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Millionaires are leaving the BRICS

Its not impossible to live in the SEA but also its not a good place to live.
Same for Middle East, I know lots of rich people and no sane person would live there other than Indian Crypto scammers and Russian hackers.

I don't think it's the culture shock, I seen nice places in Korea, Japan, China, but SEA is pure hell.
The Philippines is full of trash and loud karaoke everywhere 24/7, and not the cute nice music type like in South Africa, but the fully annoying version.
You hit and run some poor soul, just pay his family a few thousand dollar and all is forgotten, or if they refuse just pay the police.
People compare places like this to the West? :rolleyes:

At least the West is ruled by 1 big Mafia, if you pay their tax they let you live and build your business. in SEA any police chief can do anything to you, any millionaire can steal your business.
Its possible to manage a dropship scam, start restaurants or holiday resorts in those places, even factories with slaves, but can you imagine starting an Nvidia or Tesla in SEA?
Of course not, you can only build a real business in a civilized country.

People complain about the West here because they just like to complain. It has nothing to do with the real quality of life.
If you spend a little time and look at the places where the commentators of this topic live, you will find banana republics on islands, dirty, smog-filled cities in Asia and other places where life is very specific.

Talking about the dirt in Europe, danger, strict laws, stupid rules and other things, in cities like London, Frankfurt, Milan, these people are subject to the same in 'their' cities. But there is a big difference. Europe is a region where half a billion people live.

While Milan, London, Frankfurt, etc. are really trashy cities to live in, there are many quiet, clean, beautiful, adequate in terms of cost places in Europe where you can live comfortably without even thinking about the fact that you need to choose between an oven in Dubai or a hustle in Milan.

Moreover, this is confirmed by the fact that these same people who criticize Milan, begin to praise Florence, which is the same crap for living, only a bit cleaner than Milan, not so noisy and overcrowded, etc. It is immediately obvious that their knowledge of the issue of places where it is comfortable to live in Europe is very limited.
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Rome was an utter shithole
You can call Rome in many ways, but not a shithole. Unless you are blind or mentally impaired, its beauty never ceases to overwhelm visitors and residents alike, despite all those who have ruled over it across the centuries.
I couldn’t live there, but that goes down to personal preferences. While nobody can survive the Italian state mafia and at the same time follow the official rules, Italy remains the best destination for vacations and entertainment.

It is immediately obvious that their knowledge of the issue of places where it is comfortable to live in Europe
as a slave - you forgot to specify this.
as a slave - you forgot to specify this.

People complain about the West here because they just like to complain. It has nothing to do with the real quality of life.
I completely agree. It seems people often forget that if you lead a straightforward life and avoid operating in gray or even darker areas, you can usually live in peace and enjoy a much better quality of life than in some of the less desirable locations mentioned here.

I'm 150% with you that Dubai can feel like a furnace to live in permanently, and I doubt many of these small islands offer much more than the occasional @JohnnyDoe in a bikini.
as a slave - you forgot to specify this.

you said it very well above - it is a matter of personal preference.
some people think that slavery is taxes, some think it is the impossibility for a woman to walk on the street without a hijab, some think it is having fewer rights than locals (in terms of racism and xenophobia), etc. Quite many different aspects what is slavery nowadays.

but if we return to Europe, there are many more places in Europe than the uber bureaucracy of Germany or the state mafia of Italy.
if you lead a straightforward life and avoid operating in gray or even darker areas,
This means being a public servant or a slave. In Ursulandia, entrepreneurship is a black area.
I doubt many of these small islands offer much more than the occasional @JohnnyDoe in a bikini.
Keep doubting, I don’t want these places to be transformed into a Monaco circus. And anyway you would never see me in a bikini, as my beach is off limits.

there are many more places in Europe than the uber bureaucracy of Germany or the state mafia of Italy.
The EU is a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization. Beneath the surface, there’s no difference between members of the organization.
You can call Rome in many ways, but not a shithole. Unless you are blind or mentally impaired, its beauty never ceases to overwhelm visitors and residents alike, despite all those who have ruled over it across the centuries.
I couldn’t live there, but that goes down to personal preferences. While nobody can survive the Italian state mafia and at the same time follow the official rules, Italy remains the best destination for vacations and entertainment.

as a slave - you forgot to specify this.
It was a shithole as in rife with crime - and stench
Keep doubting, I don’t want these places to be transformed into a Monaco circus.
Stop inviting them! hi%# Let them find their OWN place or perish in Europe!
I know you are smart AF, so you are cognizant that you do not want to attract anyone with the above attitudes and mentalities into your neighborhoods! Let them burn! ;)

