Switzerland - An exposé by CNBC International..

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He is cool, nothing else! The guy has PA's to help him with all the boring stuff which no one anyway want to spend their live on!

You could say he got a bang for the buck - if you have the money, why not, because of the climate! I'm sure that both the USA and China pollute more in a minute than if every billionaire in the world set off as much fireworks in one evening! Let it rest, climate or ego, it's not what tips the scales!! He's a king.

We've gone off-topic and should probably get back to the subject. I'm happy living in the area around Zug and have been ever since I moved here not too long ago to see if the country, culture, and taxes were a good fit. So far, the hat fits my head!
Reactions: jafo
So in the hyper-civilized Switzerland you can perform such an idiotic display of wealth at the detriment of others? “Keep your pets indoors” or “drive them away” is his advice And what about the wildlife? Why don’t you drive yourself away from Switzerland instead?
There is nothing great and fun in making noise and polluting the air. The novelty of fireworks ended about 2000 years ago. This Neanderthal should better focus on managing his rubbish company.
Unfortunately money doesn’t buy brain. Most often, it burns the few neurons one was gifted with at birth.
Is someone against fireworks I think your reaction is really funny it actually reminds me of the one you can expect (and the one he gets) in Denmark from types who are so different and billionaire... he's cool.
Reactions: jafo
Is someone against fireworks I think your reaction is really funny it actually reminds me of the one you can expect (and the one he gets) in Denmark from types who are so different and billionaire... he's cool.
Why should I not be allowed to sleep between 22.30 and 22.47 in order to allow this retard to marvel at a noisy and smelly display of colored lights in the sky?
Why should he be allowed to scare to death innocent animals?
There is nothing to admire in such a person and in those who tolerate his behavior.
Then it's a good thing you live in the Bahamas and couldn't see or hear his fireworks May I ask, is it one of those institutions where you've lost money ?
Reactions: jafo
Then it's a good thing you live in the Bahamas and couldn't see or hear his fireworks
The third world sometimes is nearer than you think.
Meanwhile in China (and many other civilized countries): Another Year Without a Bang: Beijing Reiterates Ban on Fireworks Within Fifth Ring
May I ask, is it one of those institutions where you've lost money ?
Like every financial institution with the name “Suisse” or derivatives in it, Bitcoin Suisse is total rubbish. No, I’ve not lost any money with it, I ran far away long time ago after having talked with him.
Guys, can we get back to topic ? There is no need to discuss fireworks in this thread nor a single person or personal opinions about that sort of thing, thank you for that, very kind of you.
Guys, can we get back to topic ? There is no need to discuss fireworks in this thread nor a single person or personal opinions about that sort of thing, thank you for that, very kind of you.
The matter is relevant, because it shows what can happen in Zug. Perhaps someone wanted to move there because he appreciates quiet life, and doesn’t like to be annoyed by a Danish lord of the manor.
Reactions: jafo
The matter is relevant, because it shows what can happen in Zug. Perhaps someone wanted to move there because he appreciates quiet life, and doesn’t like to be annoyed by a Danish lord of the manor.
I won't judge what one individual does and has done. In any city, any country, any situation, you will find a single person who stands out and does something foolish. Does it prove what can happen, maybe!

The discussion is over, or else I'll have to mute those participants in the thread who can't stick to the topic. You've all had time to speak and the opportunity to express your viewpoints and opinions.
Reactions: jafo and EliasIT
But you are not a mother-tongue English speaker. That is clear!

Swiss is an adjective. e.g. Swiss cheese, swiss banks etc.

The name of the country is Switzerland.
Now we have clarified what "swiss" stands for and when we can use it, and we have found out that fireworks should be banned. Maybe we should get back to the topic as the admin wrote and help others find their way in or out of "swiss"
Reactions: jafo
10 May 2024. If one wants to escape the crime and chaos of USA or UK to the orderliness, safety, and prosperity of Switzerland ; one might rent or buy in much cheaper Campione. It is a geographic anomaly - an enclave of Italy, totally surrounded by and totally within Switzerland. As a tax haven, it is similar to Monaco. One gets a legal residence there (becoming essentially, a resident of Switzerland & Italy) by merely renting or buying a house or condo.
It is a small town of around 7,000 inhabitants. They think and act more like Swiss than Italians. A nice big casino supports the community. You can get pictures and details by looking up "Campione d' Italia" on Google.
Language? Italian (most common) , English, and German are all commonly spoken. Prices for everything are about half of what they are across the street in Switzerland, or across the bridge to Lugano (10 minutes away) where there is an international airport. Milan is a 45 minute drive or bus ride. I have been there contentedly for 40 years off and on. Happy to help anyone who wants to be my neighbor there.
Reactions: uranium and jafo
Are you really up to date about Campione?
I know in past it was charming and good, but I heard almost all good things were removed in the last years.
Yeah of course things cost less than Switzerland, but cars now have italian plates = pay full crazy italian taxes, italian post etc
the place is dead, people left, casino went bankrupt (reopened but it's not as before)
Maybe it's a good retirement place if you like to live near a lake...
I went there some time ago but was just passing by.
I heard there are some advantages, e.g. no VAT, 50% reduction on taxable income for a few years and stuff like this, but you're subject to the italian tax agency and italian politics, and that's not good...
Sorry I'd prefer to pay a bit more and live on the Swiss side.
Italian tax agency is crazy and will try to ruin your life if you give them a chance
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I heard there are some advantages, e.g. no VAT, 50% reduction on taxable income for a few years and stuff like this, but you're subject to the italian tax agency and italian politics, and that's not good...
That make it indeed a no go.
Reactions: jafo and MikeDem
Cold you please confirm if they tax you on foreign income like dividends from company or stocks ?