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How on earth is EUSSR still standing?

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lol they proposed 90% tax on those who earn 400k+ in France

Shortly after it formed in June, the NPF outlined its ambitious economic programme and how it would fund it.

It included:

• raising the minimum wage

• price controls on essential foods, electricity, gas and petrol

• lowering the retirement age to 60

• a new 90% tax on any annual income above €400,000 (£337,954)

• heavy investment in green transition and public services

... because Europeans refuse to upsticks and leave... hence it continues to stand.

A friend moved back last year and returned a month later, he asked his friends why they have allowed it to turn to a shithole, and the amount of paperwork - they just shrugged, like a boiling frog.
This was in Belgium and it's a problem each year as many come from Brussels and Antwerp to enjoy the beach along with the Belgium families, hard working tax paying citizens, unlike those who come with a different attitude. The frustration comes mainly from the fact that abiding citizens get punished/taxed over nothing and everything while other groups seem to get a free pass for everything. The police patrols on every beach so yes it appalling the way they left it. And yes people bark and complain on their way to work Monday morning how unfair it all is, yet by the evening life goes back to "normal" hehe.
People. I would be so fine on a little island by myself...
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Ah yes, 50 years from now, the EUSSR will undoubtedly still be around. And if by some twist of fate OCT is still kicking by then, I’ll personally be the first to dust off this thread. Oh, wait !! I might not be around in half a century... but maybe my ‘soul’ will swing by for a cameo.
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What do you think is going to happen ?

Europe is gradually disappearing, the culture and traditions are fading away as more and more immigrants are coming to stay.
They have no reason to integrate, they are bringing their own traditions, and I'm sorry to say they are also bringing crime.

We could have a new thread just for this topic, it's a long subject.
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has this already been posted?

lol they proposed 90% tax on those who earn 400k+ in France

Shortly after it formed in June, the NPF outlined its ambitious economic programme and how it would fund it.

It included:

• raising the minimum wage

• price controls on essential foods, electricity, gas and petrol

• lowering the retirement age to 60

• a new 90% tax on any annual income above €400,000 (£337,954)

• heavy investment in green transition and public services

It won't go away, that simple.
That's insane. I'm broadly in favor of letting people squat genuinely abandoned and un-cared for property. But somewhere with a full set of appliances and the owner paying for electric???

Believe it or not, Spain doesn't punish squatters, other European countries kick them out within 24 hours, and sends them to jail, but not in Spain as it's not a crime under Spanish law.

Squatters can live in your property for free while you pay for their water and electricity (no you cannot cut the water supply or the electricity while the squatters are living in your property, if you do you'll be charge with coercion which is punishable with up to 2 years in jail.)

So basically yes, you can go to Spain and live for free (water & electricity included) and stay there for a few years, and when they finally kick you out you can just go an find another property (the new law dictates that when they're going to kick you out they have to notify you so they don't catch you by surprise. So you can just plan ahead of time and leave the day before the police knock on your door.)

General elections are taking place in Spain this month, the conservative party has promised that if they win they will change the law so squatters can be kicked out within 24 hours, but if the Socialist party stays in power start packing your bags and move to Spain right away.

All this is crazy but sadly true.
let me

hmm... good one
I'm broadly in favor of shooting anyone touching someone else's property
Property rights are an extension of freedom, and the cornerstone of a just society. What the state constantly attempts to destroy. Brainwashing is part of its strategy.
Property is freedom.
Property is theft.
Property is impossible.
Your reply is a lot closer to a group of slogans than a coherent argument. This style might work in a protest chant but struggles to hold up under any thinking.

"Property is freedom"
Closer to the mark. Property rights are essential for individual liberty because they provide the foundation for self-ownership and voluntary exchange. Like the definition from Murray Rothbard, property is a natural extension of owning oneself. Without property rights, there is no clear boundary for individual autonomy and exchange would be rendered impossible.

"Property is theft"
This line, popularized by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, is provocative but internally contradictory. If theft implies taking what rightfully belongs to someone else, then the concept of "theft" presupposes the existence of property. Without property, the term "theft" is meaningless. The voluntary acquisition of property through trade or labor is the opposite of theft; it is solely the exercising natural rights. Also, this phrase is completely contradictory to the previous line, so I am not sure what you are trying to argue for.

"Property is impossible"
This is simply untrue, both practically and philosophically. Property arises naturally from human interaction, as scarce resources are allocated based on their sourcing and obtainment. Property is the direct solution to the problem of scarcity. Even in a state of nature, individuals establish property norms to reduce conflict and to really be able to exercise their freedoms. You need to be able to own; one cannot trust the government unless he is the government.
It's the full Proudhon quote that's usually shortened to "property is theft" as people want to justify taking other people's things. It deliberately contradicts itself to highlight property rights being a product of politics.

