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Switzerland - An exposé by CNBC International..


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May 13, 2022
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I wasn't sure if I should post it here or somewhere else, so if this isn't the right thread, please move it to the correct one.

To those who don't want to leave the European continent just yet and don't have a penchant for Monaco, I hope this video can shed some light on the benefits of Switzerland. ;)

PS. I don't offer ANY services. I suggest just taking the train to Zug (or anywhere else in CH), walking around, and learning about Switzerland personally.
I wasn't sure if I should post it here or somewhere else, so if this isn't the right thread, please move it to the correct one.

To those who don't want to leave the European continent just yet and don't have a penchant for Monaco, I hope this video can shed some light on the benefits of Switzerland. ;)

PS. I don't offer ANY services. I suggest just taking the train to Zug (or anywhere else in CH), walking around, and learning about Switzerland personally.
Swiss is my home in Europe.

Up until perhaps Covid i would agree, since Covid, Swiss has ceded a lot of control (direction) in addition, is also opening up on-par with the EU as a surveillance (financial), lastly because the Swiss People voted against bail outs in 2018, which was ignored in 2023, the Swiss people are on the tune for systematically important bank failures (in Swiss) which is predominantly non Swiss money.

So taxes are rising, in addition the Swiss CHF isn't backed by Gold (like some people think) but tech stocks (NASDAQ) the Government was smart by not debasing their currency in-line with the rest by buying US T-Bills predominantly (or equiv) but putting Tech stocks on their Central Bank balance sheet.

But Swiss is in a difficult position, Poland, France will become dominant players on the continent, Germany is finished, it remains to see where Swiss fits in, in this, Swiss success was being a home for wealth in Europe... that will shrink.
What are some of the better tax friendly places to live? (Besides what you mentioned)
With 100k€ per year you can live in Italy and enjoy top quality skiing. And even reach Switzerland (Zermatt) by ski.

How about Telluride? :rolleyes:
Why not. And Deer Valley and many other nice ski resorts.
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Swiss is my home in Europe.

Up until perhaps Covid i would agree, since Covid, Swiss has ceded a lot of control (direction) in addition, is also opening up on-par with the EU as a surveillance (financial), lastly because the Swiss People voted against bail outs in 2018, which was ignored in 2023, the Swiss people are on the tune for systematically important bank failures (in Swiss) which is predominantly non Swiss money.
Thats the thing with democracy. The votes you wont lose aka winning votes will be ignored. Plus you cannot vote for the real important stuff anyway.
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Yes, we'll see where it leads, but so far, I'm actually happy living here. I've only done this for a short period, but long enough that I save about 47% in taxes every month compared to where I lived before, Denmark.

Even though things are expensive here, as a single person, I can live fantastically well and save a lot of money every month. I don't know if one needs to be ultra-rich, have unimaginably more money than me, or what all these comments against Switzerland are based on. For my part, I am satisfied. And I only pay 8% in tax!
Switzerland is a weird country, with a weird history, with some weird people living there, period. But as long as you follow the (sometime) weird rules, and don't question things, you are fine...
If you stick out just a lil bit you are enemy of the state (and citizen, aka neighbors, are the state's secret service...)

I mean I don't even drink that much and I am harsh on drunk drivers but... are there other places where you could lose your driving license for being drunk on your sofa?
this applies to many things of your life there.

got a friend who overtook a cyclist on an empty straight road, he put his left wheel on the white middle line (empty road, no oncoming cars, plenty of visibility I repeat)... the following car driver called the police on him and was stopped and screamed at and questioned like a criminal. They just believed the word of the swiss citizen, my friend on permit-b was not even allowed to talk. He was supposed to drive at 10kph behind the bicycle for the whole empty straight, they told him he should know that the solid white line is a concrete wall... he was fined hard and given a warning... next time is driving ban rof/%

they have this harsh punishment way of doing things (e.g. hidden speed cameras with random low speed signals in the middle of long straights, that'll cost you xxxxFr.... eg. 120, goes to 70 for like 20meters, with a speed camera hidden there, then again 120... in the middle of nowhere).
I always think Switzerland was created as a social experiment.
it is fine really, and safe for a family, just a bit dull on the day to day routine. Maybe that's why cocaine is at record levels there and they're going to legalize it rof/%
One issue is that if you grow up your children there they live in a perfect bubble... and they are not used to think outside the box like in other countries, they'll just follow the rules without questioning...
the other issue is that if you like to own land, and not have neighbors up your a*s, it's going to be so expensive that with the same money you could buy entire neighborhoods in other countries.
so it may be good for some years of your life... many I know just leave after a while. Even americans go back as once the novelty wears off they realize they can't own a (decent) place and are not as free at is seems on a day to day basis.
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You would have been happier if you'd stayed in Denmark

Apparenty people are sooooo happy there :p

I'm also originated from Denmark - Anyone who says such things and is self-employed or earns a lot of money is either a Danish politician, social democrat, or otherwise fed by the state in Denmark - Half of the population is on transfer income, so the tax authorities take from the rich (in large amounts, ruthlessly and brutally) and give to those people who have made themselves dependent on the state's a*****e.

The product that comes out of this end is eaten with pleasure by the mob who does not want a liberal society because then they have to work themselves and thus take their hands out of their pockets.

