The future of Bitcoin and crytocurrencies


Pro Member
Sep 26, 2023
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I'm more than a little concerned about the future of cryptocurrencies. The concept has been undermined by government power grabs and everyday speculators. And with CBDCs coming in, the masses might see cryptos as beside the point.

The only optimism I have is that the masses experience CBDCs for what they are, then move to decentralized cryptos all over again.

What do you see in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency's future?
Reactions: daniels27
there was a thread (probably more than one) where you already expressed this stance of yours
you also got quite a lot of responses and I don't recall anyone sharing your skepticism - I'm not sure whether you should expect something more from this thread

from my perspective the future of bitcoin was never brighter, CBDCs are becoming more and more fringe topic (compare to the situation say 2 years ago), politicians around the world smell the opportunity to use bitcoin as their topic copying Trump's successfully played card, it's only a matter of time before the bitcoin fever spreads amongst states and institutions

the future of crypto is the same as it was since 2016 - there might be yet another crypto madness period distracting people from what is really important and slowing down the inevitable bitcoinization of the world before all these project disappear or adopt bitcoin as the base layer on which they may build their future
Whenever I see people say things like "it's only a matter of time" or say things are "inevitable" in regards to cryptos, it tells me they are no longer thinking rationally or objectively.

You have no way of knowing what you claim.

There are very big question marks and potential pitfalls, which won't be averted with this overconfidence.
Reactions: daniels27
You have no way of knowing what you claim.
of course not - I surely don't know just like anyone else - this is my (subjective) opinion and I always work with probability distribution - however for the sake of efficient communication I use conventional human language to share that

there is no truth, there are only outcomes we bet on or against - either knowingly (which is rare) or not (which is the majority that can get upset by what someone else is saying)
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Reactions: W Fish
Crypto was ALWAYS an elites product to run a testnet and create the ground to implement CDBC's
The future of current crypto ?

I can tell you the future crypto will go up over the next years and US will even sell part of their gold to BRICS to buy the full controlable Bitcoin into their Reserves.
This will create a high inflation including that BRICS will have enough gold to bring out their gold backed currencies and china their new world reserve currency yuan backed by physical gold.
In western countries where we will hold worthless crypto the inflation will skyrocket as prices of commodities will explode as people will move their money into any possible assets they can get (after the big short downtrend where elites will buy these assets for cheap)
In the end because of the big stagflation government will change their CBDC's with high negative interest rates with the explantion to force people to spend money to help the econemy.IMF wrote already many guides about it.
Next step when prices exploded and are on top in western countries big financial institutions and Hedge Funds will sell to retailers because they have a special CBDC's with no negative interrest rate and from there the market will only know one trend which is down over 5-6 years.
BRICS will have no problem at all.Why ?Because their currencies will be backed or linked with physical gold which price will raise at least with the rate of inflation so their currency won't devalue like western currencies.
Yuan as new world reserve currency will cause the USD to have a drop of arround 40% of its value compared to other western currencies like AUD/CAD/SGD

Money will flow from western countries to asia/africa where most of western people won't be able to invest anymore.

Two very simple things to keep in mind:
1. There will ever only be 21M BTC.
2. There will be more and more fiat. The pace of printing is accelerating.

1.This can be changed anytime by programers if wanted but there is no need for it.The elite already controled over 51% of bitcoins hash rate and did nothing.Why would they kill their baby if they can milk the stupid crowd for billions.JPM said a quick 2000% is there for them.
They would just need to make fiat gatewats ilegal and the price would instantly drop like a rock.
The 5% of Sathosis reserve is enough to control bitcoins downfall in the endphase.Now its even more than 5% because of the high amount of lost BTC.
You really belive BlackRock would open an ETF and depositing billions of their customers when there would be a person able to crash the price anytime ?
How naive are you ?

2.2. There will be more and more fiat. The pace of printing is accelerating.
We are in the beginning of a debt schock crisis.So your argument is invalid.
Because in a debt schock crisis cashs value gets high.
Like i said there will be one final big pump and from there its only one direction which is down.It will happen after some time after CBDC's with high negative interrest rates have been implemented.
But even selling bitcoin at the high end you will have the problem where to put that money without the government knowing when cash willl be very limited at that time.
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I'm more than a little concerned about the future of cryptocurrencies. The concept has been undermined by government power grabs and everyday speculators. And with CBDCs coming in, the masses might see cryptos as beside the point.
the opposite.
The only optimism I have is that the masses experience CBDCs for what they are, then move to decentralized cryptos all over again.

