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EMI and Offshore banks that works worldwide

Any options for US LLC?
It is strongly recommended to use the search function before asking a question :)
FYI, you can find various suitable options for a US LLC in discussions here https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/us-neo-banks-list-for-non-residents-llcs.37438/, here https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/mercury-trynovel-or-something-else.39329/ and especially here https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/th...ss-account-in-18-emis-heres-the-result.44434/

In addition:
– especially for some use-cases, Bancoli can help as well (it's not mentioned above);
– it is worth looking here https://jamesbakercpa.com/packages (pay attention to No Travel VIP Bank Account - $2,500);
@yngmind can be able to help in this situation, too (depending on the circumstances); see here https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/th...-bank-account-for-your-us-llc-remotely.44841/
very good links and information @Forester have you any experience with the people you recommend, just curious ?
@Forester have you any experience with the people you recommend, just curious ?
You mean James Baker (occassionally here as @usacpa) and @yngmind, I presume? (Or eventually someone who I recommended in the quoted threads https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/us-neo-banks-list-for-non-residents-llcs.37438/, https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/mercury-trynovel-or-something-else.39329/, https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/th...ss-account-in-18-emis-heres-the-result.44434/? I admit I do not recall whether I recommended there some service or not.)
As for James Baker and @yngmind, no direct personal experience at my side. Yet I have not heard anything bad, on the contrary: only a positive feedback came to me (otherwise I would not have mentioned them ;) ).
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They only Do Ecom and cant do C2B
Fairly Easy to open
You can use their receiving accounts for pretty much any honest purpose

As a sole proprietor, you can receive payments from approved marketplaces, tax authorities, and your own personal bank account.

If you’re a business, you may receive incoming payments from approved marketplaces & payment services providers, your own personal bank account, other businesses or individuals, tax authorities, and other approved third-party sources that receive payments on behalf of your business.
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You can use their receiving accounts for pretty much any honest purpose

As a sole proprietor, you can receive payments from approved marketplaces, tax authorities, and your own personal bank account.

If you’re a business, you may receive incoming payments from approved marketplaces & payment services providers, your own personal bank account, other businesses or individuals, tax authorities, and other approved third-party sources that receive payments on behalf of your business.
You are right , Double checked I guess they updated the terms I tried them out
When some of you have 5+ EMI accounts, and some even say they have 25 EMIs, how do you manage them all?

Don’t they require a balance and some kind of constant transaction flow? That must be time consuming, right?