What are the best online offshore banks available?

List of Official Banks in Panama including contact details:


  • BANK
  • TEL #

Banco Nacional de Panamá


Banco Nacional de Panam

Caja de Ahorros


Caja de Ahorros - El Banco de la Familia Panameña

Banco Continental de Panamá



Banco Cuscatlán de Panamá


Untitled Document

Banco General


Caja de Ahorros - El Banco de la Familia Panameña

Banco Uno


[/URL] or just Adobe.com. That's a good way to see what you're already ranking for, and you might want to chose that all things being equal.

Finally, this doesn't really determine which one you want to chose, but you might want to look in Google Webmaster Tools and chose your preference. There is a preference in there, set my preferred domain as www or non-www. If you are taking on a new client, you might want to check in their Webmaster Tools to see what that is already set for.

Number two. "I has all the 404s, what now?" Now, first off, that's not how our customers talk, except for maybe a couple of them and we love those customers. But the question is, what do we do about 404s? We get this question all the time, every single week. Well, the most important thing you want to do when dealing with 404s is make sure you know where they are coming from. There are many ways to find the source of 404s.

The idea is you have these incoming links. They are coming into your website or they are internal links, and the pages just aren't there. So one thing you can do, if you have important 404s, the most important 404s you want to fix, is look in Open Site Explorer top pages. It is a tab in Open Site Explorer. You look. These are the pages with the most domain authority coming into them from different sources. If any of those are 404ing, those are probably a priority that you want to address.

Other ways of finding 404s, at least within SEOmoz, is using the web app. If you are running a campaign and it will list 404s in your list of issues, you can actually export your CSV and find the referral link to those. It's a new feature we just added just last week.

Other ways of finding 404s, you can look in Google Webmaster Tools again. They will sometimes list the source of 404s. A great tool that a lot of webmasters know about, Xenu Link Sleuth. It runs on your desktop. It's a free program. You run it and it just gives you lots of fun data about all the broken links on your site and you can make site maps. It's really exciting.

But then, after you know where the 404s are coming from, what do you do to fix the problem? Well, the most obvious thing you can do is fix the source link. If you have a link coming in pointing to a page that doesn't exists, maybe you can reach out to that webmaster and get him to link to the right page. Or if it is on your website, just simply fix it.

But what if you can't control those external links coming in, or you have hundreds of links on your website and they're all broken and it's just too much to fix? Well, in that case, why not just fix the page? You can create a page where the 404 is supposed to be and redirect it, or create a page with all new content. These are really common solutions and will help you take advantage of all that page juice and authority coming into your page.

Third question, "My links aren't indexed." This is a question we get all the time, especially when people are looking at Open Site Explorer, they're looking at Linkscape data, or Google. "I have these links. Why aren't they in the index?" It's not just a problem with SEOmoz. It's Yahoo, it's Google. A perfect example that we hear all the time is, "I built a link. I am in the Better Business Bureau, but you're not showing my link. Google isn't indexing my link."

Well, there are three real primary reasons that this will happen that we address all the time. The first problem is the link is buried in deep layers of navigation. The Better Business Bureau is a perfect example. Huge site, lots of domain authority, right? Dr. Pete wrote a post about this recently, about finding links under lots of deep navigation. If it is buried, if you have to go like 15 layers down to find the link, a search engine might not go that far down no matter how much domain authority there is. If this is your own site that links aren't getting indexed, you might want to put those links a little higher, have a flat architecture with maybe more links, more categories, so that you can get to that link a little faster. A general rule of thumb is, if it is an important link, you want to have it two steps away from the home page. Skip, skip, and search engines are going to be more likely to find that link.

The second common problem we see is very few or low authority links linking into that page. Again, going back to the Better Business Bureau, take a look at some of those links, and sometimes we find there is only one link coming into that page and that's from the Better Business Bureau. If you want search engines to discover your links, you need to build high authority links coming into those, and by high authority I mean links with high domain authority or Moz rank coming in.

