Pavel Durov Arrested France

Reactions: ilke and jafo
interesting news...
ABU DHABI, 27th August, 2024 (WAM) -- The UAE is closely following the case of its citizen Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, who was arrested by the French authorities in Paris–Le Bourget Airport, emphasising that the UAE has submitted a request to the Government of the French Republic to provide him with all the necessary consular services in an urgent manner.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) stressed that prioritising the welfare of UAE citizens, safeguarding their interests, and providing them with all aspects of support is a key priority for the UAE.
Apparently he traveled with that woman (Yulia Vavilova) to France. Did she convince him to go to France? Hopefully this chick did not cloud his judgement about travelling to France .
that's really a sad sign of success if one has to constantly think about where he can land
Reactions: jafo
that's really a sad sign of success if one has to constantly think about where he can land

Very true. But successful people have to constantly think about security details and arrangements anyway. Part of that arrangements is ensuring you don't travel to politically hostile counties especially when you have a certain nationality.
What Pavel needs to worry about now is whether the US jumps in and comes up with charges to seek his extradition to US.
Smart point. Some experts said the US is using france as a proxy to arrest Durov. Even in interview he had a few months ago, Durov mentioned that the Congress asked him for backdoor access to which he refused.
It will be game over for him if US steps in.
Reactions: Alonzo and jafo
Very true. But successful people have to constantly think about security details and arrangements anyway. Part of that arrangements is ensuring you don't travel to politically hostile counties especially when you have a certain nationality.
for the purpose of this case I'd redefine "success" to ability to go wherever I like whenever I like - Mr. Durov failed in this clearly
What Pavel needs to worry about now is whether the US jumps in and comes up with charges to seek his extradition to US.
what crime did he commit again?
I'm NO Nostradamus, but I have a feeling that if Putin/Russia does NOT jump into the fight and start to throw the "weight" of their massive nuclear arsenals around...Pavel is going to be toast!
As the Germans aptly demonstrated... The French cuckolds (yeah...I know I have French relatives, so I am speaking from experience ) buckle quickly when faced with a formidable adversary...usually three days
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It will be game over for him if US steps in.
Not really....***IF*** Putin/Russia also "join the battle" akin to what China did for Meng Wanzhou.
Canada paid a horrible price for messing with Meng Wanzhou!
France will pay an even BIGGER price if Putin/Russia chooses to engage!
The question is: Will Putin do it?

PS. If I were Putin, I wouldn't! Pavel made the choice to turn his back on his country years ago, so good rhythms!
Pavel didn't correctly estimate the number of AMORAL men in the world (and neither did I decades ago so I'm in NO position to dunk on him ), but Machiavelli was, and STILL is correct—we're OUTNUMBERED, Daddy-o!

Btw the EU does not really have free speech and never has done. As one can see in Article 10.2 free speech cannot actually be freely exercised and won't provide any defense in court as its extremely limited in EU. In such, publications moving to make the Pavel situation into a battle for free speech....good

Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights​

Article 10 – Freedom of expression

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
  2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
Brits learning this themselves currently.

Ironically the US is 100% iron clad.
Reactions: jafo
I have a legit question:
Why not arrest Zuckerberg too ?
That one is easy. Zuck is mostly controlled already. Likely already since the early days of Facebook

IMHO telegram so far best messenger that available in the world. let's hope no matter how story with Durov will be finished, telegram remain same great app, not a s**t like facebook, x, etc
You have got to be kidding me..

TG is already since forever deleting channels and groups and even cooperating with governments. There are much better alternatives which are at the very least a lot more private.

I can't stop to think about this chick being a honey pot..

If so, I hope that Durov enjoyed that pussy long enough.

Last but not least. Acquiring an UAE passport is extremely difficult. Multiple billionaires failed and here is Durov, holding that passport. What leverage does the UAE have over him?
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What leverage does the UAE have over him?

He probably forms an important part of the global intelligence operations of the UAE government. I highly doubt he is not helping UAE spy on dissidents etc as israel has been helping them software wise for years to do similiar. Every country likes to spy on their advisories and friends and there is nothing more gulf regimes fear than protests, dissent and being toppled to push them to do so.

I'm speculating but right now EU and US etc want him to probably do same for them
Honestly, all this did was show tons of people that Telegram is not E2EE on most chats and have spooked them to Session/Signal/etc. So all in all it may even be a good thing LOL
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Telegram is my favorite app for this. You can choose end to end encryption on telegram if you wish, it's surely more safe than whatsapp or facebook. In general I like telegram and I think its safe as long as you are not famous person or osama bin laden. Nice design and great user experience too
You have got to be kidding me..

TG is already since forever deleting channels and groups and even cooperating with governments. There are much better alternatives which are at the very least a lot more private
Don't use it for illegal s**t like a drugs, weapon, child P**N etc(I don't know else what you use which affect you with deleted channels) and it will be fine.
For my purpose I never had problem with deleting or other moderation from application side.

Mr Durov would have been arrested even if he was a British or German or Swedish, even French. His ideas are dangerous, like the ones of Njala's founders, Snowden and other whistleblowers. One shall be punished so the others will comply - general prevention (criminology) - regarding mala prohibita.

Considering that all three countries - FR, RU, UAE - of which Mr Durov is citizen acted and reacted promptly - this episode will redefine Machiavelli's Prince. We're already living in the new epoch with more and more psychopatic and idiosyncratic rules of the game.

When reading the forums, I perceive that a lot of people react improperly - focusing on a segment, an isolated detail and trying to revert or change the tides of tax policies etc. - where that's not adaptive behavior - they don't anticipate nor comprehend the meaning of the processes and phenomena. On a societal scale, last decade's event's are leading to an extinction level economic events for majority of people.

Mr Durov's arrest marks the end of an era of relative personal safety where Western governments and particularly European were respecting the old rules - better to say, were painfuly tolerating.

Honestly, all this did was show tons of people that Telegram is not E2EE on most chats and have spooked them to Session/Signal/etc. So all in all it may even be a good thing LOL

May be.

Favorite should not be defined by impressions but security preferences. No Microsoft, Samsung, Apple and Google - beside the behemoths - application can suffice to be safely used for security purposes.

Don't use it for illegal s**t like a drugs, weapon, child P**N etc(I don't know else what you use which affect you with deleted channels) and it will be fine.
For my purpose I never had problem with deleting or other moderation from application side.

My companies are in certain business where the security of your communication is either our imperative to establish and protect; or, to surveil, decipher, interpret.

Having said that, I believe that even if you are the worst kind of people or the enemy, you should have a rights as a human being for private communication where nobody can moderate the content and cancel your existence beside other more direct actions for dubious purposes Why - because, what's wrong or not should be universaly accepted but it isn't.
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