Russian President Putin announces military operation in Ukraine

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I wonder: if russian propaganda is, apparently, propaganda and, therefore, easily falsifiable, why have democratic and openly minded US and EU and UK have banned it? Why wouldn't those countries allow their people to falsify russian news by themselves?

And if the russian news and TV channels have been banned, then it proves that there must be some truth in russian news and which is dangerous for US, EU and UK.

Do US and EU, UK treat their citizens like morons who can't think for themselves? A democrasy with free speach wouldn't have done that, would it?
There is some merit to what you say. I do not trust Big Tech. But why does Russia itself impose an almost total news blackout on its population? You cannot argue it both ways.

And you do not understand free speech, which is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution against state action by government. Those constitutional protections against state action do not apply to private individuals or to private companies. This has caused big problems very recently in the new age of Big Tech controlling news sources. But anyone who avoids Big Tech still has easy access to the truth through the web. The bigger problem is Big Tech's influence on the ignorant masses.
what should they write on a public document? that the lab was to create chemical weapons that are forbidden by geneva convention?
Plus, if the labs were to "prevent" biological weapons, what was the big issue with russians getting into it?
Plus, if the labs were to "prevent" biological weapons, what was the big issue with russians getting into it?
That is the part that makes me wonder. It could be anything from fear that the Russians could turn a defensive ability into an offensive ability, to typical bureaucratic institutional paranoia, to the fact that they really were researching offensive biological weapons. As I stated, there is no way of knowing.
This biolab theorie to create "Ethno Bombs" seems kinda off to me.

1) Ukraine is in war for almost 8 years now, why would the US establish a bio weapon lab in the middle of a war torn country? Chances are pretty high enemies forces will catch you doing shady things there. Some of these bio labs are supposed to be in the seperatist area, why would they develop these weapons behind enemy lines?? Why not use one of the baltic countries which are also NATO partners and share borders with russia??

2) Russian news have been using "denazifying" as the main argument since day one and just recently were using the biolbar theory, I mean the biolabs would have been a way better justification than denazifying or?

3) One single person is enough to carry a bio weapon into foreign territory. There is no need to have biolabs directly next to your enemy to launch it

4) Russia claimed that the US is creating "ethno bombs" to target the slavic genome lmao then 90% of the ukraine population would die, so why would they allow or even cooperate with the US

Seems like big bulls**t to me.
This is exactly why you cannot ever trust a "news source" from a communist or a socialist country. The China state media just accidentally posted its censorship instructions. Horizon News, a news site controlled by the Chinese government, accidentally posted a set of instructions recently on how it should censor and spread propaganda related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

After explaining that all posts must be pre-approved, the rules say, “Do not post anything unfavorable to Russia or pro-Western.” News organizations were also instructed to “Carry out selection and control of comments,” monitor posts for two days, and pay special attention during shift changes.

It is not as if any of this is especially surprising, but it is interesting to catch a glimpse behind the curtain. It is sad to see some members posting stuff from such sources here. If a fake news agency is prohibited from posting "anything unfavorable to Russia or pro-Western," how does that help to inform anyone?
A good video interview of George Friedman explaining the Ukraine conflict. For those who study the cycles of history, he wrote a book titled "The Storm Before the Calm," which I recommend.
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what should they write on a public document? that the lab was to create chemical weapons that are forbidden by geneva convention?
Plus, if the labs were to "prevent" biological weapons, what was the big issue with russians getting into it?
Because it's a not truth and nothing more that myth spreaded by putin's puppets.
Any technology belonged to USA or Ukraine - its a property on such countries and there are BIG issue with getting anything to russians.

Single confirmed country who use forbidden weapon in Ukraine territory by geneva convention is russia, which is already confirmed by official.
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Reactions: RealDude
russia is on right way to be next north korea. What a sense in seizing airplanes when their air borders are closed?

"Some 30,000 troops, 200 aircraft and 50 vessels from 27 nations will take part in the Cold Response 2022 exercise, the largest exercise involving NATO troops this year."
What a chance that WW3 will begin this year?
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probably they are getting back their money that US banks taken from Russian central bank lol
Facebook has described why they change policy, to which location, what condition, etc.
It's make a full sense now, not bad at all as it seemed before.
Their social responsibility are much better comparing to competitors.

probably they are getting back their money that US banks taken from Russian central bank lol

US didn't taken money yet, just blocked. It's a very big difference.

US and west are just trying to stop russia, by blocking and russia are actually invade, seize, terror other.
it's a for those, who continue to tell that actions of russian and US/EU are same and they same level of evil.
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Ukr president said that they got this money reserved for ukraine. Do you believe all this money will actually go to reconstruction? If you do, you don't know politicians
Ukr president said that they got this money reserved for ukraine. Do you believe all this money will actually go to reconstruction? If you do, you don't know politicians

Until the official statements it's a just a assumptions. Zelensky want such deal, but it's only his desires as well as for NATO who should be involved in war directly. Chances for that - quite small.
Ukrainian looses in civil infrastructure already more than $100 billions. Russia who are responsible for this invasion should pay, but only after all legal procedures, without blind seizing their assets.

Below just a bit from russian propaganda for the war against US/EU:"Europe today is at war not with Russia, but with itself - and God save the EU if ... Russia comes to this war"

And comments from russians translated to english:
"Come on, the Poles are still those Nazis"
"Slut French Macron this...."
"Why didn’t they tell her that Russia would also shoot down US planes !!!"

The same pumping up of ordinary russian people was in 2014 against Ukraine to became pro-putin Z-ombie nation.

For those who think that animals from russia will just invade Ukraine and everything will be fine for other countries.
Go to this russian social network and try to report it for violence . Instead of proper moderation your accounts will be banned by russian moderators immediately.

Pray for that WWIII will not come to home of everyone.
Ohh Facebook's decision isn't actually that bad, ohh banks haven't taken any money, they just freezed it. What is the value of these types of discussions? It's just based on emotions, biases and propaganda.
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Reactions: FlipnShip
Afaik, azov is a regiment with probably around 1k people. According to the wikipedia, 10-20% of them are n**i.
Literally its a up to 200 people. (Btw i dont know precise numbers, as i dont like them in UA forces)

You will blame every from 40 millions of ukrainian for being n**i because of hundreds from azov?
That wasn't my point. I don't like using words like n**i or fascist because they are just used to describe anyone you don't like these days. My point is that there isn't any meaningful discussion if you are just going to ignore any arguments not in favor of the UA, EU, US. I deeply empathize with civilians living through this war as I've personally experienced war when I was a kid. I think that current levels of hypocrisy by the west is unsustainable and that we are long due for a change. This conflict has opened my eyes and I hope it does the same for others. Don't be wings of either propaganda, be it Fox, CNN, Russia Today or Al Jazeera. I see that this conflict has caused Rasputin to rethink his investments in the EU

Nice s**t pops up from YT. How long until Google starts to pull this content?

200 people apparently in 2014. I don't think it's the same number today

Both sides ignores arguments.
Both sides uses emotions.
Even your comments against US/EU, because you are from Balcans and suffered from the nato during your war. Nato is responsible for your tragedy, russia responsible for Ukraine tragedy.
everyone should be responsible for their actions, without blaming for things which they did not.
Reactions: KDX
You're posting all this, but nothing from the Russian side? Ok
You don't like the BBC?
here's another from the BBC And we can only imagine what money it takes to substain such a militia for so many years. Well armed, as we now heard all over the place. By the US, too. Training paid by them, too (there are evidence).
How do they say? Putin did? Oh, wait.. maybe Voldemort this time
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