it look nice in the media and Telegram will bend even more to accommodate all the EU bulls**t regulation. All while Durov eats oysters with champagne in 5* hotel in Paris.
Well... @GPT post clearly refutes that Pavel knew... Pavel Durov Arrested France

Let's be frank here... would we have cut such a shitty deal? :rolleyes:

I know several lawyers and judges (some were even federal judges, I might add... I can post the link if you doubt me) who got busted. They "knew" the law; some even sentenced people to life in prison for the SAME laws they violated smi(&% ...but they "overestimated" words (promises from amoral men) and ink on paper.

Never underestimate the evilness of useless, unproductive, dastardly, weak, self-appointed, delusional gang members (in large groups) under the "ruse" of government, justice, and law.

And the Durov story continues...

Links are about the alleged abuse of a child in Switzerland.
You are a King! This update is sensational! coo-:!y
There are NO coincidences! This is a concerted ATTACK on Pavel, and he f*cked up! He failed to prepare for battle!



Give me a break, please. :)
Yeah, that's what I thought, too, but I always give "unknowns" the benefit of the doubt in the off-chance I could learn something. ca#"!
It’s fascinating how you manage to weave together unrelated ideas with the finesse of someone who’s never seen the inside of a law book. Your creative interpretations are as free-flowing as your opinions, but they’re worth just about as much as you paid for them, which is identical to what you paid for an OCT membership. ;)
It's almost poetic—free opinions from someone who enjoys free rides and free information are exactly as valuable as the effort you've put into them, which equals the amount you paid for your OCT membership. ca#"! Perhaps investing in a membership or some actual legal training would lend a bit more substance to your arguments, but until then, they’re just as empty as your ....... coo-:!y
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Never underestimate the evilness of useless, unproductive, dastardly, weak, self-appointed, delusional gang members (in large groups) under the "ruse" of government, justice, and law.
100% true. Maybe he was oversold by his lawyers, maybe he had something said by Macron himself - apparently they met and Macron presented Durov with a French citizenship (a strange gift to ask for imho). We'll never know, but the show is nice and popcorn-worthy.
100% true. Maybe he was oversold by his lawyers, maybe he had something said by Macron himself - apparently they met and Macron presented Durov with a French citizenship (a strange gift to ask for imho). We'll never know, but the show is nice and popcorn-worthy.
I find both the UAE and French passports strange.

How many people have been able to get a UAE passport? Its only discretionary available.
And the French one... How? Jus how?

Orrr is there a long EU/Globalist play happening via France?

To me its all speculation right now. The real story will be distilled from all information shared now. That will take at the very least a couple of weeks, more likely months and not unlikely years..
I find both the UAE and French passports strange.
He is Russian, so getting SKN passport was a way for him to step away from the crazy "mother russia". UAE is a reasonable choice if you have a lot of skin in play there - and he has, the main Telegram hub is there, his investors and employees are either there or within a short flight (both from russia and Saudi), etc. He is also on a very good terms with the Crown Prince of Dubai, so that's how he probably got the citizenship.

French one? Baffles me completely, maybe he just loves the country, maybe a weird flex. A lot of ex-Soviet entrepreneurs like to collect passports like Pokemons, I know a few that have 5+ citizenships each and counting.
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