Third, you want to think about your link quality. Imagine two different pages, one page all things being equal has three links on it and you know your link is the middle link and it is really clickable. People are going to want to click that link. The second page has 250 links on it, and your link is the bottom in the footer somewhere. If you were a human, which link would you want to click on? Well, obviously, you'd click on the first page. That is the way search engines sort of think. So when you are building links or you are looking at links coming in, use the "would a human click on it" question. If a human would click on it, it is more likely that a search engine will find the link. But if a human probably wouldn't click on it, then the link may not be indexed.

That's all I have for now. We're going to have Aaron talk about a couple more questions in just a minute.

Aaron: Hi, I am Aaron, and I am with the SEOmoz Help Team as well. You saw me earlier. Cyrus introduced me. I would love to talk to you about a few more questions that we get asked a lot over on the SEOmoz Help Team.

First off, why is only one page getting crawled? I see this a lot with the web app. I also see it with Google and other search engines. I am going to go through all the different reasons that that might be happening. If you see something else though, feel free to shoot us an e-mail. Remember that all of these questions are regarding issues or other things that might crop up with the web app or the site or tools. They are definitely SEO related, but we don't answer SEO questions as a general rule over in the Help Team. If you see this in the web app, definitely send us a message. But if you think it is an SEO related question, definitely visit the Pro Q&A.

First off, one thing that we see a lot is robots.txt is overblocking a lot of crawlers, including Roger. Probably not explicitly Roger, but we do see robots.txt blocking. So we might just crawl the homepage and that's it. Another thing that might be happening is the homepage is www or not www as Cyrus talked about earlier. The homepage is www, but all of the links going off of the homepage would actually be to non-www pages. So, you'd end up with one page crawled because there is only one page in that subdomain in the www or whatever subdomain that you're using in the web app.

Another thing involves links. There are a lot of issues that we see with links. Sometimes there are no links on the homepage. Just none. So we have nothing to crawl, and obviously, that would be the reason why we're not seeing other pages in the subdomain. If we can't see it, Google can't see it. Other search engines won't be able to see it.

Another thing is having links that are only in JavaScript or Ajax. That can be a problem for our crawler, because we can't always access those, and sometimes search engines have problems with those too. But generally, for our web app, we like to see links in the standard HTML format.

Another problem is that the homepage might redirect. You might have a 301 or a 302 redirect going to another, maybe a different subdomain or any other URL. That can be a problem for our crawler because we'll get one page and we'll let you know that it is actually a redirect. There is nothing else for us to crawl there. So, if you get that issue, you'll probably see a bar that says 301 redirect just for one page. That would indicate that that is the problem.

Another problem is we see sites that are in all Flash. This doesn't happen as often any more, but sometimes people will make their sites all Flash, especially small businesses. They can look really good, but they are really, really hard to crawl. Search engines are getting better at this, but our crawler at the moment can't crawl them unfortunately. Usability-wise, you might want to reconsider having your site in something more accessible.

Finally, we do see sites that give a 404 code, but it actually has content. This can happen on your homepage. So we'll actually go to the homepage. We see content. It's telling us all about your business or service, but then we look at the http access code and it is 404. So, what you need to do here is go to another tool. We really like using the Moz Bar to find this out. Look at what the code is. If you see a 404, you're going to need to change that http status code to a 200, or if you need to redirect, change it to a redirect. But lots of times, we'll see it as a 404 and that's no good, because then everyone thinks that you don't exist and that's no good. Not for SEO. Not for anyone really.

Another big question that we get lots of questions about is how does on page reporting work? That's a feature of the web app. It is a really cool feature to help you identify low hanging fruit, see where your URLs are for certain keywords. But it can be kind of confusing at first, and it might give you results that you weren't expecting.

