You don't need to share your financial information. They're already available collated from various foreign and domestic sources -
FATCA, CRS and DTT among other international agreements. The final solution - in perverse meaning it resembles a holocaust - is that people lose liberty, anonimity, confidentiality and
privacy thru persistent identity (permanent biometric and social identification) and transparency (declaring above treshold financial and property information) and accepting digital payments from custodial fiat and
crypto wallets.
The elimination of cryptographic properties in social or interpersonal communication simply facilitates the subjugation.
Property - money,
cryptocurrency at private wallets and
cash in particular means liberty. Once society lose liberty in terms of abandoning or outlawing cash, that liberty won't be regained by elections.
I do not agree that
encrypted app is stupid in the real world. Though
, I agree that by
build your own router, your own phone, your own app and then maybe you can have a chance.
One of my companies is operating the secure communication platform; we've built our facilities, network & server infrastructure, operating system for servers and terminal equipment and application ecosystem.
My companies do have inquires from different governments, both official and unofficial. With appropriate legal and compliance model, we operate with - how
@gh0p say HNW/UHNW - niche clients for more then 10 years and we survived all kind of the tides. Mr Durov's approach was to head thru several walls, not just against the tides
Beside the legal aspect, due to design reasons, we aren't capable to intercept the content - the governments accept the argument though not liking it. And they intercept the traffic failing to decipher it

Thus, in order to have a game, we expect from other side to know how to play. And, we'll dance