Any Bitcoin Maxis use the Lightning network?

this is one of my unpopular BTC-related opinions but lightning (while a great technology) is heavily overrated - I don't share an opinion that we need permissionless and trustless layer two with a huge throughput - layer one is all that matters and on top there is no issue with custodial services (order of magnitude simpler to implement, understand and use) that fit way better to current world and will speed up the adoption
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I think its days are still ahead.
When fiat starts really crashing, then a lot of USDT users will start to think...
There's of course also Liquid BTC.
White world will be using credit cards for everyday payments for a long time and Lightning does not have much advantage there. Different story in Africa, South America...
White world will be using credit cards for everyday payments for a long time and Lightning does not have much advantage there. Different story in Africa, South America...
exactly... what I said reflects western world view

cashu project also worth looking at as it's closer to what people know today