Free residence permit on the table: Mother Russia welcomes you

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It's so funny to see how people react just because you say something that doesn't fit their narrative, or when you happen to criticize their country or religion in a different context.

A bit like on Facebook, I always enjoy watching it."

This reflects on how individuals often react strongly to views that challenge their perspectives, similar to the reactions seen on social media platforms like Facebook

PS. How is this LOST on so many forum members here on OCT? Do they NOT read the past threads?
Russia is considered the legal successor to the Soviet Union by almost every country and organisation.

it would be good if you first found out what this means in practice, instead of guessing

going back to the dispute above about the aircraft manufacturer Antonov or the car manufacturer Dartz, you will not find russia as the owner or successor of these companies. these companies are Ukrainian and Latvian.
so think again(or DYOR), to what extent 'legal successor' is applicable and don't make unnecessary assumptions.
Reactions: vehzag

PS. How is this LOST on so many forum members here on OCT? Do they NOT read the past threads?
My friend who sold his business was the son of a former ambassador - that was the kicker.
Russians paid 10x value and he rode off into the sunset - sanctions that would have impacted him hit a month later.

Russians now own 49% - controlling 51% is “owned” by a native

Does business with Hong Kong
Reactions: jafo
This is f*cking brilliant reasoning following a form of deductive reasoning. Still, more specifically, it's an example of a hypothetical syllogism or if-then reasoning that relies on contrastive thinking (e.g., a comparison between the EU and Russia).
This reasoning can be classified as contrastive (reasoning) or disjunctive (reasoning) because you’re contrasting two options and ruling out one. It also involves some sharp deductive reasoning. It highlights a situation where the EU is actively harmful while Russia provides safeguards against that harm.

For the detractors of this logic, I will address (and disarm them) why it is NOT a false dichotomy. In this case, the reasoning doesn’t fall into the false dichotomy trap because the distinction between the EU and Russia is not just a matter of two different "evils"—Russia (currently) is objectively better in certain vital aspects being eroded by the EU.

In this analogy, choosing Russia is a reasonable decision because Russia actually provides protection and benefits, unlike the EU, which is eroding them. The reasoning follows pragmatic logic—choices are made based on tangible safety, financial, and security outcomes.

In fact, the EU’s mandate to prohibit us from choosing Russia could even be seen as projection or misdirection: The EU might be trying to distract us from its own flaws by pointing the finger at Russia.

In short, it makes sense to choose Russia because Russia isn't engaging in the harmful behaviors that the EU does.

I love this logic!
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I think anyone that wasn't a resident in the UK, EU or did business in some form with Russia on the fall out of the invasion realised the UK, EU isn't in the good, specifically when you can trace the Ukraine war to specific events, 1) agreements violated stating that Nato wouldn't move Eastwards which would provide a ability to invade Russia directly, that was and has always been Russia's firm line, it wanted a buffer, at one point it even discussed joining Nato.

2) the coup in Ukraine in 2014.

Russia was never going to allow itself to be encircled across the whole of its eastern border length, whilst also then being restricted in its access to the Med.

Then couple the fact that in the UK (and to a lesser degree) banks were arbitrarily freezing accounts of non residents in-case they did business with Russia under the guise of 'KYC renewing', followed by mass similar runs in the UK/EU for residents that had irregular incomes (gambling, cash etc), coupled with the fact of asset freezes which violated international law of people who were Russian and had relations with people in the Kremlin or past relations, or built wealth in the 90's free-for-all in Russia.

Then coupled with people that did do work (current or past) in/with Russia likewise having difficulties banking or anything else (Nigel Farage etc).

Then all the lies/miss-information from the state on the war itself, and the sunken settlement in the earlier days, then nordstream, then blaming Russia for inflation which was driven by Gov reckless spending... etc (where do you start) it was obvious (at least to me at that time) was two wrongs don't make a right, i don't agree with Russia, but i did see the need for Russia to survive for the balance of the ying and the yang, he's bad look -> our gov can't copy (though they increasingly do -> china mass surveillance estate is comparable to the UK now).

So lesser of two evils... rules based order only applying to the actions of the other party not ourselves.

Supporting of Genocide or slavery for mineral resources and financial out put across the world from West Papua through to Western Africa... etc...

Nah for me it came down to the following... stay the f**k out of it, watch and just bounce around as they are both as "EVIL" as each other in their own ways.
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF and jafo
Russia is considered the legal successor to the Soviet Union by almost every country and organisation.
I agree with you 100%! The commenter's logic has been sabotaged since we sabotaged the USSR.

