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Millionaires are leaving the BRICS


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Jul 11, 2024

Data clearly shows how big echo chamber this forum is, Russia good EU bad, blah blah blah...
Funny to read all the places people recommend here, got rich? go to Dubai and live in the desert among Arabs and Indians.
Want to pay less tax? Go to Thailand buy a shitty built villa for 5 million dollar, 10 meter from your home people will throw the trash onto the street, locals see a $ sign whenever they see you so don't expect to make genuine friends, the food quality is a joke expect to have diarrhea every week.
Every businessman in Vietnam who makes it sells the business to the Chinese and goes to live in US, Canada or EU, and you recommend people to go to Vietnam?
Outside of the expensive villas SEA is a complete shithole, sure the West has some problems but it is the only livable place on earth, especially if you have a family.
Outside of the expensive villas SEA is a complete shithole, sure the West has some problems but it is the only livable place on earth, especially if you have a family.
Some problems? I think especially with a family it's wise to avoid migration hotspots like UK, France or Germany. I never had a thing for knife incidents, nor do I think would my (imaginary) children would like to experience jihad in their classroom, so that SEA is a much safer choice IMHO.

Being able to mind your own business without having to waste a second thought on security measures that go beyond preserving wealth is a very important part of the life quality here, beats that open air tax gulags in the EU, and makes the trash burning neighbor look like an angelic spirit compared to the unelected psychopaths like Ursula von der Leyen.
Data clearly shows
smi(&% rof/%
You need to read this book and quick...


Data clearly shows how big echo chamber this forum is, Russia good EU bad, blah blah blah...
Funny to read all the places people recommend here, got rich? go to Dubai and live in the desert among Arabs and Indians.
Want to pay less tax? Go to Thailand buy a shitty built villa for 5 million dollar, 10 meter from your home people will throw the trash onto the street, locals see a $ sign whenever they see you so don't expect to make genuine friends, the food quality is a joke expect to have diarrhea every week.
Every businessman in Vietnam who makes it sells the business to the Chinese and goes to live in US, Canada or EU, and you recommend people to go to Vietnam?
Outside of the expensive villas SEA is a complete shithole, sure the West has some problems but it is the only livable place on earth, especially if you have a family.
well seems you havent been in both places for a while ;)

Apart from that, havent you asked yourself how you can measure these flows accurately anyway?
Certain countries yes like Switzerland where you have to disclose every penny owned but in Uae you don't have to disclose anything wealth related.
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sure the West has some problems but it is the only livable place on earth, especially if you have a family.

Trolling at its finest...lol.

Where do you live btw...lol?
You would be surprised how liveable some places in Southeast Asia can be. I think most of the hate/disgust comes from cultural shock, not from the places truly being unlivable shitholes.

You mentioned only two places - Thailand and Vietnam.

Vietnam is not the best place in SEA, I agree. Major cities are overpopulated, the northern people behave like the Chinese (I mean that in a negative way). I've read some statistics that 75 % of tourists would come to Thailand again. For VIetnam it was only 5 %.

In Thailand, there are many retirees, digital nomads, expats, passport bros, how ever you want to call them. Many of them very wealthy (they may not appear in these statistics at all). And most of them seem pretty happy. Thailand (mixed with neighbouring countries) has some of the best food in the world, if you eat street food from strange sources you may get diarrhea yeah. And for $5M you can buy not just one villa but a dozen of them outside of Bangkok. The locals are very honest and polite with a few obvious exceptions like taxi drivers.

Then you have dozens of other countries friendly towards rich people willing to move in. The statistics and the map from VisualCapitalist you showed us tells only one side of the picture - rich Chinese and Indians were getting residencies/investments in US, Canada and Australia. That is nothing new and not surprising if each if these countries (CN, IN) has over a billion people. The number will be high. Not surprising. The only surprising number for me is Greece getting 1200 net new millionares (not sure what that is about)

However, all this is backwards looking. You should be looking one or two steps ahead - where is Canada heading with all the new Indian immigrants and woke politics? Where is Australia heading with the new regulations and controls? Where is UAE heading with its new tax? There are not the countries you want to be in for the next decades. You should look elsewhere and some countries you may call "shithole" may actually be perfect, for business opportunities, dating, lifestyle, weather or simply the government leaving you alone.
You would be surprised how liveable some places in Southeast Asia can be. I think most of the hate/disgust comes from cultural shock, not from the places truly being unlivable shitholes.

You mentioned only two places - Thailand and Vietnam.

