I suppose that today the citizenship application file includes all electronic entry records. Can someone verify if this is the case?
I asked....
There seemed to have been a try-out phase in Argentina, but they shelved that...here it is.....
Migraciones eliminará los sellos en los pasaportes en los trámites de ingreso y salida al país
What is NOT clear... Will the judge have access to this? I don't know and I doubt anyone else knows...except the judge. In theory, they are supposed to have access to this, but in practice?
If I were redoing this today, I would start by asking questions to (or at, depending on distance) the consulates (plural) of Argentina. I would focus on the response more favorable to my goals. Expect to be met with resistance though.
Argentina has always been no stamps for me .... just like in Hong Kong, I've never had one of those stamps before. It wasn't like this in the past (80s, 90s, and early 2000s, and now they seem to have completely gone back to not stamping passports according to their own government's website...
Migraciones eliminará los sellos en los pasaportes en los trámites de ingreso y salida al país
Note: We can all see here....W
hat was TRUE yesteryear, is NOT true today, and today's truth is NO longer tomorrow's truth.... Damnnnnn
This doesn’t work in practice. Check with a lawyer
You may be right! In fact, if I had to bet, I would bet you are correct...in practice.
In practice, NOBODY follows or respects the law or the Constitution. It's always about self-interest
I've never had to "test" reouncement, but I'll stick to the advice of the government of Argentina on this one:
PS. I keep a diary....and...
Every single time I, or people I know, have hired a lawyer, consultant, accountant, "expert", etc etc, the problem exacerbated into a full-blown drawn-out legal war with huge fees, expenses, and stress
Maybe it's just an isolated coincidence that happens to me and others....millions of times
Ironically this has also occurred to me.
We had a meeting with the Indonesian Government, and they were ready to sign a MoU.
But one of the parties (worked for Nokia Mesh Division) at the time, that did the introduction(s), said they wanted a salary of 10,000$ (equivalent) via a Dubai vehicle for themselves, and someone else.
Basically at that point we pulled out, due to the discussions being tainted, and under UK law (non UK company) but UK Citizen, that could have landed me in prison.
Similar in Kenya mentioned previously where the Presidential appointed department head first words on entering the room "whats my cut" - discussions ended -> flew out immediately.
They just can't help themselves, no one can be charged (yourside) if they do their dirty deeds on their side of the relationship and you are unaware.
their short sightedness leaves more money on the table for you, so why not to happily accept their offer, after some bargaining and an extra bonus at the end?
Here is where the Chinese have a HUGE advantage over the rest of us. Huge! China completely disregards the FCPA and as we saw with Meng Wanzhou of Huawei, China came to her rescue with guns blazing...
And I agree with
In their house it’s their game and their rules. If you don’t like them, don’t even enter, it would be disrespectful.
100% this! China knows this and they take FULL advantage of the lack of Marshmallow Test of their business partners.
And when I mean guns blazing.... China held NOTHING back! China said: You grab one of mine, I grab 2 of yours.
.and this is why this comes back to the Peru or (inclusive or) Argentina passports! You don't want to travel to certain countries with certain passports....