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Any BANKERA feedback?

Bankera is only a brand name. They work under the Pervesk license and its infrastructure. The license is shared under the agency agreement. Bankera is officially a registered agent of Pervesk. It doesn't need a separate license, because they operate under Pervesk license.
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So far, the status remains the same - fake advertising (confirmed), no any financial licenses for services being advertised by Bankera (confirmed), and no any customer can confirm that any service is actually available.
My post history will show I've been openly critical of @Gediminas where I've found it to be justified, but you just look silly here. You can clearly see that Bankera is authorised as an intermediary by going here: https://www.lb.lt/en/sfi-financial-market-participants//uab-pervesk and clicking "Intermediaries" or by going directly here: Era Finance Ltd
I second what @Sols say he almost raped @Gediminas and any other service provider that showe up on the forum here in the past! The words in his posts comes to an suprised, it almost looks like he got paid to say so ja334¤¤#
Thanks guys for all your comments.

Now it looks like this:
1. Bankera does not own any financial license and can only register customers into another institution (see their customer agreement published at their website: "The Agent is a registered agent of the Institution which is authorized to act on behalf of the Institution in order to create legal relations with the Clients.")
2. Bankera is not legally authorized to provide ANY services to the customers except the above. All the actual services are provided by Pervesk UAB.
3. Any Bankera's attempts to promote accounts opening and banking services as being _provided by_ Bankera - are strictly illegal, unless this company and brand are owned by Pervesk (which is not what we can see in registries). Customer must be informed that the services is actually provided by another legal entity, and this is not duly done.
4. There's no point in any interaction with Bankera as it's an offshore company which is not regulated or supervised by a financial authority, and has no responsibility for your money.
5. Any loss of funds and misleading advertisement itself can (and must be!) reported here: Settle a dispute with a financial service provider

I hope that the users here are smart enough to make decisions based on the facts and other users experience but not based on sales people pitches.
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Thanks guys for all your comments.

Now it looks like this:
1. Bankera does not own any financial license and can only register customers into another institution (see their customer agreement published at their website: "The Agent is a registered agent of the Institution which is authorized to act on behalf of the Institution in order to create legal relations with the Clients.")
2. Bankera is not legally authorized to provide ANY services to the customers except the above. All the actual services are provided by Pervesk UAB.
3. Any Bankera's attempts to promote accounts opening and banking services as being _provided by_ Bankera - are strictly illegal, unless this company and brand are owned by Pervesk (which is not what we can see in registries). Customer must be informed that the services is actually provided by another legal entity, and this is not duly done.
4. There's no point in any interaction with Bankera as it's an offshore company which is not regulated or supervised by a financial authority, and has no responsibility for your money.
5. Any loss of funds and misleading advertisement itself can (and must be!) reported here: Settle a dispute with a financial service provider

I hope that the users here are smart enough to make decisions based on the facts and other users experience but not based on sales people pitches.

Your comments make no sense.
Bankera provides services under Pervesk EMI license.
Many other EMIs are doing this too. You can build your brand name and buy Whitelabel solution from Pervesk and promote and provide services under their license/infrastructure.
It's totally legal and very common practice in this industry. For example, many known prepaid card programs don't have their own license or own cards, they have agency agreements with other EMI's and distribute these cards in the name on the issuer EMI.
Also, customers are informed about this. It's clearly stated on Bankera website and in the agreements you have read!
I am sorry but your claims now seem like trolling!
They act like scammers.
We have submitted an application for a business bank account for our international operations. After the submission of a full set of documents, they asked to pay the application review fee, and once it was paid - told us that they're sorry but the SWIFT connection is not available yet and may become available somewhen in the future. No SWIFT transactions for an international bank account? Is that a joke? And it's published on their website - so, fake advertising?
And finally - nobody responded to our complain about that, and of course the fee wasn't refunded.
should their compliance team work for free and review your application?
the review fee is non refundable as per their website. if a bank or emi rejects you, why do you expect them to return the application fees?
i do not see a scam, probably just shitty service
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should their compliance team work for free and review your application?
the review fee is non refundable as per their website. if a bank or emi rejects you, why do you expect them to return the application fees?
i do not see a scam, probably just shitty service

The problem is they are advertising SWIFT support all over the internet when they dont have! For example this is from their twitter account (14th april):
Bankera started opening accounts for business clients to offer them #SEPA and #SWIFT payments. Sign up and open your Business Account at Bankera today! #BusinessAccounts #FinTech #finance #Bankera”

Also, their compliance team could get their salary from the company’s operating income like other companies do (TW, Revolut, etc)..
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The problem is they are advertising SWIFT support all over the internet when they dont have! For example this is from their twitter account (14th april):
“Bankera started opening accounts for business clients to offer them #SEPA and #SWIFT payments. Sign up and open your Business Account at Bankera today! #BusinessAccounts #FinTech #finance #Bankera”