For instance, if you add a bunch of keywords such as cats, cat beds, cat coats, all sorts of cat accessories, that's all your keywords, we will take each one of those keywords, find the highest ranked URL in whatever search engine you are using in the web app, and we will let you know where you are ranking for that keyword. It might turn out that cat coats, I don't think I am ranking anywhere for that, but I am actually ranking at TheKittyHood.com/cats. So, if you find out that you're ranking there, even if you didn't intend for that ranking, it is kind of low hanging fruit. That's great. You're ranking for something you didn't even know you were. However, we will also grade that URL for that keyword and let you know how you are doing in terms of on page SEO. In this case, cat cats is not well optimized for /cats, so we give you some suggestions about how to better optimize that URL for that keyword. You might want to add more information about cat coats for instance. That might bring your grade up if you follow our instructions to a B or an A, and consequently instead of having this low hanging fruit that is rankled 37, you might end up being able to push it up to the first page or something higher than 37, since you'll actually start targeting for that keyword. Unexpected results, but very, very favorable.

Finally, number six, the last question that we get a lot of that I thought we might want to touch on is how do I change my profile picture? I know, I know, we all have beautiful pictures of ourselves. I have changed mine several times, not that I am beautiful. I just can never find one that is. The main thing you have to do is go to seomoz.org/users/profile. You can do that from clicking up here and then going to the drop down and saying edit profile or view profile. Then you click the silver edit button that shows up on that page. Then you click the silver edit photo button at the left. Then you click the silver upload button. It is all there on that page, that settings page for your user profile, the public profile. It lets you know, oh you actually need to complete all of these things in order to get extra Moz points. Adding a photograph is a great way to do that. It is really easy. You'll start having an identity on our site. People will love to see your face. I know I sure will.

Thank you for checking this out. I hope this helps some of our customers and helps you rethink some of your SEO if you're using our web app, our tools, or just generally out there on the Net.

See you next time on Whiteboard Friday. Take care.

Video transcription by SpeechPad.com



Link removed

Credicorp Bank


Untitled Document

Global Bank


Global Bank Corporation - República de Panamá



HSBC Panamá - HSBC Panamá




Multicredit Bank





Banistmo.com - Banistmo and Offshore Company

Towerbank International


List of banks in the Isle of Man

Licenceholders for banking in the Isle of Man

* Abbey National

* AIB Bank (CI)

* Alliance & Leicester International

* Alliance & Leicester

* Anglo Irish Bank Corporation (I.O.M.)

* Bank of Bermuda (Isle of Man)

* Bank of Ireland (I.O.M.)

* Bank of Scotland International

* Bank of Scotland

* Barclays Bank

* Barclays Private Bank & Trust (Isle of Man)

* Barclays Private Clients International

* BNP Paribas Securities Services Custody Bank

* BNP Paribas Trust Company (IOM)

* Bradford & Bingley International

* Britannia International

* Cayman National Bank and Trust Company (Isle of Man)

* Celtic Bank

* Close Bank (Isle of Man)

* Close Trustees (Isle of Man)

* Conister Trust

* Duncan Lawrie (IOM)

* Fairbairn Private Bank (IOM)

* Habib European Bank

* HSBC Bank International

* HSBC Bank

* HSBC Custody Services (Isle of Man)

* Irish Nationwide (IOM)

* Irish Permanent (IOM)

* Isle of Man Bank

* Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man)

* Lloyds TSB Offshore

* Merrill Lynch Bank and Trust Company (Cayman)

* Nationwide International

* RBS Coutts Bank (Manx)

* Standard Bank Isle of Man

* The Co-operative Bank

* Royal Bank of Scotland International (also trading as NatWest Offshore)

* The Royal Bank of Scotland

* The Standard Bank of South Africa

* Zurich Bank International
Banks in Nevis

Bank of Nevis Ltd.

