Let's talk about the West

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What is your longer term plan, where are you looking to move to and where are you planning to get citizenship?
I will be resident in Georgia, and spend some time each year in 2-3 other countries. I will get a citizenship in one of the Caribbean places, possibly Dominica (this may change). There is no "...and he lived happily ever after"-moment. I expect the need to adjust will not go away. Countries change their tax laws, many countries are unstable etc.

I had almost exact plans already in late 2019, but some unexpected personal things happened (not just covid) and complicated things. There are also some minor nuisances, such as finding a Georgian real estate/rental agent that speaks English and does solid work. My first real contacts with this area of Georgian life, just weeks ago, were not promising.

I'm afraid European peoples are mostly too weak to fight back. Europe will be much less European in the future. Things will look very different to someone who lives in Vienna, than to someone who lives in the Carpathians.
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I'v been following that story and just looked at bbc website.

"As well as training more domestic drivers and speeding-up testing, Mr Ellwood said hundreds of Afghan refugees could be trained to fill vacancies."

UK got some tough times ahead sadly.
Reactions: countpinky
Good summary. Venezuela might look like a possible blueprint and add to that certain specific European twists.
Take for what its worth a short writeup from wikipedia. Crisis in Venezuela - Wikipedia
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I'm afraid European peoples are mostly too weak to fight back. Europe will be much less European in the future. Things will look very different to someone who lives in Vienna, than to someone who lives in the Carpathians.

let's hope so.
Mark my words. In the short term western europeans will flee to eastern europe (or generally the east) for a better lifestyle but in the long run it would be foolish to underestimate the wrath of the beaten down western white man. Just observe history.
Also, as per my datasets, most of the young generation, or zoomers as they are colloquically named, are highly cynical of the current state of affairs and reject it more and more. Once again, this is data from real people not propaganda bots infested social media.
Wether things heat up in a year or a decade is yet to be determined, but heat up they will.
I'v been following that story and just looked at bbc website.

"As well as training more domestic drivers and speeding-up testing, Mr Ellwood said hundreds of Afghan refugees could be trained to fill vacancies."

UK got some tough times ahead sadly.
BBC is the lugenpresse that sets the narrative. Britons don’t want any more refugees. If you get the opportunity, go and have oysters or a lobster on the kentish coasts and talk to the locals.
Training HGV drivers takes a lot of time and money, especially at that scale. Just today I saw ads offering £78,000/yr for HGV drivers. That’s a lot more than what middle and in some cases top management earns at a decent sized corporation.
As for tough times, yes they will have them, but only due to the disconnect between the ruling class and the regular brits which are known to be more patient and tolerant than the French for example. BUT, when that patience runs thin, they are also some of the most prone peoples to exert violence, in a polite way of course.

It is quite interesting living through times that will most likely be in the history books for generations to come. Let’s just hope the outcome will be a net positive for society and humanity at large.
interesting point of view. Following with great interest.
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Per my datasets, zoomers are totally spineless and 200% absorbed by Gretinism; they will live a life based on UBI, no real home, shitty jobs in Amazon, but happy since trans can have kids with surrogate wombs - that’s the only “spiritual” goal of the liberal people and zoomers are more and more liberals.
West is doomed, nobody can be so blind to not see this indudable truth.

That's the future in the west sadly . If people plan to stay then learn to be happy with nothing but a smart phone and a rented flat you will fit right into the program.
I don't think the silent majority fall into this category of gretinisim. Just those who reside on social media and shout the loudest/virtue signal.

It will depend on how much the silent majority are willing to stand up for their rights though. Currently, it seems not much, the liberals get more stuff done.
I am more than happy to compare notes. My approach is unbiased, realistic and exclusionary of vast botnets on social media (which is still only used in small percentages by the general population).
It may appear than one certain side is winning but in reality that side is just the very loud minority. I propose you pick a few areas (rural and urban) from your datasets and hit the ground and actually talk to people discreetly, pick their brains. You might be shocked to observe the discrepancy between twitter or reddit and real life.
That's the future in the west sadly . If people plan to stay then learn to be happy with nothing but a smart phone and a rented flat you will fit right into the program.
Only in the short term, albeit I refer to aprox. 10 years when I say short.
For me, personally, it’s unacceptable to subject myself or my family to such non-sense for even 1 year, but others won’t have this luxury and everyone has a boiling point.
From what I see, the silent majority have acknowledged that they can’t win in the open due to mainstream media, cancel culture, etc. and are choosing to keep their head low and “ride the tiger” until it tires, frustrating efforts in the process (i.e. superstraight, pureblood movements, etc these are all done by zoomers)

Also, @EuroKiss, I don’t know if I’m right or wrong. I just run scenarios and certain patterns emerge pushing one scenario higher in the probability of occurrence. These things are fluid and are always changing, but it would be foolish not to take heed of the signs, the writing on the wall.

