that makes not much sense. Money IS AlReAdY digital for way longer, why would these weird
crypto stuff be needed then? Way before crypto existed (or bitcoin since crypto is useless and just a failed copy of bitcoin), I had some salary digitally only and spent by card.
wont happen. brics has major trust issues, or do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in
However they are fine with US.
First of all CBDC's are to centralize crypto under central banks which will have total control.Bitcoin is nothing else but a marketing tool to create acceptance of
digital money instead of
20 Years ago nearly NOONE would accept digital money as everyone educated enough new about the bankers wet dream to
eliminate cash.
Today its reality and people still defending digital money which amazes me how peoples brains stopped working properly because of greed.
Once there is no more cash and only digital money their plan of 15 minutes cities will be done.
Once you leave your 15 minutes area you won't be able to spend your money making sure you can't leave.
Cash is accepted everywhere as they don't know who you are or where you live when making payment were digital money is under their full control and therefor you will be under their full control
wont happen. brics has major trust issues, or do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?
However they are fine with US.
It already happened in 2013 where US accepted the tri polar monetary system.
BRICS had already their big economical and currency fight with the US even willing to accept a war with the US just to not allow USD be the worlds soly world reserve currency as this would mean total control for the US.
US selling gold to establish the tri polar monetary system is only an excuse for the dumb crowd.
How can you explain the selling of
physical gold of a country to the crowd?Tell them you will
buy bitcoin for it and the dumb will cheer even not understanding that the money they will use for the bitcoin reserve is peanuts for them fiat wise and would not really need the selling of their gold
Central banks are buying gold.The dumb crowd buys crypto.
do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?
You clearly don't understand the monetary system.
Countries in asia which have a big surplus in world trading are the big losers of the USD.Forced to hold USD makes them loose big every year because of the inflation of the US.
Changing that would instantly be a big gainer for them to not lose the value/money they get for their exports.
Holding their money on a yuan backed/linked to gold would mean to hold their money in a deflationary currency which means its value will raise with time and not the opposite like with current USD they are forced to hold.
The major loser will be the US which won't be able to put their money printing on the goods of asia and africa anymore which are currently forced to accept USD as payment but this is will a major inflation to their own citizens and every western nation which will hold USD as major reserve in their currency.
People just don't get it.It will be a horrible ride for western people we big majority will get poor expacially with people having high debt they can't go out quickly.
Have a look at the 10 year bond market.FED cuts rates but the 10 year bond market does the opposite.The rates there go massivly up.
First time in history as elite know very well what is coming and the US bond market will be also in trouble because of that so noone accepts low rates for this kind of risk anymore.
do you see any elite indonesian wanting to keep all his money in China?
You would be amazed even how many european elites are interrested to hold their money with chinese.
Businesswise they trust chinese more than US government as long as you stay out of chinese politics.
To the public they will sell it that the US made a mistake freezing russias funds which made asian and afican countries worry and look for an alternative.