Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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You need to take care of your emotions first before dabbing in geopolitics mate.
Sorry but people or either stupid or not grown up.
If you know that when ukraine joins nato its an existencial threat to russia and it will cause by 99.9% a war why would you try to join nato and claim russia made an invasion to attack europe ?
Seriously world wars began by these kind of stupidity
Million of deaths because of santions are irrelevant fears?
Civil war in sri lanka is what exectly ?Irrelevant fear ?
People having no food is irrelevant fear ?
I recommend going there and telling them into their face to hunger and die for the support of ukraine and this winter you will be able to promote freezing for freedom.
The diffrence between me and you is that you don't use your grey cells what consequences these sanctions have to others.
You are blind thinking russia will be hurt by it.
Russia the state is making more profit with sanctions than before the war.
But brains like you will sacrifice everything in the name of your ideology which brings no results
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Reactions: polonieth
What does covid now has to do with anything. I just stated that GDP per capita is 2x of russian since it was mentioned how 'bad it's there'
You can blame it on the comunism but I think you know how most of the ex soviet countries were treated... Poland, czech, hungary etc. They were treated badly by Russians, not by the 'system'. Somebody had to drive those tanks and attack them and kill many. I guess history repeats itself, except now Russia can not attack Poland for example, but Ukraine is not in NATO so...
You already know the answer. They will say that Ukraine has the right to be independent. Well, they may have the right on paper, but the reality is different. You can also go insult a short-tempered bodybuilder, but he will f**k you up. And that's why you don't mess with him.

After all, with or without Russia, being neutral is much, much better than being a NATO member. At least you won't be forced to finance the US military-industrial complex by being obliged to buy their equipment.

What does covid now has to do with anything. I just stated that GDP per capita is 2x of russian since it was mentioned how 'bad it's there'
Because it's not all about GDP. It's about so much more. For instance, salary means s**t when you can't go to work unless you take an experimental vaccine.
did you ever experienced communism when posting such bs ?

What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to say rapists army is going right because there are problems in Sri Lanka?

Did I say anything about other problems in the world?

I only care about WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW. Not what has happened before in various terrible conflicts (and sometimes also for no reason).


Stop being ignorant and stop saying killing people has any reason.
Is cuba independent ?How come US wanted to start a nuclear war with russia when russia got officaly invited placing their rockets there?
Same situation only that people cheered at that time for US and now again for US/Ukraine
Reactions: Jerry1911
did you ever experienced communism when posting such bs ?
Yes I have experienced the end of comunism and Yes i live in a country that was in a war (attacked), so please don't give me this bs like you know more than me about these stuff. I've experienced both war and fall of communism so you can not lecture me about these not even a tiny bit.

Comparing russia to a bully bodybuilder is just so silly. YES, Ukraine has the right to go to NATO, YES Ukraine has the right to go EU.

Same like Sweden and Finland will go now to NATO because of Putin. They would have probably never considered it in other circumstances.

I understand if you have slave mentality and bend down if someone stronger approach you. Not everyone can be brave.

I've read news that 2 oligarchs were killed (apparently families too) in the last few days / pro-west. Everyone who is against Putin gets killed eventually. That is Putin - no oposition. You are either with him or you are dead. Period.

You have the right on your opinion even if we don't agree. That's the beauty of freedom and good thing about the west.

Nobody will kill you. But hypothetically, if this forum was world politcs and I was Putin... You understand that anyone here, including you disagreeing here with me would end up in prison, dead and probably families murdered/poisoned as well. Ohh and you would be denazified, raped etc.

Just to make things more simple to you so you understand who are you praising.
But the Russians weren't the problem, the problem was communism, the economic system itself.
The Russians are the problem. And they always have been -- for hundreds of years before the Soviet Union. The Russians were despotic thugs during the Imperial Empire, during the Soviet Union, and now as the Russian Federation. They even sought to eradicate the culture and the language of subjugated people.