My approach has saved my behind quite a few times. We’ll have to wait and see what happens but I urge eveyone to make plan b, c, d, etc.

P.S.: @Admin I think this forum is being DDoS’ed or there’s something strange with the WAF
P.S.: @Admin I think this forum is being DDoS’ed or there’s something strange with the WAF

I have send you a PM - no need to mess up this thread.
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The VAST majority literally LIVE on social media…
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@countpinky i would like to be wrong, seriously, but just let’s face history:
Every empire (and the west is an empire itself) or culture has always fallen due to internal moral issues (Athenas vs Sparta, Romans vs Barbarians, etc), so nothing new under the sun, we are just witnessing another empire/culture coming down and in the worst moral and ethical way possible, through mounting sexual perversions that make look romans emperors like sober virtuosity champions.
You can see what is currently happening in Australia and you’ll see how weak their society is to not fight back, or in Italy, where more than 70% is fine with green pass, lockdowns and compulsive mass vaccination! people don’t even think about their future or dreams or whatever, the only issue is at what time they can cut off the penis to kids, if from kindergarten is ok or it’s better to wait till the primary school.
But, admittedly due to technology all the processes are way faster than before, so, even if the decline is objectively totally clear and inevitable, western society could bounce back in a surprising manner in a matter or years, even if I think - due to the same technology itself - it will be way too late.

Sadly the window of opportunity is shrinking every year. The vast majority of people will simply not be able to leave of their free will in the future without being heavily taxed on their assets on the way out. It's started already and will get much worse.
Reactions: countpinky
its very sad. But studying history it is all too clear how that will play out. And if history is any guidance, leaving with assets (esp if its size would allow a comfy start elsewhere) will not be encouraged for sure
Reactions: countpinky
its very sad. But studying history it is all too clear how that will play out. And if history is any guidance, leaving with assets (esp if its size would allow a comfy start elsewhere) will not be encouraged for sure
That system is kind of already in place, right? All European countries already have or must implement an exit tax, CRC rules etc.

So right now it is already quite hard to leave the EU - I just went thought the process.
Reactions: countpinky
I’m not saying the west won’t fall. On the contrary, it will and I welcome it. We do need a reset of some sort. I do have a bit of faith and hope (maybe foolishly) that what’s to come after will be better than what it was, and not in a klaus schwab kind of way.
If it doesn’t, they will be rulers of dirt and rubble which would be a shame, but at the same time, the west has fallen many times in the past 1000 years and it always managed to bounce back somehow.
Yes, the window is closing. In my initial predictions there was still time until the 30s, but covid accelerated this at an alarming rate. They’re pushing evil legislation faster than ever before with little to no oversight or consideration. It’s like they’re very afraid of something and they’re willing to crash the plane with no survivors rather than deal with whatever they’re afraid of.
That system is kind of already in place, right? All European countries already have or must implement an exit tax, CRC rules etc.

So right now it is already quite hard to leave the EU - I just went thought the process.
Congratulations! I’m very happy for you!
Thanks! I am also really happy to have finally taken this step.
Reactions: countpinky
The VAST majority literally LIVE on social media…
you know what's fucking funny? is that the vast majority of these monkeys Always scream "human rights" "freedom" and all these buzzwords but when s**t goes south, they do jack s**t and they accept draconian laws with open arms.

look at Australia for example, holy s**t this country has turned to s**t. restrictions everywhere, closed borders, police can access your social media accs without a warrant and much more. And yet when you tell these f*****s that they have to fight back or leave to (dubai, singapore, malaysia...etc). the reply is always (yeah it's nice, but i can't have "muh human rights" and jump up and down like a fucking monkey to "protest") like this is reason you want to move to a foreign country, to live your revolutionary fantasy lol.

Also they forgot that when they tried to "protest" on australia, usa...etc the government always shutdown these protests and with force if necessary, so i don't know where these idiots coming from and i honestly don't care. But what i hate the most is their ignorance and them shitting on other countries while thinking their s**t don't stink, when in reality, the situation in their countries sucks a*s.

but no matter what you tell them, it's like you are talking to a wall, they will always believe whatever they want to believe, and for that reason, they deserve every thing they get, the warning signs were there and they ignored them, so it's on them, and they gotta deal with it.