Switzerland is a weird country, with a weird history, with some weird people living there, period. But as long as you follow the (sometime) weird rules, and don't question things, you are fine...
If you stick out just a lil bit you are enemy of the state (and citizen, aka neighbors, are the state's secret service...)
I mean I don't even drink that much and I am harsh on drunk drivers but... are there other places where you could lose your driving license for being drunk on your sofa?
this applies to many things of your life there.
got a friend who overtook a cyclist on an empty straight road, he put his left wheel on the white middle line (empty road, no oncoming cars, plenty of visibility I repeat)... the following car driver called the police on him and was stopped and screamed at and questioned like a criminal. They just believed the word of the swiss citizen, my friend on permit-b was not even allowed to talk. He was supposed to drive at 10kph behind the bicycle for the whole empty straight, they told him he should know that the solid white line is a concrete wall... he was fined hard and given a warning... next time is driving ban
they have this harsh punishment way of doing things (e.g. hidden speed cameras with random low speed signals in the middle of long straights, that'll cost you xxxxFr.... eg. 120, goes to 70 for like 20meters, with a speed camera hidden there, then again 120... in the middle of nowhere).
I always think Switzerland was created as a social experiment.
it is fine really, and safe for a family, just a bit dull on the day to day routine.
Maybe that's why cocaine is at record levels there and they're going to legalize it 
One issue is that if you grow up your children there they live in a perfect bubble... and they are not used to think outside the box like in other countries, they'll just follow the rules without questioning...
the other issue is that if you like to own land, and not have neighbors up your a*s, it's going to be so expensive that with the same money you could buy entire neighborhoods in other countries.
so it may be good for some years of your life... many I know just leave after a while. Even americans go back as once the novelty wears off they realize they can't own a (decent) place and are not as free at is seems on a day to day basis.