Monaco resdient without 500k EUR

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Nothin beats Monaco in EU... Just go for it. Even better is to live 6 months in Monaco during summer and 6 months in warmer country during winter.
As @Sols mentioned, it is all personal. I absolutely HATE the hot weather, so for me it's Monaco in the winter and Davos or Bariloche in the summer, whichever is colder. Anything above 15°C is too warm for me and I'm OUT of there! I don't even wear a coat in Monaco or Davos/Bariloche. To me, Moscow and St. Petersburg are cold in the winter. I need a thick coat then.

Yep, just like anything in life..

So, how can someone relocate to Monaco without the 500k? Only through employment or starting a local company with at least 10 employees i guess.
Reactions: jafo
There is no other way in as far as I know

There are other ways, employment or start a company. It's a hassle though.

Easiest way! I know several people who commute to work in Monaco from Italy and France. A lot of wealthy old people looking for energetic, reliable, and responsible assistants.

Yes, or if you know someone with a local company that can hire you on paper.
Reactions: jafo
read the treaties between France and Monaco and you'll see some tricks Monegasque residents can use
also you don't have to own the villa in Roquebrune in your name... there's such a thing called SCI (Société Civile Immobilière)...
need fluent french and a local professional to learn/understand these things... if you come from common law countries Monaco is very bureaucratic.
"It's really not an international place." I would disagree. . In fact I can't imagine any place on earth that is more international than the Riviera. I have spent part of every year here for the last 70 years, getting along 95% in English & 5% using my High school 1 semester of French. If you can say Oui, No & Oooh La La you can get along fine here. Most of my blogs were made in the South of France ( ) where I talk about the area, my life, and stuff I do every day. Here In the South of France (Riviera) there are many enclaves where stores, restaurants, and everything is (for instance) in Russian, German, Filipino, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese English/American, Dutch, etc.) For quality of life, you can't beat the Riviera, Nice is nice, and so is Cannes. But the small towns are great to live in and the property prices are cheaper than the better neighborhoods in the U.K., USA, or many other places that are not as nice. Drawbacks: Petty Crime- burglaries, purse snatching, etc. but very few murders or crimes involving guns, or blood, I have e observed that local (illegal?) immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are often aggressive & making more trouble now than they used to.
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