Free residence permit on the table: Mother Russia welcomes you

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hard as hell tho, Im a few months in and things are going slow
I'll highly recommend finding a Russian speaking girl. Five years ago, I was in a relationship with a Ukrainian for about a year. Even if I don't use the language so much nowadays with the exception of Viktor Tsoi and some Moldovans here in Romania who doesn't speak English, I can still use the language at a conversational level, which to me is impressive since I was only exposed to the language for no longer than a year.
I will apply.

I will share the process here once it's available.
Do NOT tell people you are doing this! The haters WILL try to sabotage you!
Also, you can inadvertently bring heat to the forum from Big Daddy EUSSR, UKSSR, and USSSR!

Move in silence! Win in silence!

This thread is a litmus test to reveal who is truly trustworthy, insightful, and skilled at spotting patterns—and who isn't. The comments are pure gold.
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SPOILER ALERT: Nobody, because words are cheap and it's always fun to be an "edgy contrarian" Putin-lover when you're living in the West, far from any border with Russia.
Anyone outside Russia with two brain cells would NEVER EVER admit to moving to Russia, having residency in Russia, or having Russian citizenship! That's the Kiss of Death!
Haters trying to gaslight members on this forum to get them to "confess" is a vile and dastardly low blow! It's a revealing trait of the "agent provocateur!"

No one on this forum is here because they LOVE the West and its taxes! Not a single one of us! So, let's CUT the crap!

We are HERE because we feel we're being taxed TOO much by the West or an ally of the West!

PS. I don't think we've had, on this forum, a Russian living in Russia or a Chinese living in China! I'd love to be corrected on this.
We have many of them
Let me put it this way so everybody will think twice now
Want to get your business sanctioned? = get russian residence
Want to get your bank/broker account frozen = get Russian residence
Want to get your card frozen and not being able to buy anything online? = get Russian residence
Want EU to start watching you and suspect you as Russian spy = get Russian residence
currently it's just like a signing up for a prison
Reactions: Clank and jafo
I'm guessing people in third-world countries and in particular sanctioned nations like Cuba who otherwise have no chance of gaining entry into the financial system are jumping at this opportunity.

Well, it's better than nothing.
Reactions: jafo
I'm guessing people in third-world countries and in particular sanctioned nations like Cuba who otherwise have no chance of gaining entry into the financial system are jumping at this opportunity.

Well, it's better than nothing.
Most of you are so f*cking brainwashed that it pains me to see it.

Roughly ~12% (825M) of the world's population live in the West. The rest (+ 6 billion people) live happy lives in non-Western countries, going about their day, loving their family, being with close friends, and cuddling with their pets/animals. Eating MUCH healthier than us with our processed foods here in the "West."

I really urge you to watch this documentary (and don't be deliberately ignorant): Black in the USSR. Stories of black Americans, who fled to the Soviet Union to escape race discrimination. Fed up with constant racial discrimination, several hundred African Americans moved to the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Many still live in Russia and explain why they left the ‘land of dreams’ and how they gained freedom behind the Iron Curtain.

Before you ask, I've met hundreds of these American blacks (mostly descendants) in Russia! Many of them are engineers, doctors, firemen, train conductors, pharmacists, etc. Sure, there are NO Michael Jordans or Michael Jacksons, but even in the West, there is only ONE Michael Jordan and ONE Michael Jackson!

Before these useless, unproductive, weak, dastardly, gender-confused cuckolds under the ruse of Western governments sanctioned anyone "dealing" with Russia, I was visiting buyers and suppliers in Russia at least 4 times a year (for the last 40 years.) Of course, now, as a good "law-abiding slave," I do as they tell me, and I don't even dial +7 anymore

We are ALL here on OCT to find legal solutions/loopholes to stay out of the claws of "OUR Western government." It's NOT Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, etc etc trying to fleece us. Noooo....they don't even bother us.