Vietnam is not the best place in SEA, I agree. Major cities are overpopulated, the northern people behave like the Chinese (I mean that in a negative way). I've read some statistics that 75 % of tourists would come to Thailand again. For VIetnam it was only 5 %.

In Thailand, there are many retirees, digital nomads, expats, passport bros, how ever you want to call them. Many of them very wealthy (they may not appear in these statistics at all). And most of them seem pretty happy. Thailand (mixed with neighbouring countries) has some of the best food in the world, if you eat street food from strange sources you may get diarrhea yeah. And for $5M you can buy not just one villa but a dozen of them outside of Bangkok. The locals are very honest and polite with a few obvious exceptions like taxi drivers.

Then you have dozens of other countries friendly towards rich people willing to move in. The statistics and the map from VisualCapitalist you showed us tells only one side of the picture - rich Chinese and Indians were getting residencies/investments in US, Canada and Australia. That is nothing new and not surprising if each if these countries (CN, IN) has over a billion people. The number will be high. Not surprising. The only surprising number for me is Greece getting 1200 net new millionares (not sure what that is about)

However, all this is backwards looking. You should be looking one or two steps ahead - where is Canada heading with all the new Indian immigrants and woke politics? Where is Australia heading with the new regulations and controls? Where is UAE heading with its new tax? There are not the countries you want to be in for the next decades. You should look elsewhere and some countries you may call "shithole" may actually be perfect, for business opportunities, dating, lifestyle, weather or simply the government leaving you alone.
Greece maybe because of the lump sum tax regime ? Greece - Individual - Other tax credits and incentives
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Wonder why none of them choose Switzerland or Monaco for their next home?
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If anyone wants to see the global migration figures from 1990-2020 the UN has given its estimates below. As you can see they show a migrant increase of around 126m in so called global south compared to 154m in so called west. So around 45% of migration is in global South and 55% in the West. Not exactly clear cut.

Data (See "Table 1" tab in spreadsheet)


Looking at where millionaires move to is not a great way to judge the worth of a country or region sadly. A millionaire can maintain multiple residencies around the world and also forms a tiny insignificant number when looking at migration. One needs to look at the bigger picture of migration and then the detail. i.e lets take Germany which took in 2.6m people in 2022 but 1.3m were Ukrainian refugees alone.

The net migration figure for Germans leaving Germany from 2005 - 2023 has been negative each and every year. And for such a wonderful place to live how does this happen ;). But who cares as Germany has done enough each year to replace the overall outflow with incoming refugees or migrants. Oh and and we are not talking millionaires, doctors and lawyers arriving folks but cheap labour to power German industry...lol.

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They did. Here:

Does NOT report these numbers.

Monaco does NOT want to attract the nouveau riche devoid of bienséance with a desiderium for "external validation" (think IG posts, etc.) and Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) and Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD). ;)

Germany has done enough each year to replace the overall outflow with incoming refugees or migrants. Oh and and we are not talking millionaires, doctors and lawyers arriving folks but cheap labour to power German industry...lol.
All of a sudden, it makes PERFECT sense to me why the political class needs (new or any) SLAVES on their "plantation." stupi#21

F*ck me! How did I miss this all these years? :oops:
I feel like a f*cking FOOL! stupi#21 stupi#21 stupi#21

@Martin Everson , thank you, and CHEERS! thu&¤#
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Data clearly shows how big echo chamber this forum is, Russia good EU bad, blah blah blah...
Funny to read all the places people recommend here, got rich? go to Dubai and live in the desert among Arabs and Indians.
Want to pay less tax? Go to Thailand buy a shitty built villa for 5 million dollar, 10 meter from your home people will throw the trash onto the street, locals see a $ sign whenever they see you so don't expect to make genuine friends, the food quality is a joke expect to have diarrhea every week.
Every businessman in Vietnam who makes it sells the business to the Chinese and goes to live in US, Canada or EU, and you recommend people to go to Vietnam?
Outside of the expensive villas SEA is a complete shithole, sure the West has some problems but it is the only livable place on earth, especially if you have a family.

everything is simple.
listen less to the advice of others, especially in a no-name forum and all sorts of dubious statistics, and check everything more on your own experience.

if a person is a multimillionaire, then spending a million on traveling and exploring the world is one of the best investments he can make, especially if young enough.
so that he can see with own eyes the advantages and disadvantages of places like the UAE, Vietnam, European countries, SEA, etc. and choose what he like, suits lifestyle and preferences.
everything is simple.
listen less to the advice of others, especially in a no-name forum and all sorts of dubious statistics, and check everything more on your own experience.
I’ve got more than enough to never have to work again.

