no dividend to Holding correct
You mean no dividends are being paid at all? Because if you are not paying dividends to UK shareholder then you are not paying out dividends to anyone else right as that would not be possible right?
no dividend to Holding correct
You mean no dividends are being paid at all? Because if you are not paying dividends to UK shareholder then you are not paying out dividends to anyone else right?
As my accountant made last year the refund is made directly on the bank account of the malta ltd or to the beneficial owner resident non dom... last year i’ve got smoothly in this way let s see this year...
Btw tomorrow or Monday i’ll get a call from csb about cfc rule, refund 6/7 etc...
Well if your not paying out any dividends then the UK company carries out no activity whatsoever and serves no purpose. This then is 100% a purely artificial tax avoidance structure that has been created to lower the taxes of a Malta resident non-dom. It may be legal in Malta (where anything flys) but is 100% an artificial construct that you have where you derive a tax benefit.
Yes could be but if you think more deeply, we are talking about an holding , how many decision the Director of the holding take annually??? 2/3 flights to UK maybe?
So in fact company is not managed and controlled in Malta! And in Fact maltese company is holding by foreign shareholder.
yes 100% own of the uk ltdWhy bother thinking about this as the UK company receives no dividends and has no activity whatsoever hence no tax liability will be possible. Remember the UK company has the sole purpose of achieving an artificial tax advantage in Malta for its Malta subsidiary. You, I and your Malta accountant all know the UK company is just a place holder for tax purposes of the Malta So what has any of the above got to do with your situation.
Your Malta company is a subsidiary of the UK company i.e it is 100% owned by the UK company is it not?![]()
i never hear in Malta or Read on newspaper of artificial holding company to get refunds...
----- quote from deloitte
"Under a general anti-abuse provision, the Commissioner for Revenue is entitled to disregard for tax purposes any artificial or fictitious scheme that reduces the amount of Malta tax payable by a taxpayer, and to assess the taxpayer for tax to effectively nullify or modify the scheme and consequent advantage. There also are a number of anti-abuse provisions targeting specific activities. "
-- end quote
You mean the Maltese never refer to their setup as artificial? That would be like Trump referring to himself a as liar. The setup is very profitable for Malta. EU has already said it is not a harmful tax practice but it has no real volume to be a threat yet
@Osleak Btw how do you get the 6/7 tax rebate without paying out a dividend?![]()
my accountant send all the request and documents for the refund, after that CFR send her a confirmation, after that i pay taxes to Malta and than in 15/20 i ll get refund
As my accountant made last year the refund is made directly on the bank account of the malta ltd or to the beneficial owner resident non dom... last year i’ve got smoothly in this way
on the documents filled by the accountant there are declaration of dividend distribution! it's all clear for maltese CFR that i'm director of both companyBut how did you get a refund without announcing a dividend distribution for Malta company?![]()
on the documents filled by the accountant there are declaration of dividend distribution! it's all clear for maltese CFR that i'm director of both company
So you did pay dividends then? The dividends have to be paid to shareholders of a company i.e UK holding company.
So did your accountant enter this dividend distribution on the accounting of the UK company? Or as you mentioned did they just file a zero return for UK company hence they committed accounting fraud?![]()
I ve explained 4 times... no bank transactions for dividend so no money in UK bank account of the holding.
As my accountant made last year the refund is made directly on the bank account of the malta ltd or to the beneficial owner resident non dom... last year i’ve got smoothly in this way
Who said anything about bank transactions. So you make a dividend payment to UK shareholding company without recording it anywhere in UK company accounting is that correct? If so that's accounting fraud is it not?
So how then is dividend delivered to UK company and in what form and how is it recorded on UK company accounts filing?
I am trying to understand the accounting here. Because what you have said is that in Malta a wholly owned subsidiary (Malta company) can announce a dividend and not pay to shareholders (UK Holding company) the dividend in whatever form but instead pay to the beneficial owner instead as below right?
P.S Dividends paid but never to holding company how does that work legally in Malta?
i m not an accountant, all is managed from my accountant if you need to know specific things you can pay an accountant and talk with him
You didn't answer my questions but fair enough.
this is a good sign that he not only advises but also uses it himselfhe personally are using BVI
have you asked about cfc?i've had a call with another maltese auditor he told me that this way is very popular in malta
How much were running costs for the previous year?i'm sure that my accountant fill all the documents for refund because i've already got a tax refund of 6/7