So, regarding the propaganda that they are the happiest people (which, by the way, is a complete lie), I can only say that they must be happy because they can just reach out their hands and then receive money without doing a damn thing. The Tax Agency then just collects the money from the very rich as well as small and medium-sized businesses that don't have the means to fight back.
Okay, maybe we should meet up one day, for example, in Zug :) - just to provoke a bit here. You've taken the words right out of my mouth, I have nothing to add other than to completely agree with you. Denmark is the perfect country if you can't be bothered to do a damn thing or if you're happy being a slave to the state.
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Switzerland is a weird country, with a weird history, with some weird people living there, period. But as long as you follow the (sometime) weird rules, and don't question things, you are fine...
If you stick out just a lil bit you are enemy of the state (and citizen, aka neighbors, are the state's secret service...)

I mean I don't even drink that much and I am harsh on drunk drivers but... are there other places where you could lose your driving license for being drunk on your sofa?
this applies to many things of your life there.

got a friend who overtook a cyclist on an empty straight road, he put his left wheel on the white middle line (empty road, no oncoming cars, plenty of visibility I repeat)... the following car driver called the police on him and was stopped and screamed at and questioned like a criminal. They just believed the word of the swiss citizen, my friend on permit-b was not even allowed to talk. He was supposed to drive at 10kph behind the bicycle for the whole empty straight, they told him he should know that the solid white line is a concrete wall... he was fined hard and given a warning... next time is driving ban rof/%

they have this harsh punishment way of doing things (e.g. hidden speed cameras with random low speed signals in the middle of long straights, that'll cost you xxxxFr.... eg. 120, goes to 70 for like 20meters, with a speed camera hidden there, then again 120... in the middle of nowhere).
I always think Switzerland was created as a social experiment.
it is fine really, and safe for a family, just a bit dull on the day to day routine. Maybe that's why cocaine is at record levels there and they're going to legalize it rof/%
One issue is that if you grow up your children there they live in a perfect bubble... and they are not used to think outside the box like in other countries, they'll just follow the rules without questioning...
the other issue is that if you like to own land, and not have neighbors up your a*s, it's going to be so expensive that with the same money you could buy entire neighborhoods in other countries.
so it may be good for some years of your life... many I know just leave after a while. Even americans go back as once the novelty wears off they realize they can't own a (decent) place and are not as free at is seems on a day to day basis.
100% all this.
Surely there are smart people living in Switzerland for their own reasons, but the country is not suited for smart people and you are unlikely to become smarter by living there.

I will also mention the police marking your tires with chalk to check if you moved out of your parking space… no thank you, I prefer the double/triple line parking in Milano or the family of 5 riding a moped in Santo Domingo smi(&%

man that's hilarious, those cheese eaters are really a bunch of bad mothafuckas
With that thing of the aliquote giornaliere for fines I would be broke for sure by now. Whereas in Italy I still have a bunch of unpaid fines from like 20 years ago appearing in my record, but I no longer have to pay them due to some pardon law or something smi(&%
I will also mention the police marking your tires with chalk to check if you moved out of your parking space…smi(&%
at least in the USA that was deemed unconstitutional and you get your money back

I think there's more horror stories of crazy neighbors in switzerland than anywhere else.
If you never called police on your neighbor you're not fully integrated! rof/%
I heard of crazy neighbors calling the police because the right rear tyre of the neighbor's car was 2mm in the white lane of the parking space.
Then they would argue for days trying to teach you how those 2mm of "bad parking" could hinder the GDP growth of the whole country for years to come.
Then, they would go all day at work talking to their colleagues about how reckless was that foreigner with his right rear tyre just barely touching the inside of the white line...
and goes on and on and on
They're not used to crime... every small little thing makes to the front page of newspapers :p
There's some crazy repressed people there, especially where the climate is bad.
I asked how it's possible that they don't go around on a killing spree like happens in the USA...
the answer I was told was they're all on happy pills... the GP will feed you happy pills as soon as you complain about anything:
"In 2020, the proportion of long-term antidepressant users was 69.4%, with steady increase from 2014 to 2020."
at least in the USA that was deemed unconstitutional and you get your money back

I think there's more horror stories of crazy neighbors in switzerland than anywhere else.
If you never called police on your neighbor you're not fully integrated! rof/%
I heard of crazy neighbors calling the police because the right rear tyre of the neighbor's car was 2mm in the white lane of the parking space.
Then they would argue for days trying to teach you how those 2mm of "bad parking" could hinder the GDP growth of the whole country for years to come.
Then, they would go all day at work talking to their colleagues about how reckless was that foreigner with his right rear tyre just barely touching the inside of the white line...
and goes on and on and on
They're not used to crime... every small little thing makes to the front page of newspapers :p
There's some crazy repressed people there, especially where the climate is bad.
I asked how it's possible that they don't go around on a killing spree like happens in the USA...
the answer I was told was they're all on happy pills... the GP will feed you happy pills as soon as you complain about anything:
"In 2020, the proportion of long-term antidepressant users was 69.4%, with steady increase from 2014 to 2020."
All 100% true. You either go crazy or opt for lobotomy (or suicide).
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