Whether that makes me rich is up to others to decide, but I’ve gotten a ton of value from checking out OCT almost every day. If you actually read what the smart folks here post and can connect the dots, there’s a lot to gain. But honestly, most people here probably around 90% don’t read everything or actually take action.

If a millionaire is unable to move without being tracked you can bet he will not remain a millionaire for long.
many millionaires don't have paranoia and live a good live with the army of experts available. Check out the story of Keanu Reeves wealth and lifestyle.
Outside of the expensive villas SEA is a complete shithole, sure the West has some problems but it is the only livable place on earth, especially if you have a family.
Depends on who you are and how wealthy you are! If you have enough money you can always remove garbage in your surroundings.
You would be surprised how liveable some places in Southeast Asia can be. I think most of the hate/disgust comes from cultural shock, not from the places truly being unlivable shitholes.
Its not impossible to live in the SEA but also its not a good place to live.
Same for Middle East, I know lots of rich people and no sane person would live there other than Indian Crypto scammers and Russian hackers.

I don't think it's the culture shock, I seen nice places in Korea, Japan, China, but SEA is pure hell.
The Philippines is full of trash and loud karaoke everywhere 24/7, and not the cute nice music type like in South Africa, but the fully annoying version.
You hit and run some poor soul, just pay his family a few thousand dollar and all is forgotten, or if they refuse just pay the police.
People compare places like this to the West? :rolleyes:

At least the West is ruled by 1 big Mafia, if you pay their tax they let you live and build your business. in SEA any police chief can do anything to you, any millionaire can steal your business.
Its possible to manage a dropship scam, start restaurants or holiday resorts in those places, even factories with slaves, but can you imagine starting an Nvidia or Tesla in SEA?
Of course not, you can only build a real business in a civilized country.
West is ruled by 1 big Mafia
Made out of millions of people....Most of us don't have enough ammunition for all of them! :rolleyes:

in SEA any police chief can do anything to you, any millionaire can steal your business.
Some of us can handle one or two guys who trespass. No problem! ;)
We have enough hands and ammunition for that!
They know it, we know it!
Self-preservation for them is KEY!
I've NEVER EVER been scammed or robbed by ANYONE except by the BIG MAFIA in the West! Can I eventually get them? Sure...but it costs a LOT of money and time, but b@ll$ to the W@LL! We take NO prisoners!
Even the Chief of Police and Mayor of one of the biggest and wealthiest counties in the West is NOT safe from vigilante surveillance & revenge:
(1) First, you expose his criminal offspring: 2008: Carlos A. Alvarez Jr., whose father is Miami-Dade County’s former police director and current mayor. Alvarez Jr., 32, has spent the past 13 ½ years in prison for sexual battery, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and lewd and lascivious assault on a child under 16.

(2) Second, you expose HIM: 2016: Ex-Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Alvarez Arrested for Domestic Violence

Perseverance is KEY! dev56"""

(3) Ad inifnitum...
can you imagine starting an Nvidia or Tesla in SEA
Neither you nor I nor anyone else from this forum could in the West! We're NOT in "The Club!" Although some of us have sat in the same college classes with most of them and run circles around them in the intellectual & physical department, we do NOT have the influence, political connections, and political privileges they had & still have.

It's a BIG f*cking Club, and you and I ain't in it! :rolleyes:

PS. This video was from the 1980s!
Its not impossible to live in the SEA but also its not a good place to live.
Same for Middle East, I know lots of rich people and no sane person would live there other than Indian Crypto scammers and Russian hackers.

I don't think it's the culture shock, I seen nice places in Korea, Japan, China, but SEA is pure hell.
The Philippines is full of trash and loud karaoke everywhere 24/7, and not the cute nice music type like in South Africa, but the fully annoying version.
You hit and run some poor soul, just pay his family a few thousand dollar and all is forgotten, or if they refuse just pay the police.
theres more than philippines, which is a challenging place overall but you can be in BCG which is decent.
You can have good quality for affordable prices in e.g. especially Malaysia and Thailand or you make it to pricey Singapore which is outstanding.
People compare places like this to the West? :rolleyes:

At least the West is ruled by 1 big Mafia, if you pay their tax they let you live and build your business.
thats not accurate any longer. You need to follow the thought police and keep up with feminism and unchecked immigration, which is enabled by our tax dollars.
They will only leave you alone, if you accept this all and be a good corporate drone (for most folks).
in SEA any police chief can do anything to you, any millionaire can steal your business.
Its possible to manage a dropship scam, start restaurants or holiday resorts in those places, even factories with slaves, but can you imagine starting an Nvidia or Tesla in SEA?
europe has also 0 big unicorns. Its only china and usa due to easy access to a lot of capital.
Yet, theres grab and lazada in sea. More than what europe has.
Of course not, you can only build a real business in a civilized country.
Whats china to you?