P.O. Box 450

Main Street, Charlestown

Nevis, West Indies

Tel.: 869 469 5564

Fax: 869 469 5798

RBTT Bank (SKN) Limited

P.O. Box 673

Chapel Street, Charlestown

Nevis, West Indies

Tel.: 869 469 5277

Fax: 869 469 1493

St. Kitts & Nevis Development Bank

P.O. Box 507

Main Street, Charlestown

Nevis, West Indies

Tel.: 869 469 5416

Fax: 869 469 1262

First Caribbean International Bank

P.O. Box 502

Main Street, Charlestown

Nevis, West Indies

Tel.: 869 469 5309

Fax: 869 469 5467

The Bank of Nova Scotia

P.O. Box 467

Main Street, Charlestown

Nevis, West Indies

Tel.: 869 469 5411

Fax: 869 469 0231

I don't know how reliable they are
Reactions: orangeye and pesto
Why not approach them and let us know what you think and comments..
Check this list for Curacaó banks, it is huge

Abu Dhabi International Bank NV

Kaya W.F.G., Mensing 36


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 112 99

Fax: +599 946 166 41

American Express Overseas Credit

Kaya W.F.G., Mensing 36

P.O. Box 3141


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 112 99

Fax: +599 946 153 92

Antilles Banking Corp NV

Cannegieter St, Philipsburg

P.O. Box 465

St Maarten

Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 525 908

Fax: +599 525 964

Antilles Banking NV

Wilhelminaplein 14-16, Willemstad

P.O. Box 763


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 128 22

Fax: +599 946 128 20

Banco Aliado Internacional NV

Room 9, 4th Floor, WTC Building, ***cadera Bay, Willemstad

P.O. Box 812


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 362 27

Fax: +599 946 364 49

Banco Continental Overseas NV

Kaya Urdal 3


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 672 99

Fax: +599 973 650 46

Banco de Venezuela NV

Banco de Venezuela SACA Banco Universal

Handri di Snoa 16

P.B. Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 961 1177

Banco del Orinoco NV

Kaya WFG Mensing 36


P.O. Box 3141


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 112 99

Fax: +599 946 153 92

Banco Industrial de Venezuela CA

Calle Heerenstraat No. 19, Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 961 1612

Banco Mercantil CA SACA

Abraham de Veerstraat 1, Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 961 8241

Fax: +599 961 1828

Banco Mercantil Venezolano NV

AM Chumaceiro Blvd 1


P.O. Box 565


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 182 43

Fax: +599 946 119 74

Banco Provincial International NV

Sta Rosaweg 51-53-55


P.O. Box 785


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 760 10

Fax: +599 973 763 46

Banco Provincial Overseas NV

Santa Rosaweg 51-53-55


P.O. Box 3512


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 937 6011

Fax: +599 973 763 46

Bank van de Nederlandse Antillen

Breedestraat 1



Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 943 455 00

Fax: +599 946 150 04


Banque Artesia Curaçao NV

Castorweg 22-24

P.O. Box 155


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 180 61

Fax: +599 946 151 51

Barclays Bank Plc

Front St, Philipsburg

P.O. Box 941

St. Maarten

Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 524 531

Fax: +599 524 531

CBA Compagnie Bancaire des Antilles

Gaitoweg 35

P.O. Box 4729


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 667 60

Fax: +599 973 668 68

CBG Compagnie Bancaire Genève

Gaitoweg 35

P.O. Box 4729


Netherlands Antilles


Kaya Flamboyan 1, Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 976 380 92