  1. My enate side is French & British.
  2. My agnate side is Portuguese & Italian.
  3. Luckily, I was born overseas in a TAX HAVEN in a colonized European country (different from the 4 mentioned above).
  4. I went to Uni in the USA and lived there for a long time (until Obama and his FATCA BS)
  5. My siblings were born in other European countries, different from those mentioned earlier.
  6. I have family members in EVERY f*cking European country! Every single one of them!
  7. I don't have a SINGLE European family member who is happy in the USA or ANY of those European countries! None! Nada! Zilch!
  8. Some even work for the "state mafia," and they are STILL unhappy AF! Always complaining and trying to make ends meet!
  9. None of them have ever been to Latin America, the Caribbean, Russia, or Asia (i.e., The "Evil" Square?).
  10. ***BUT*** They ALL "HATE" those places and, notwithstanding never having even visited, have ALL sorts of opinions, criticism, and disparagement of them. :rolleyes:
  11. Meanwhile, ALL my struggling relatives living in Europe and the USA are living below the standards of my "pay-to-play girlfriends" in The Evil Square. rof/% smi(&%

Also, remember what Europeans used to say to foreigners/immigrants in Europe 20 or more years ago? ***Assimilate & Integrate***

Now, these foreigners/immigrants do as THEY want! They expect us to change our ways to theirs. Like WTF???!!! :mad:

Europe got & deserved what Europe is! Let them BURN!

The people STILL clinging to the "old Europe" are SLOW-LEARNERS!

Figuratively speaking, they are the CUCKOLDS (Western citizens/residents) who now hallucinate that their wives (the State) will NO longer cheat on them (betray them) and that the children conceived from their wives' infidelities (refugees and "invaders"), that they are paying for and raising will <<<ONE DAY>>> be grateful, respect them, love them and take care of them in reciprocity! rof/% smi(&% rof/% smi(&% rof/% smi(&%

Why even argue with such delusional and out-of-touch-with-reality people? Please, let them enjoy their psychosis!

Here's something to ponder on:
rof/% smi(&%

PS. In 50 years, the extremists (majority) will have their hands on MOST of the West's Nuclear Arsenal...by inheritance... hi%#

That's a beauty of Old Blighty - when you leave, they ask no questions and give you clear rules what to do to not be a tax resident there. At least for now.
rof/% smi(&%

WHY IS VENEZUELA’S GOLD STILL FROZEN IN THE BANK OF ENGLAND? Four years ago, the UK government recognised Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s president. He’s now gone, but the Bank of England is still holding some of the country’s key assets.



PS. If you do NOT understand this, there is NOTHING anyone can do for you! You'll have to go through the PAINFUL process. ;)
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You can call Rome in many ways, but not a shithole. Unless you are blind or mentally impaired, its beauty never ceases to overwhelm visitors and residents alike, despite all those who have ruled over it across the centuries.
I couldn’t live there, but that goes down to personal preferences. While nobody can survive the Italian state mafia and at the same time follow the official rules, Italy remains the best destination for vacations and entertainment.

Mate it's a sh1thole. I was there some years ago and there was a lot of graffiti, buildings decaying and a lot of homeless people around Rome Termin etc. Rome looks run down from minute you start driving from airport into Rome with graffiti everywhere. I was disappointed with level of poverty I saw and homeless people sleeping in doorways on my way to an Embassy. You can tell the place has let itself go. It resembles more Catania in Sicily than somewhere with wealth.
Mate it's a sh1thole. I was there some years ago and there was a lot of graffiti, buildings decaying and a lot of homeless people around Rome Termin etc. Rome looks run down from minute you start driving from airport into Rome with graffiti everywhere. I was disappointed with level of poverty I saw and homeless people sleeping in doorways on my way to an Embassy. You can tell the place has let itself go. It resembles more Catania in Sicily than somewhere with wealth.
Nothing has changed for the last 2700 years. It’s just too much for you barbarians.
Stop inviting them! hi%# Let them find their OWN place or perish in Europe!
I know you are smart AF, so you are cognizant that you do not want to attract anyone with the above attitudes and mentalities into your neighborhoods! Let them burn! ;)

Also, remember what Europeans used to say to foreigners/immigrants in Europe 20 or more years ago? ***Assimilate & Integrate***

Now, these foreigners/immigrants do as THEY want! They expect us to change our ways to theirs. Like WTF???!!! :mad:

Europe got & deserved what Europe is! Let them BURN!

Here's something to ponder on:
rof/% smi(&%
This is what happens if you let left-wingers govern for wayyyy too long! Western Europe has become super soft and lenient towards muslim immigrants committing crimes. They would never dare to do such lawbreaking activities in the Middle East cuz you know... Zero tolerance there!
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Rome has latin america vibes as soon as you leave the city centre, dirty and lots of immigrants. City centre is very pretty but overwhelmingly crowded, filled with overpriced tourist trap restaurants and shops. It's my opinion when I visited the city. I remember paying lots of money for spaghetti that tasted worse than 7 eleven wrozen pasta, If I were to visit Italy I'd choose Florence
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This is what happens if you let left-wingers govern for wayyyy too long! Western Europe has become super soft and lenient towards muslim immigrants committing crimes.