Id conclude sea has a lot of negatives but id add xenophobia, air pollution, visa issues, political stability to it, but these dont tilt the balance automatically in the wests favor.
But the cities are generally safe which cannot be said of Frankfurt, London, US cities (Chicago, Baltimore, etc etc).

The West is great if youre part of the oligarchy billionaire club or a poor immigrant given a free pass and monthly stipend. The area in between much less over the last 20 or so years.
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On the first one - yes the West truly doesn’t know how wealthy citizens are overseas - the moment they begin asking - is the time to renounce the citizenship because they are now hungry for it

theres more than philippines, which is a challenging place overall but you can be in BCG which is decent.
You can have good quality for affordable prices in e.g. especially Malaysia and Thailand or you make it to pricey Singapore which is outstanding.

thats not accurate any longer. You need to follow the thought police and keep up with feminism and unchecked immigration, which is enabled by our tax dollars.
They will only leave you alone, if you accept this all and be a good corporate drone (for most folks).

europe has also 0 big unicorns. Its only china and usa due to easy access to a lot of capital.
Yet, theres grab and lazada. More than what europe has.

Whats china to you?

Id conclude sea has a lot of negatives but id add xenophobia, air pollution, visa issues, political stability to it, but these dont tilt the balance automatically in the wests favor.
But the cities are generally safe which cannot be said of Frankfurt, London, US cities (Chicago, Baltimore, etc etc).

The West is great if youre part of the oligarchy billionaire club or a poor immigrant given a free pass and monthly stipend. The area in between much less over the last 20 or so years.
I’d rather have a bit of air pollution than running the risk of being slashed, sprayed, raped or mugged - and last but least thrown in prison for speaking about it
On the first one - yes the West truly doesn’t know how wealthy citizens are overseas - the moment they begin asking - is the time to renounce the citizenship because they are now hungry for it

I’d rather have a bit of air pollution than running the risk of being slashed, sprayed, raped or mugged - and last but least thrown in prison for speaking about it
exactly. Its not that of a big issue. Plus many cities in the west have air pollution as well (e.g. Milan has smog especially in winter) and are still on the dangerous side.

Its not impossible to live in the SEA but also its not a good place to live.
Same for Middle East, I know lots of rich people and no sane person would live there other than Indian Crypto scammers and Russian hackers.

I don't think it's the culture shock, I seen nice places in Korea, Japan, China, but SEA is pure hell.
The Philippines is full of trash and loud karaoke everywhere 24/7, and not the cute nice music type like in South Africa, but the fully annoying version.
You hit and run some poor soul, just pay his family a few thousand dollar and all is forgotten, or if they refuse just pay the police.
People compare places like this to the West? :rolleyes:

At least the West is ruled by 1 big Mafia, if you pay their tax they let you live and build your business. in SEA any police chief can do anything to you, any millionaire can steal your business.
Its possible to manage a dropship scam, start restaurants or holiday resorts in those places, even factories with slaves, but can you imagine starting an Nvidia or Tesla in SEA?
Of course not, you can only build a real business in a civilized country.
circle back to Phillippines.
One important thing is also this. You can have as an older man with even modest means the chance to meet younger and beautiful women (or men or smth in between). Something impossible in the west unless you are leo, brad or George or very rich (in the top 1% or even less group). You would be labelled a creep otherwise.
Without opening a debate about this, its also an important part of life quality.
Also the Us fellas seem to have much less issues with the Phillippines, its mostly europeans which have their issues.
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exactly. Its not that of a big issue. Plus many cities in the west have air pollution as well (e.g. Milan has smog especially in winter) and are still on the dangerous side.

circle back to Phillippines.
One important thing is also this. You can have as an older man with even modest means the chance to meet younger and beautiful women (or men or smth in between). Something impossible in the west unless you are leo, brad or George or very rich (in the top 1% or even less group). You would be labelled a creep otherwise.
Without opening a debate about this, its also an important part of life quality.
Also the Us fellas seem to have much less issues with the Phillippines, its mostly europeans which have their issues.
Last time I was in Milan it stank of piss - Rome was an utter shithole - Florence was amazing and I was seriously looking at moving there - I’ve just heard they’ve given land for a mosque so I guess that wipes down wife and three kids then as that’ll be gone inside 10 years also