How to make money by investing in Gold?

Why is it money? Just been to the pub, they did not take Gold. Nor does the central bank exchange it for a fixed price from the paper I have.
I cannot even send it over the internet for some exchange.

It is a commodity.
I just used crypto to pay for the service required to read this
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It seems you misunderstood the concept of "Tier 1 asset" . Read up this -> Tier 1 Capital vs. Tier 2 Capital: What's the Difference? and Why Basel III regulations are poised to shake up the gold market
Just because something is included in Tier 1 does mean that it is "money".
i posted gold is tier 1 money since 2012.
I said nothing about tier 1 asset or tier 1 capital.

Basel 3 is Deleveraging.
What would happen if without deleveraging silver or gold would skyrocket now to lets say $20k ?
for people with no financial education high probablly
I am no expert or economist but I still have a masters in financial markets from a reputable school.

When you were asked the question about ETFs and your perception of them being prone to failure, you did not even bother to reply.
I am no expert or economist but I still have a masters in financial markets from a reputable school.

When you were asked the question about ETFs and your perception of them being prone to failure, you did not even bother to reply.
i have a MBA from the most reputable university in germany back in the end of 90's and i consider it as the biggest garbage ever.What they teached was garbage.
You had to have an average of 1.4 to even be able to join that study and still majority left as idiots unable to understand economics from the ground.All they have been teached is how to gather predefined "offical" information and react on it.Unable to create their own opinion and understand fully the process.

I am no expert or economist but I still have a masters in financial markets from a reputable school.

When you were asked the question about ETFs and your perception of them being prone to failure, you did not even bother to reply.
A 8-10 year long recession.What do you need to answer why big majority of ETF's will fail.
Additional take that the market is getting now heavily monopolized.Many niches like traveling not needed anymore etc.

We had inflation in the 70's which had to be fought with 20% interest rates.
Today there won't be such a raise of interest rates.
All you will have is stagflation sucking out wealth from people.Results No consumers for diffrent goods anymore.
Once wealth is sucked out UN will come and cut debt from all nations.
And then they implement the deflationary monetary system.
If you understand economy you understand these basic movements.

Am talking here of course about western countries
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I wonder how it is possible to make money investing in Gold, seriously a lot of money, does anyone know anything that can help me a bit along the way maybe?
Going back to the original question of the thread. No one has a crystal ball to predict future price movements of gold, silver, crypto, stocks, real-estate, etc., especially in these days that there's no real price discovery because of crazy central banks in point is that everything currently hangs on if and when the Fed will "pivot". The same Fed that said inflation is transitory. Having said all that, if you do your research you can make an educated guess as to where the economy and asset prices are heading in both the short and long term. Think Dr. Michael Burry of the Big Short fame.

A chance to make a lot of money from gold or silver COULD be coming in the next 12 months. With QT ramping up this month and the Fed saying rates will continue to rise to kill inflation regardless of the pain it will cause, there's a very real chance we are going to have a major liquidity crisis. If this happens everyone will scrabble to the USD and sell whatever they have to meet margin calls. The price of gold and silver will fall significantly over a truncated period. That would be the time to back up the truck and buy gold and silver. The same applies to crypto, stocks and real-estate during such an event.
Too many people are waiting for this event. Much of it, if it ever happens, has already been anticipated. There will -most likely- be no shock event, not even a "major financial accident".
Dr. Michael Burry built his success on something nobody expected and nobody could imagine would ever happen. That's the big difference to today's world: Everyone is talking about doom, financial Armageddon ...
everybody and his dog expects the fed to tighten in real terms
I need to know just one thing: what are you smoking and how can I buy some?

I agree with the first part of your post but I’m mixed regarding the second one.

The inflation burden is not solely originating from decades-long low interest environment but also from supply chain, and the bottlenecks are easing to a certain extent now. Either way what’s the limit for money creation? Why should there be a limit to print money? This can keep going for centuries.

We do forecast a potential decade long stagflation period with moderate to high inflation paired with low economic growth but at the end of the day there is still a lot of room for prices to go higher over the long run, including bullish periods and crashes.

More and more people invest into ETFs, bringing market valuations to all time high levels. As long as individuals and instituons invest in global stock markets it will keep going up. Developed and emerging countries get increasingly access to brokers / banks and capable of investing internationally.

The global population keeps on increasing year after year. There is a shortage of housing in the US and especially Europe. We are still far from seeing a real estate market crash (in Europe at least) as people can take a higher percentage of debt versus income, take 30 year old mortgages instead of 20 (in HK the average is 35 to 40…!) so as you can see there is a lot of leeway ahead still.

Capitalism is here to stay
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That is not true.Professionals sold all their RE into the fools in 2008 and entered gold.
Nobody expected it ?I can tell you people who had inside informations made a killing on it.What people are not aware is that we were near a financial breakdown end of 2012 where BRICS were fighting with US/Nato about a uni or tri polar monetary system.
US/EU demanded to accept their uni polar monetary system where BRICS were ready to blow up the financial system to uphold their view on a tri polar monetary system.
US/EU lost the economic/financial battel and accepted to tri polar monetary system which demands to add CNY as world reserve currency.

Everybody talking about doom etc....?I can't see it.I see people thinking there will be a crisis but not like 2008 even this will be the worst crisis of all.
Also 98% of wealthy people have their wealth in RE.So putting them back down will be an easy game.
EU already working on a wealth register and census 2022 is already on its way.

I can bet my fortune that the average german citizen will be less wealthy in 3 years that bulgarians today.
The wealth is based on pumped RE .
fc70 conclusion is right people will sell everything to meet margin/loan and living cost.
I wouldn't say I'm waiting for such an event; but rather, I'm positioning myself for such an event in case it does happen. At this stage, I disagree with you that a major shock or liquidity crisis is unlikely...but I don't have a crystal ball so maybe I'm wrong and you're right.

As far as Dr. Michael Burry, from what we know, he is either almost entirely in cash or could have a net short position in the current market. His Twitter posts (despite the SEC trying to shut him up) show that he is very bearish about the US and global economy.


‘Big Short’ sage Michael Burry’s ‘mother of all crashes’ prediction is underway, he says
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