This Stockholm Syndrome is mind-blowing to me! How can you love or defend those who are actively ROBBING you, financially SODOMIZING you, and want to CAGE you if you resist?
1.4 bln are in Africa and will gladly swap their "happy life" for a bad bad Western life.
Another 1-2 bln are living hand to mouth and have zero options to change that.
The West is not good by any means, but it still provides the simple formula "you can drastically improve your life and we will try to protect you if you bend to our rules". Russia is a Western country by any means regardless what their crazy tsar is thinking.
1.4 bln are in Africa and will gladly swap their "happy life" for a bad bad Western life.
Another 1-2 bln are living hand to mouth and have zero options to change that.
You asked all of them? Or are you projecting your own feelings?

Do you speak to people in these countries?
Do you visit them?
Do you stay at their homes and see how they live?
Do you interact with them?

I've never met one of these people who wanted to move to the West but couldn't.
The West is open! Refugees galore! EU & USA. Just google "CBP1"

BTW, I do ALL of the above, and NOT one of them in their right mind, who is NOT a loser, wants to move to the West. Also, this European average salary rankings: Where does your country stand? is NOT that great when 50% goes to taxes and the other 50% in expenses! Only an idiot would embark on a slave journey and pay for their own trip! It's wiser to let us capture them and put them on the 566-ton Parr.

Russia is a Western country by any means regardless what their crazy tsar is thinking.
No Russian I've ever met considers himself a Western man! Maybe you know different Russians...Admittedly, I don't know all +140 million, but the ones I do think this: for MOST of us who are STILL brainwashed!

1.4 bln are in Africa and will gladly swap their "happy life" for a bad bad Western life.
You may want to tell Yanni how lucky he should feel...
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Time will tell. We tend to create our own information bubbles and seek for confirmation bias. Those who were burned by the Western governments cary bitter attitude and imagine the East as a paradise. Those who were fucked by their Eastern counterparts think the opposite way.
Almost all of my able friends came to West from ex-USSR, Middle East or Asian regions. None wants to go back. That's my bubble, my distorted reality.

As a person who fought, won and lost many legal and financial battles in both West and East - it's my humble opinion that there is much easier way to deal with West then East. You will be sucked dry by lawyers and you will settle and pay even if not actually guilty. But you will do it from the comfort of your own house, a free man until proven otherwise. In Russia you will first go to jail and then spend years fighting for your freedom while your business will be raided, your family ruined and your health deteriorated. So yes, I prefer Western thugs to Eastern, cry me a river.
Let's be honest.
  • If you are among the poorest of society, it is much more comfortable to be in Germany than in Africa, South America or Russia.
  • If you are among the university graduates, it most often is still the same.
  • If you are among the ruling party or with connections to them, it is not too bad to be in Africa, South America or Russia where corruption pays, But still, the corruption of the west pays better. It just normally is not that easy to get any such benefits outside your home country. Hence, you better stay where you are.
  • (I am now not going to list enterpreneurs with their local business here as those follow the last item, let's call it soft-corruption.)
  • If you are a digital nomad or flexible in the choice of your home, most will settle outside their home country.
And most posts here are about the last point. It simply is just much easier to start something from scratch than having to deal with all sort of people who claim to have given you something in the past and are thus entitled to something. In Africa, sucessful people move to London, simply because the distant relatives that are all entitled to some free lunch are further away. In Europe, you go to Switzerland, South America, etc. just because the tax guys won't chase you there (and the tax guys in the new place are not that strict as you have no ties, can move any time, and they have not financed your whole degree).

Honestly, no sane European will pay taxes in South America or Africa apart from some 1000 USD per month income if even. The countries don't care. You bring money to the people and that's it. You can leave any time. You have no family. Even if you are in Russia, your life is good. If the government knows you can leave anytime, they will take what you bring. Not if you were born there and have all your family there, they have leverage. Yes, that's what it is called: leverage. And that's why former Soviet places are a good place for rich westerners as is South America or Africa.

Yes, it is all good. Just for different people. Europe is good for poor, but not the rich paying taxes there. Africa is good for the rich expats, but not the poor locals.
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