@John Spectre 's logic is like a unicorn—beautiful in theory but tragically nonexistent in reality.
It must be exhausting for him to wander so far from reason only to end up in the middle of nowhere with a map drawn by delusions.
It's impressive, really—somehow he's managed to construct an entire argument out of the flimsiest materials, like building a house out of fog.

@John Spectre probably uses this same logic when he sees the difference in life expectancy between women and men in Ukraine and wonders if he'll be able to extend his life an extra +10 years if he transitions

His grand plan for immortality would be switching teams on the gender scoreboard. That’s like swapping lanes in traffic, thinking it’ll get him to his destination faster while completely ignoring the cliff he's speeding towards! By all means, he can let us know if that logic adds extra years to his life—or just to our collective headache.
Ursula is my most beloved mentor, and the EU is the best business advisor ever. You just need to do the opposite of what they say. Since when I started doing that my businesses have boomed. Never ever the EU clowns ruled or opined on something that was good for me, my associates or my clients. Come on, they’re even unable to decide on the daylight saving time
The EU is only good for parasites and thugs, as I am neither I simply made the only sensible choice.
I usually wonder how you could bring absolute off topic bulls**t with adding s**t to the fan and continue to state somehow you are clue person.

well, it's better to have shorten life but is full of great things, compared to bored existence like you, who are spending a bunch of hours every day for writing thousands messages useful of which is near 0
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Reactions: vehzag
100%! Exactly this!

Furthermore, I have cousins in Russia, male and female, who married Russian nationals and are living in and running their businesses out of Russia.
Why can't I send their kids a toy or some money for their birthdays and Christmas? Who decided this?
The people who voted for this should come to me one-on-one and try to enforce it.
I'd like to see that, but we all know that will never happen.

I was going to write more, but then I remembered a rhyme I came up with trying to understand and use Teichmüller space:

Those who know, see beyond the veil,
A deeper truth that will prevail.
Those who don’t know, choose not to see,
Blind to the knowledge that sets them free.

For wisdom comes to those who seek,
But the unaware? They’ll never peek.
Refusing the truth, they turn away,

Stuck in the darkness, they choose to stay.

© 1999–2024 Jafo. All rights reserved.

PS. I never was able to understand, use, or apply the Teichmüller space. I gave up! I reached the limits of my feeble brain "power" (for lack of a better term)!

This is NO joke! I just added this in my diary under

To protect your privacy, I gave the "credit" to "Il Cavaliere"
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Sorry for the comparison, but what international companies are doing, not only in the USA, somewhat resembles what all the German companies did during World War II! They raked in (adjusted to today's money) millions that they received from the Nazis. When it was all over, it was swept under the rug, and they waited 50 years before telling about it.

Now, thousands of international companies are sitting in a sanctioned country, rubbing their hands while they rake in money.
Reactions: jafo
I lived there for many years

From when to when? I would wager that living in Russia in 2024 is nothing like living there in the 1990s was, just as living in the West in 2024 is nothing like living here was in the 1990s. Places change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. However, politics is always downstream of culture. If you want to know what your future looks like in any place, simply take the temperature of the culture. The future of the United States is determined by what comes out of Hollywood and feral shoppers fighting over discounted flat screens at a Walmart Black Friday sale as much as any election.
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living here was in the 1990s
NGL, In the 1980s, '90s, and early 2000s, right before the EU started its BS and Obama started later with his BS FATCA, the West was a dream world! I truly enjoyed those days! I easily flew with $200K—$300K in cash, and nobody cared. What a time to be alive. The kids today have no clue how great life used to be.

It's like the European countries and the USA woke up one day and said...How can we ruin the lives of the people we are supposed to "protect & serve"?

PS. This is what happens when people talk! ***NOBODY*** and I really MEAN NOBODY wants to see ANY of us succeed! Those who do deposit money into our accounts! As simple as that!
how boring life must be if it's called a "dream" when you're allowed to carry 200k in cash, and "hell" when cash is under control.
I just feel sorry for people whose division between dream and hell is so stupid.
Why be so mean to him? Some dream of bank accounts while others lose control managing them:

Likewise some control cash in the bulkhead of seat 66K, while others worry about their bank blocking then for their trip to Russia.

People have different tastes, people have different capabilities and "control" may mean something else for you and him. It is not about wrong or right, it is about what you can do best.
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