Or, "Even in a state of nature, individuals establish property norms to reduce conflict and to really be able to exercise their freedoms. You need to be able to own; one cannot trust the government unless he is the government."

Proudhon was a lot more libertarian than he's given credit for.

Bit of a digression though, sorry
how the EUSSR still standing? by quietly funding its media outlets rof/%


A massive EU slush fund of €132 million was quietly handed to media outlets ahead of the European elections - with zero transparency on who got paid and why.

Roberta Metsola and Ursula von der Leyen funneled the money through a private ad agency, Havas Media France, bypassing competitive bidding and keeping payouts hidden.

In Italy, outlets like Repubblica were directly paid to publish EU-friendly election coverage - with no disclosure to the public.

AI translated:
Source: Il Fatto Quotidiano

130 million given to the media: this is how the EU secures good press
Which controllers – The funds distributed by the Commission before the June elections through Havas. But names and figures are classified.
February 11, 2025
by Ivo Caizzi

In Brussels, a “shadow zone” emerges involving EU funds amounting to a whopping 132.82 million euros, which were allocated to the media in connection with last June’s European elections. This mega-disbursement, coordinated by the Maltese President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola in sync with the German head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (and with contributions from the Council of the 27 governments, the European Investment Bank, and the Economic and Social Committee), is embarrassing not only due to the substantial amount related to 12 months—adding to the many millions annually assigned through questionable tenders to TV stations, newspapers, press agencies, and online sites, as revealed by Il Fatto before the last European elections—but also because a particular administrative method was used which, according to EU leaders, allows the secrecy of individual payments and the recipient outlets to be maintained. These outlets and media should instead be overseeing how EU public institutions spend taxpayers’ money, rather than being funded by the “controlled” entities, to avoid suspicions of influence and conflicts of interest.
Metsola and von der Leyen, both European People’s Party (EPP) members, informed Il Fatto through their respective spokespersons that they will not provide information on recipients, amounts, reasons, or outcomes, because these 132 million fall under a framework contract. The document dated September 5, 2023, identifiable by the code Comm/Dg/Fmw/2023/30, outsources everything to the private advertising agency Havas Media France, part of the Vivendi group, as an intermediary. Only this contract was put out to tender. How Havas then distributed the payments to the media—in agreement with EU leadership—would remain confidential. It also appears to be exempt from certain restrictions, such as the obligation to put payments over 14,000 euros out to tender and register them in the vast ted.europa.eu database alongside hundreds of thousands of other contracts, though these are not easy for ordinary citizens to locate.
Anyone searching for payments to Italian outlets must enter Italian Television Networks for Mediaset, Gedi for Repubblica, Rcs for Corriere della Sera, and so on. However, in the case of an intermediary company, nothing may turn up.
Metsola stated that she will not provide further information about the contract with Havas because one can initiate the bureaucratic procedure of “access to documents under Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.” But would that help? Von der Leyen clarified that Havas, “in line with the framework contract,” must “ensure that the dissemination of any information does not compromise the commercial interests of economic operators.”
Many private companies entrust advertising agencies with campaigns that include purchasing media space. And the contract with Havas pertains to “advertising” and “advertising services.” But the European Parliament, Commission, Council, and other EU public institutions are not meant to promote product sales. To communicate their initiatives, they have crowded press offices. So why don’t they offer maximum transparency on these payments to allow citizens to assess whether they might influence the recipient media?
Il Fatto revealed that among the EU funds for major Italian media (Rai, Mediaset, Sky, Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore, Ansa, Agi, AdnKronos, Citynews, etc.), some included the provision of articles and services favored by Brussels leadership. It even emerged that the wealthy Agnelli-Elkann publishers had linked Repubblica in a “partnership” with the European Parliament and Commission to be paid for articles specifically about the European elections. It was confirmed that this deal—initially worth 62,000 euros—had not been put out to tender (despite exceeding 14,000 euros) as it was allowed under the “framework contract” with Havas. And that similar “broad-spectrum” agreements were being finalized in Italy. But then, should those Repubblica articles and partnerships with other EU outlets be considered “advertising”? And is it appropriate to use intermediaries if it allows expenditures over 14,000 euros and services that could effectively provide “good press” to remain confidential?
Il Fatto Quotidiano, February 11, 2025
EUSSR is like a gift that keeps giving!


Leaked internal docs blew the lid off the EU Parliament's Socialists & Democrats (S&D), detailing covert plans to aggressively counter conservative groups that are surging in popularity across Europe.
Strategies include openly ridiculing them as 'extremists' and sowing division between right-wing factions and Europe's powerhouse, the EPP after their recent policy alliances rattled Brussels insiders.
Leaders like France's Jordan Bardella are actively courting the EPP, redrawing EU power lines, prompting the fiery behind-the-scenes battle.

One S&D MEP, granted anonymity to speak about the plans, said: “While Europe is collapsing, [the] S&D keeps [playing] its sandbox-level games.”

Source: Politico

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