I would not attribute Europe's decline to immigration. It is more to do with liberalism gone out of control and overall social moral decline. There are no longer any values that keep society in check in Europe. European liberalism is about self gratification over all else and an anything goes attitude. There is also nothing that unites some parts of societies in Europe other than stoked up irrational hatred, blaming of foreigners for Europe's problems, EU rules...oh and dislike of the Germans.

Europeans are not having kids any more so birth rates are declining and populations aging. You got a society full of frustrated natives who may work hard but see life taking them nowhere while they see Mr Ali down the road has a family of 6 kids - he knows how to struggle and how to make it work.

The EU faces a major demographic decline with 27.3 million fewer people by 2100​

In short Europeans have gotten too comfortable in their way of life and have forgotten the struggle. Europeans countries like Germany should no longer rely on immigration to resolve their demographic problems and should instead put in place policies to ensure Germans want to continue to live and work in Germany and that women have children. As radical as Hungary's policy was they at least took action to try an address the demographic situation the right way.

Bottom line is immigration is not the problem its government policies.

They would never dare to do such lawbreaking activities in the Middle East cuz you know... Zero tolerance there!

Yup they don't have moral decline or out of control liberalism over there....lol. It is European governments that allow this and they are just taking advantage of this the same way many western European countries did of their countries years ago ;).
Rome has latin america vibes
100% true!

Here's the RIGID DICHOTOMY, though ->

(1) *EXCEPT* that in Latin America, the immigrants are Europeans (I'm including the UK here) and North Americans, hereinafter referred to as Westerners.

(2) The prisons in Europe are "usually" filled with immigrants!

(3) The prisons in Latin America are filled with LOCALS and NOT Westerners!

(4) The neighborhood Westerners (usually) inhabit in Latin America are regarded as VHCOL by the locals in Latin America. The neighbors of the Westerners are the highest class of Latin Americans one can find. These erudite locals have (usually) studied in Europe, North America, or both.

This is a HUGE difference that most people do NOT ever realize! ;)

Ask @JohnnyDoe the type of neighbors he has overseas. ;)
Rome has latin america vibes as soon as you leave the city centre, dirty and lots of immigrants.
What should ever bring you to places like San Basilio or Torbella Monaca? bor&%#
City centre is very pretty but overwhelmingly crowded,
Try it on 15 August :cool:
filled with overpriced tourist trap restaurants and shops. It's my opinion when I visited the city. I remember paying lots of money for spaghetti that tasted worse than 7 eleven wrozen pasta,
You can easily avoid the tourist traps. But are you sure you are not used to cooking spaghetti for 30 minutes?
If I were to visit Italy I'd choose Florence
Why not. However, you will never end to discover new marvels in Rome.
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I would not attribute Europe's decline to immigration. It is more to do with liberalism gone out of control and overall social moral decline. There are no longer any values that keep society in check in Europe. European liberalism is about self gratification over all else and an anything goes attitude. There is also nothing that unites some parts of societies in Europe other than stoked up irrational hatred, blaming of foreigners for Europe's problems, EU rules...oh and dislike of the Germans.

Europeans are not having kids any more so birth rates are declining and populations aging. You got a society full of frustrated natives who may work hard but see life taking them nowhere while they see Mr Ali down the road has a family of 6 kids - he knows how to struggle and how to make it work.
Yes you're right.

Natives these days wouldn't even want to work in dirty or dangerous jobs for a living (even if it pays well) so those jobs are taken by law abiding and hard working immigrants. Europe needs the good ones, not the bad ones that recently came into the continent solely to engage in illegal activities and commit multiple crimes. Literally no one asked for them to come. And sadly this is what we see for the vast majority on the internet which severely tarnishes the reputation of arabs in Europe.
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Europe needs to stop paying any kind of social benefit / welfare to any immigrant, like what is being done in Middle East and Asia and Africa where as a foreigner you will be let die if you cant pay the hospital. You are free however to try to get some sort of private insurance.
Which means, no pension, no healthcare, no socials whatsoever, whereas the immigrants often pay indirectly for the welfare of citizens by visa fees etc.

Its seemingly very easy to game the welfare system in europe so the best thing is to not have it available to immigrants.

That must happen in Europe as well to turn this mess around. Since most don't have citizenship yet and cant vote, it maybe has some chance of happening but it certainly won't be happening after the next generation.