Also, their compliance team could get their salary from the company’s operating income like other companies do (TW, Revolut, etc)..
in that case, it is really misleading
I cant understand why some users here keep pushing and comenting pervesk pervesk pervesk like robots and defending them like this is his father's company....

for the compliance part, pervesk its not the only one that will charge for the application
many other emi and also banks work like that
Do you know what is the link of all of them with Mistertango? I remember that SpectroCoin previously proposed personal IBAN's of Mistertango. Why Bankera and Pervesk is now presented as the alternative solution to Mistertango in google searchs? Or are they also the same owners?

i believe when MT had its temporarily offline service due to the 200k fine imposed to them , a lot of mt clients were looking for alternatives, bankera noticed this, and capitalized on it by placing ads matching the word "mistertango" on google. thats it. as I sad, "I BELIEVE" that is the connection. nothing obscure about it. just business!!
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Bankera and Pervesk are more or less the same, just Bankera is a retail brand and they focus on developing Bankera as their main sales channel, while Pervesk is an engine behind it. Legally there is no difference which one will you choose (same IBAN, same compliance, etc) just Bankera user experience is where the key difference will be.

From the future perspective, I would register to Bankera, because they will be adding new possibilities and tools on an ongoing basis whereas Pervesk will remain as it is - strong banking engine.

i liked the explanation. it makes sense. even namely speaking, its a more westernized word. "BANKERA" so it makes all perfect sense for me, from a marketing perspective.
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Does anyone else have a good or bad experience with BANKERA?

I also want to ask how much documents do you need to open a BANKERA account, where is the account located / country and what bank?
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Does anyone else have a good or bad experience with BANKERA?

I also want to ask how much documents do you need to open a BANKERA account, where is the account located / country and what bank?

Documents required for corporate accounts:

1. Certified copy of the certificate of incorporation or an extract from the Register of Commerce (not older than 6 months);

2. Certified copy of the memorandum and articles of association (certified at least less than a year ago);

3. Certified copy of the Company’s Register of Directors and Register of Shareholders (not older than 6 months). Do note that, if the information is available on the extract from the register of commerce (or similar), it does not have to be sent as a separate document;

4. Certified copy of a valid identification document (passport/ID) of each beneficial owner. Beneficial owners are individuals that own (or in other way hold ultimate decision power) directly or indirectly (e.g., through a legal entity) 25% or more of the company.

5. A signed copy of the Company’s shareholder structure. This is required only for customers that are controlled by other legal entities. If the company is owned and controlled by individuals directly, an explanation of this is sufficient.

Please note that documents listed from 1 to 4 will only be accepted if they are officially notarized or apostilled and translated into English. Documents can be accepted without an apostille if they are available publicly and in English from official sources and can be made available to Pervesk. In such a case, you must obtain copies of the documents, sign them and include the links to said official sources for Pervesk to verify them.

Keep in mind they might ask for additional documents while onboarding.
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Well I will post my current feedback here, first of all as I have mentioned many times in other posts I'm not a big fish so I think my experiences won't apply for people willing to move millions in any EMI... Now let's talk.

I have been using Bankera for a couple of months always holding around 10k each month in the account, I have used it to withdraw some funds from my broker and another EMI. It's been used almost as a transaction account and I have not moved too much money there because they say the limit of funds transactions in my account is 10k per month (they also offer to increase it but since I'm ok with that number at this moment I don't have issues).

I also find some of the claims in this thread a little silly, I mean... Answers of most of the questions are easily find on their site or even talking with their CS team (which to be honest is fast to respond) and yes there are people in this world which their only options is banking with EMIs or banana republic banks since not everybody has the luck to born with a good passport. I think some of the post are kind of trolling like

About how safe is the money I don't have any idea but to be honest I don't feel my money will be safe in any other place than in my hardware wallet (and I know is not completely safe there either), I opened the account because I don't have many choices (I can't even open a good bank account in the country I'm living) and I like to move my money spread different countries and places (it's safe to diversify) because I have experienced frozen funds in Paypal, money stuck in TW, failing banks in Panama, money lost in Venezuela, etc.

I have only used the IBAN service since I knew they didn't have SWIFT yet (it's easy to deduct that since in their fees pages they don't mentioned it) and so far it has worked well.

I will update or create a thread with a full review of their service in a couple of months. BTW I not using the account for anything "shady" or for business stuff, it's just part of my savings being moved from one place to another so I can't tell if anyone will be able to move a lot of money without issues.

Maybe in the future I will try to open an account for my business.
Video review about "Bankera" Aug 1, 2020
@Gediminas can you comment on your opinion, what you think about that? You still, believe and guaranteed in Bankera?
Why do you think it's a review? I watched it some time ago. Feels like a bulls**t about nothing actually. Mr Malinauskas (the vlogger) used the name of TonyG and Bankera to get exposure for himself, nothing more.

Bankera is one of the best EMI's on the market. Period.