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End of EU started today

Never ever take news coming from China at face value.

Same goes for US and EU....lol i.e Ukraine is winning the war...weapons of mass destruction in Iraq etc, patriot missiles systems in Ukraine stopping 99% of Russia missiles and drones, Russia's economy is crumbling due to sanctions etc...lol. It goes both ways sadly

The lies always end when you have to face reality and people have still not mentally adjusted due to prejudice etc that China's rise is unstoppable :(.

Anyway lets see what happens in short term with EU elections. It could be the start of a different direction.......

Europe’s Ascendant Right-Wing Parties Want to Remake the EU. They Can’t Agree on How.

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One thing we can be absolutely sure of is that if a war breaks out between China and the USA, or the USA and Russia, or the EU/NATO and Russia, it won't cost many civilian lives, and the Earth will also survive. However, I firmly believe that Europe and the USA will be technologically set back to the Stone Age, and above all, I don't think they will be able to withstand the barrage of cyber attacks they will face.
Okay, let's compare the US military to Russian. The regular, standing army of Russia is about 60% the size of the US Army, and the US still has the Marines on top of that. The US equipment is much better designed, built and maintained. You can argue of course, but nonetheless. The US spends a tremendous amount of time training, the Russians do almost no training. They can’t afford it. The Russians traditionally rely on massive artillery bombardments. Right now the Ukrainian’s are f***ing them up with 39 HIMARS systems, the US Army has about 1000 of them. The Russian tanks are all POS compared to a modern, western tank. The US has right around 1500 M1 tanks fielded and about 4000 warehoused. The fielded tanks are all being converted to M1A2c standards with about half already done the rest are M1A2sepV2’s. The US Airforce is about 4 times the size of the Russians and is equipped with far superior planes. The Russian Navy is a joke. They have 1 carrier, it's a jump carrier (crap the US doesn't even use) the ski jump can't get a fully loaded plane into the air, the US uses catapults, they can launch a fully loaded and fueled aircraft, even one carrying drop tanks with extra fuel. The 1 carrier the Russians have is so reliable that it's always has a tugboat with it in case it breaks down, again. The US has 11 supercarriers and are building about 4 more. 1 carrier task force could easily sink the entire Russian navy. The US has 5 carrier task forces at sea at all times. The Russians logistic system is having an impossible time getting food, fuel, ammo, spare parts, etc to a country right on its own boarders. The US system is capable of supporting the entire US military on the other side of the world. That's a major reason for why the US navy is so big and powerful, to protect American logistic lines. Should we continue?
Okay, let's compare the US military to Russian. The regular, standing army of Russia is about 60% the size of the US Army, and the US still has the Marines on top of that. The US equipment is much better designed, built and maintained. You can argue of course, but nonetheless. The US spends a tremendous amount of time training, the Russians do almost no training. They can’t afford it. The Russians traditionally rely on massive artillery bombardments. Right now the Ukrainian’s are f***ing them up with 39 HIMARS systems, the US Army has about 1000 of them. The Russian tanks are all POS compared to a modern, western tank. The US has right around 1500 M1 tanks fielded and about 4000 warehoused. The fielded tanks are all being converted to M1A2c standards with about half already done the rest are M1A2sepV2’s. The US Airforce is about 4 times the size of the Russians and is equipped with far superior planes. The Russian Navy is a joke. They have 1 carrier, it's a jump carrier (crap the US doesn't even use) the ski jump can't get a fully loaded plane into the air, the US uses catapults, they can launch a fully loaded and fueled aircraft, even one carrying drop tanks with extra fuel. The 1 carrier the Russians have is so reliable that it's always has a tugboat with it in case it breaks down, again. The US has 11 supercarriers and are building about 4 more. 1 carrier task force could easily sink the entire Russian navy. The US has 5 carrier task forces at sea at all times. The Russians logistic system is having an impossible time getting food, fuel, ammo, spare parts, etc to a country right on its own boarders. The US system is capable of supporting the entire US military on the other side of the world. That's a major reason for why the US navy is so big and powerful, to protect American logistic lines. Should we continue?
Do same comparison with China
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Okay, let's compare the US military to Russian. The regular, standing army of Russia is about 60% the size of the US Army, and the US still has the Marines on top of that. The US equipment is much better designed, built and maintained. You can argue of course, but nonetheless. The US spends a tremendous amount of time training, the Russians do almost no training. They can’t afford it. The Russians traditionally rely on massive artillery bombardments. Right now the Ukrainian’s are f***ing them up with 39 HIMARS systems, the US Army has about 1000 of them. The Russian tanks are all POS compared to a modern, western tank. The US has right around 1500 M1 tanks fielded and about 4000 warehoused. The fielded tanks are all being converted to M1A2c standards with about half already done the rest are M1A2sepV2’s. The US Airforce is about 4 times the size of the Russians and is equipped with far superior planes. The Russian Navy is a joke. They have 1 carrier, it's a jump carrier (crap the US doesn't even use) the ski jump can't get a fully loaded plane into the air, the US uses catapults, they can launch a fully loaded and fueled aircraft, even one carrying drop tanks with extra fuel. The 1 carrier the Russians have is so reliable that it's always has a tugboat with it in case it breaks down, again. The US has 11 supercarriers and are building about 4 more. 1 carrier task force could easily sink the entire Russian navy. The US has 5 carrier task forces at sea at all times. The Russians logistic system is having an impossible time getting food, fuel, ammo, spare parts, etc to a country right on its own boarders. The US system is capable of supporting the entire US military on the other side of the world. That's a major reason for why the US navy is so big and powerful, to protect American logistic lines. Should we continue?
There is only one problem
There is the US which wants to defeat Russia and not the other way round that russia wants to defeat US in their territory.
So all the US equipment is useless in a european ground battle.
US big advantage is that they control all oceans so there is no possible land attack on USA.Thats also why Russia defend Crimea at all cost so the US navy won't start the attack from the sea side.

Also i highly doubt that US soldiers are better than russian soldiers.Here in east europe US soldiers are being called pussies who instanly bomb a whole village when there is one enemy were russian soldiers same as ukrainian have real balls.
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Guys how did we get here again conf/(%. Lets keep to topic please. Next off topic post gets zapped.

You can start a Russia Vs US Vs China thread if you want :cool:
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Same goes for US and EU....lol i.e Ukraine is winning the war...weapons of mass destruction in Iraq etc, patriot missiles systems in Ukraine stopping 99% of Russia missiles and drones, Russia's economy is crumbling due to sanctions etc...lol. It goes both ways sadly

The lies always end when you have to face reality and people have still not mentally adjusted due to prejudice etc that China's rise is unstoppable :(.

Anyway lets see what happens in short term with EU elections. It could be the start of a different direction.......

Europe’s Ascendant Right-Wing Parties Want to Remake the EU. They Can’t Agree on How.

The first casualty in war is truth.

Everybody lies. No exceptions. Even the Pontifex Maximus.

It's the existential for all beligerents (US and EU with NATO extension vs. Russia and indirectly China), interested (India and Global South) and neutral parties (Arab world and Switzerland).

We had iron and bambus curtains but we'll have a multipolar world with several isolated poles, including Iran, Russia and China.

China will not be able to compete and perhaps sustain itself as India and other Asian countries accepted Western offers for relocation and build-up of industrial capacity from China.

Don't be mis-guided. West, including EU is here to stay. And no wishful thinking and hostile propaganda will change that.
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The second to last sentence was on topic and saved your post being deleted for being off topic ns2.

But please stick to topic...thx. If you want to start another thread off topic then please do so :D
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