Yes, what a story!lol...let me get this straight...those 3 (forget Spectrowhatever) are owned BY THE SAME PEOPLE?WTF is this? @Gediminas is that why you're pushing/praising and such, perhaps longtime room mates or school colleagues
First start a crypto exchange that selectively freezes and scams people. Then run an ICO at the best time possible and raise 100 million euros for your blockchain bank. Then buy a fucking bank in fucking Vanuatu. Then set up a below-average website that acts like a reseller or Pervesk with perhaps lower KYC compliance. Now you have an electronic money wallet that doesn't really do much or need blockchain for anything at all. Don't forget to present your mobile application on the homepage, it doesn't really matter that you don't even have a working mobile app yes.
What the actual f**k
(P.S. I think there is no connection with Mr Tango)
(P.S.2 it can be easier to open with Bankera rather than with Pervesk directly)