Fax: +599 976 381 95

Citco Banking Corp NV

Kaya Flamboyan 9

P.O. Box 707


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 223 22

Fax: +599 973 223 30


De Nationale Investeringsbank NA/NV

Rooi Catootjeweg 2 Hoek

Schottegaweg Oost


P.O. Box 4773


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 701 16

Fax: +599 973 705 27

Deutsche Bank AG

Pietermaai 17, Willemstad

P.O. Box 812


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 123 69

Fax: +599 946 522 12

Ebna Bank NV

Kaya WFG Mensing 36B


P.O. Box 8110


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 568 13

Fax: +599 946 568 11

Exprinter International Bank NV

New Haven Office Center

Emancipatie Blvd 31


P.O. Box 6052


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 411 22

Fax: +599 973 411 33

F van Lanschot Bankiers NV

Schottegatweg Oost 32

P.O. Box 4799


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 710 11

Fax: +599 973 710 86

Generale Bank NV

J B Gorsiraweg 14


P.O. Box 599


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 727 00

Fax: +599 973 727 87

Giro Curaçao NV

Scharlooweg 35



Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 943 399 99

Fax: +599 946 178 61


Kaya WFG Mensing 14,



Netherlands Antilles

Integra Bank NV

Pietermaai 24, Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 574 89

Fax: +599 946 574 48

Landesbank Berlin Girozentrale

John B Gorsiraweg 6

P.O. Box 3889


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 393 00

Fax: +599 946 153 96

Lavoro Bank Overseas NV

De Ruyterkade 62, Willemstad

P.O. Box 812


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 225 55

Fax: +599 973 225 00

Lombard-Atlantic Bank NV

De Ruyterkade 62, Willemstad

P.O. Box 812


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 225 55

Fax: +599 973 225 00

Maduro & Curiel's Bank NV

Kaya L D Gerharts 1, Kralendijk

P.O. Box 366


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 717 5520

Fax: +599 717 8584

MeesPierson NV

Berg Arrarat 1, Willemstad

P.O. Box 3889


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 393 00

Fax: +599 946 137 69

Middenbank Curacao NV

Kaya Jombi Mensing 14


P.O. Box 3257


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 943 270 00

Fax: +599 943 275 02

Nedship Bank NV

Scharlooweg 55, Willemstad

P.O. Box 3107


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 523 11

Fax: +599 946 523 66

Netherlands Caribbean Bank NV

Kaya WFG Mensing 14, Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 943 270 00

Fax: +599 943 275 07

NIB Capital Bank NV

Rooi Catootjeweg 2, Willemstad

P.O. Box 4773


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 70116


Noro Bank NV

Kaya Flamboyan 3, Willemstad

P.O. Box 3040


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 700 84

Fax: +599 973 751 44

NV Spaar-en Beleenbank van Curaçao

MCB Salinja Bldg

Schottegatweg Oost 130


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 615 85

Fax: +599 946 615 90

Ontwikkelingsbank van de Nederlandse Antillen NV

Saliña 206


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 961 5551

Orco Bank NV

Dr.H. Fergusonweg 10


P.O. Box 4928


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 720 00

Fax: +599 973 767 41

Postspaarbank van de Nederlandse Antillen

Waaigatplein 7, Willemstad


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 175 61

Fax: +599 946 111 26

Premier Bank International NV

Abraham de Veerstraat 7A, Willemstad

P.O. Box 840


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 139 67

Fax: +599 946 131 67

Rabobank Curaçao NV

Zeelandia Office Park

Kaya W.F.G, Mensing 14


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 520 11

Fax: +599 946 520 66


Schottegatweg Oost 44, Willemstad

P.O. Box 707


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 973 229 00

Fax: +599 973 229 02

SNS Bank International NV

Pietermaai 15

P.O. Box 4905


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 943 450 00

Fax: +599 946 133 95

The Caribbean American Bank NV

TM 1 10, WTC Blding

***cadera Bay, Willemstad

P.O. Box 6087


Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 946 363 80

Fax: +599 946 365 56

The Chase Manhattan Bank

Vlaun Bldg, Cannegieter Str, Philipsburg

St. Maarten

Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 523 726

Fax: +599 523 692

The Windward Island Bank NV

Clem Labega Sq 7, Philipsburg

P.O. Box 220

St. Maarten

Netherlands Antilles

Tel.: +599 522 313

Fax: +599 524 761