you know what's fucking funny? is that the vast majority of these monkeys Always scream "human rights" "freedom" and all these buzzwords but when s**t goes south, they do jack s**t and they accept draconian laws with open arms.
look at Australia for example, holy s**t this country has turned to s**t. restrictions everywhere, closed borders, police can access your social media accs without a warrant and much more. And yet when you tell these f*****s that they have to fight back or leave to (dubai, singapore, malaysia...etc). the reply is always (yeah it's nice, but i can't have "muh human rights" and jump up and down like a fucking monkey to "protest") like this is reason you want to move to a foreign country, to live your revolutionary fantasy lol.
Also they forgot that when they tried to "protest" on australia, usa...etc the government always shutdown these protests and with force if necessary, so i don't know where these idiots coming from and i honestly don't care. But what i hate the most is their ignorance and them shitting on other countries while thinking their s**t don't stink, when in reality, the situation in their countries sucks a*s.
but no matter what you tell them, it's like you are talking to a wall, they will always believe whatever they want to believe, and for that reason, they deserve every thing they get, the warning signs were there and they ignored them, so it's on them, and they gotta deal with it.