How to make money by investing in Gold?

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1.stagflation is men made same as covid and all other bs for the big transformation
2.stagflation=inflation on major goods and a decreasing econemy .If you have been teached oldschool econemy you know that nearly everything on the world is way over priced.
Remember on RE for example there needs to be a minimum of 5% yield to be ok.If the yield of 5% can't be uphold because people have no more money than there is only one way to get it back which is lowering the RE prices.
RE prices already tanked as stock which means it will hit RE market in arround 6-8 months.
People can invest in ETF's ,Pro's will short the s**t out of it.
Remember groups with peoples money mostly perform badly as they are being used to let the "elite" exit on your loss.All governmental investment plans perform so bad because of this reality.

Developed and emerging countries get increasingly access to brokers / banks and capable of investing internationally.
Only problem most ETF's are in western companies invested which will have a heavy decline.They will move from overpriced to underpriced.There was a nice research which proofed that high stock prices are being pumped by 95% margins.

The global population keeps on increasing year after year. There is a shortage of housing in the US and especially Europe.
Lets see the shortage in 2025.

as people can take a higher percentage of debt versus income, take 30 year old mortgages instead of 20 (in HK the average is 35 to 40…!) so as you can see there is a lot of leeway ahead still.
All i see is that people can now take lower amount of loans than before and that their savings are decreasing massivly because of high inflation

Capitalism is here to stay
In Europe you already have communism

Also a nice note 98% of all millionaires in germany are based on RE.
You take RE prices you whipe out like 97% of all millionaires.

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Reactions: bismark
I disagree with you that a major shock or liquidity crisis is unlikely...
Even if something occurs (it will not, since everybody thinks it will), central banks will do what they do best: Printing more money.
As far as Dr. Michael Burry, from what we know, he is either almost entirely in cash or could have a net short position in the current market.
Yes, but that doesn't make his prophecy right again.
Problem with all of these prophets (boom- and doomsayers alike) is that they never adjust their stance.
Nouriel Roubini, even though different from Burry, missed the past 15 years ...
you must be blind not seeing how germany is being deindustrialized .Lack of gas and energy for production.You don't see the massiv decline in econemy ?
Germans BIP was by 50% produced by export.
Germany was growing 0.5% per year and now tanking like 10-20% per year.....
Sorry, Germany is not the world and I am not German.
The situation in the entire Eurozone is a disaster, mostly self-inflicted. However, there are plenty of opportunities outside this zone of economic self-distruction.
Even if something occurs [such a liquidity crisis] (it will not, since everybody thinks it will), central banks will do what they do best: Printing more money.
Central banks can ignore 3-4% inflation, a rise in unemployment from their historic lows and a slowdown in growth but not liquidity crisis; so I agree with you that they will go back into QE if that happens; but doing so would signal that they're trapped (there's too much debt out there for them to raise rates or to lower their balance sheets). Gold and silver would do very well, very quickly in such a scenario. That's what I'm betting on.

Anyway, I don't think we'll have to wait a long time to see how things actually play out. This month QT will increase to $95 billion. This and recent rate raises will take a few months have an effect so my guess is that before mid 2023 a liquidity crisis will happen. Unlike in 2008, China is in no position this time to save the world economy. Interesting times!
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Italy is in an even worse position than Germany with it's high debt and political instability.
debt is in the end not an issue
what they are doing now is deindustrialasing germany
like i posted many times before.
germany is now a nobody...
in a few years they won't be anything special to other european countries which will be more economicly advanced than them.
you can clearly see how they execute their agenda to destroy germany and england.
I don't like Kyosaki but this vid is good for people who doesn't understand what gold todays mean


expecially from min 58

how the usd gets destroyed

also explains why buffet is buying massivly oxy
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silver is getting dried out from open market by family wealth funds.
COMEX is being near dried out so what comes next is a squeese.
Anyways if you look spotprice with real market price expecially bullions there is a big gap
You should have brought the dip; gold is up around 20% since you posted this in September 2022.
I am not a speculator. Steady albeit slow increase of overall portfolio value is the name of the game.
If we stay with so-called precious metals: Silver and Platinum gained even more!

Unfortunately, for all the gold bugs, there is a high likelihood that this rise is again short lived since it went hand-in-hand with a weakening US-Dollar.
Many other assets made 20% as well (from their 2022 low) - even simple EM bond mutual funds who are definitely less risky!

Interestingly, gold doesn't protect any longer. It's behaviour is in-line with all other risk-on assets. No hedge function. All gone.

Let's see how it continues. Most likey outcome: A gold hausse similar to August-2020 when everybody was convinced that by year-end it would reach at least $2'600.-. Of course, it did not happen.
Gold is one of the most manipulated assets out there. Neither governmnts nor financial aristocrats have an interest to see it rising significantly.
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Reactions: JohnLocke
Gold is/will be made very unattractive by them.That is on purpose so people don't touch it.Everything will outperform gold like silver,bitcoin,oil etc
It will happen as always over a weekend when the new FINAL monetary system will be announced where gold will skyrocket over night with people having no chance to join in.
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