What do you see in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency's future?
well bitcoin is the only asset you can own, there are other bearer assets like gold silver but these are hard to store and even harder to move (at least for decent 6 digits amout, not petty cash).

cryptocurrency is mostly garbash, some usecases exist for stablecoins.

cbdc prison only fortifies bitcoins usecase (and with cbdc they cannot shut the internet off since its the primary programming and propaganda tool but even a shut internet would not be the end of bitcoin).
Reactions: intlman
Crypto was ALWAYS an elites product to run a testnet and create the ground to implement CDBC's
The future of current crypto ?
that makes not much sense. Money IS AlReAdY digital for way longer, why would these weird crypto stuff be needed then? Way before crypto existed (or bitcoin since crypto is useless and just a failed copy of bitcoin), I had some salary digitally only and spent by card.

wont happen. brics has major trust issues, or do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?
However they are fine with US.
Reactions: intlman
First of all CBDC's are to centralize crypto under central banks which will have total control.Bitcoin is nothing else but a marketing tool to create acceptance of digital money instead of cash.
20 Years ago nearly NOONE would accept digital money as everyone educated enough new about the bankers wet dream to eliminate cash.
Today its reality and people still defending digital money which amazes me how peoples brains stopped working properly because of greed.
Once there is no more cash and only digital money their plan of 15 minutes cities will be done.
Once you leave your 15 minutes area you won't be able to spend your money making sure you can't leave.
Cash is accepted everywhere as they don't know who you are or where you live when making payment were digital money is under their full control and therefor you will be under their full control

wont happen. brics has major trust issues, or do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?
However they are fine with US.
It already happened in 2013 where US accepted the tri polar monetary system.
BRICS had already their big economical and currency fight with the US even willing to accept a war with the US just to not allow USD be the worlds soly world reserve currency as this would mean total control for the US.
US selling gold to establish the tri polar monetary system is only an excuse for the dumb crowd.
How can you explain the selling of physical gold of a country to the crowd?Tell them you will buy bitcoin for it and the dumb will cheer even not understanding that the money they will use for the bitcoin reserve is peanuts for them fiat wise and would not really need the selling of their gold
Central banks are buying gold.The dumb crowd buys crypto.

do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?
You clearly don't understand the monetary system.
Countries in asia which have a big surplus in world trading are the big losers of the USD.Forced to hold USD makes them loose big every year because of the inflation of the US.
Changing that would instantly be a big gainer for them to not lose the value/money they get for their exports.
Holding their money on a yuan backed/linked to gold would mean to hold their money in a deflationary currency which means its value will raise with time and not the opposite like with current USD they are forced to hold.
The major loser will be the US which won't be able to put their money printing on the goods of asia and africa anymore which are currently forced to accept USD as payment but this is will a major inflation to their own citizens and every western nation which will hold USD as major reserve in their currency.

People just don't get it.It will be a horrible ride for western people we big majority will get poor expacially with people having high debt they can't go out quickly.

Have a look at the 10 year bond market.FED cuts rates but the 10 year bond market does the opposite.The rates there go massivly up.
First time in history as elite know very well what is coming and the US bond market will be also in trouble because of that so noone accepts low rates for this kind of risk anymore.

do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?

You would be amazed even how many european elites are interrested to hold their money with chinese.
Businesswise they trust chinese more than US government as long as you stay out of chinese politics.

To the public they will sell it that the US made a mistake freezing russias funds which made asian and afican countries worry and look for an alternative.
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You quoted but obv didnt read what was written, but take your time and stick your insults up your where the sun doesnt shine.

that makes not much sense. Money IS AlReAdY digital for way longer before crypto, why would these weird crypto stuff be needed then? Way before crypto ever existed (or bitcoin since most crypto is useless and just a failed copy of bitcoin), I had some salary digitally only and spent by card, used online banking etc
No you don't understand.
CBDC's are centralized by one sole entity called central bank and later IMF.Banks won't be needed anymore.Their relevancy to the financial system will disappear instantly with the implementation of CBDC's.
Thats why the next banking crisis will be not a bail out but a bail in and most of banks will disappear
meanwhile fat cats are quietly accumulating… did you notice how the media have been quieter this time at ATH compared to 20k and 60k?
Well noted, I was already wondering why!?
CBDC's are centralized by one sole entity called central bank and later IMF.Banks won't be needed anymore.Their relevancy to the financial system will disappear instantly with the implementation of CBDC's.
Banks will always be needed as middlemen. Central banks have no means nor will to manage individuals' wallets.
There is no need to resort to the crystal ball to visualize the future. It is a mathematical fact that btc/usd exchange rate tends to infinity. Below is a clear explanation, and if you disagree please do so using math.

In layman’s terms:
meanwhile fat cats are quietly accumulating… did you notice how the media have been quieter this time at ATH compared to 20k and 60k?
That is one in the Dominican Republic. And also only because of you.

Would not happen in Switzerland
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