Learn some basic history.
Its always nice to see people posting who have no clue about what they write.
First of all for your information communism is a product of western bankers.
It was implemented by Truzky with the ideology of Lenin and money from JPM to kill the Romanovs.
JPM was the treasurer of Romanovs who were at that time the wealthies family on earth.So he could keep their fortune.
Secondly would you experience communism you would know it was the system who enslave the people with watchdogs from their own people.
Did you get attacked or punished by russians yourself when claiming it was the soviet union enslaving people or were it people from your own country ?

You have the right on your opinion even if we don't agree. That's the beauty of freedom and good thing about the west.
I guess you live in the past.That right is vanishing year by year.

Thats not correct.I have tons of russian friends who disagree with Putin for a long time and they make it public.
What you don't understand is there are paid groups who intentionly try to weaken putin with a western agenda behind it.
You think the demonstration in belarus were organic ?Come on how old are you?

Just to make things more simple to you so you understand who are you praising.
Try to be activly against US agenda and have some influence.YOu will see how quickly you will end in guatanamo with no court,no hearing and treated like an animal
After all, with or without Russia, being neutral is much, much better than being a NATO member. At least you won't be forced to finance the US military-industrial complex by being obliged to buy their equipment.
You really don't know too much. The U.S. has subsidized the defense of most of Europe for the past 75 years. Ukraine would have first-tier weaponry at a highly subsidized cost, not semi-obsolete Soviet-era Russian-designed garbage.

BTW: I oppose Ukraine joining NATO, but your facts are consistently wrong.
LOL Europe is paying 100% for each equipment and US soldier in europe .US doesn't pay a dime.Europe is financing their army here since ww2
Reactions: Jerry1911

@369 Bro - and the earth is flat

You tell me what you've read in the books, i tell you my personal experiences from my life... from war, communism etc. Stick to your books then and ill stick to my first hand experiences. If SSSR was so great, these countries wouldn't be in EU doing 10x better now and they would still be in SSSR. It's a fact

Up to 15 years in prison if you say it's a war. Yup, sounds like freedom. If everyone was trully allowed to say what they think, what for is this law for then?

Believe what you want - but I do not agree with Putin's aggression, his soldiers murdering, looting and raping. With his imperialism and denying Ukrainians as a nation etc. Todays Russia is all too similar with n**i germany and one day in the future it will be a great shame on Russian history. It already is imo
LOL Europe is paying 100% for each equipment and US soldier in europe .US doesn't pay a dime.Europe is financing their army here since ww2
As usual, you provide no facts, evidence, or proof to support your baseless claims. You never do.

One of President Trump's planks was to get each NATO country to contribute two percent of its GDP toward NATO spending. The U.S. spends almost twice that amount in terms of its GDP. And its total overall monetary contribution dwarfs all the other nations combined. How can you possibly always be so wrong?

At this point, I can only assume that you exist in some other alternative universe where facts and history are completely different from our own universe. Or you are completely delusional.

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Soon the whole world will start hating Russia (unfortunately and wish this never happen).

Such trashes/rapists/killers are everywhere around. They now try to hide from their homeland and run to the West, then later they will see all doors shut in front of their faces so they could go back and enjoy their sweet Russia.

And the sad truth is that adequate Russians, who wish this kind of thing never happened, will be blamed as well. Because all will have to pay the price. It's like some years ago in countries like Spain, Italy, or France, all Lithuanians (a.k.a. Eastern Europeans) were categorized as criminals.
Reactions: RealDude
Stop making out of yourself a fool
Does the stat show anything that european countries are not paying 100% of military equipment and soldiers being in europe ?
Please explain because your logic seems to be of a 5 year old child
Stop making out of yourself a fool
Does the stat show anything that european countries are not paying 100% of military equipment and soldiers being in europe ?
Please explain because your logic seems to be of a 5 year old child
Are you retarded? Even if true, why would it matter? The total overall monetary contribution of the U.S. dwarfs all the other nations combined. That means that the U.S., which is a country NOT even located in Europe is highly subsidizing the military defense of all European nations. That was my original point, which you have not -- in any way -- refuted. This is like debating a child.
Reactions: MrPepper
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