Any BANKERA feedback?

lol...let me get this straight...those 3 (forget Spectrowhatever) are owned BY THE SAME PEOPLE? WTF is this? @Gediminas is that why you're pushing/praising and such, perhaps longtime room mates or school colleagues?
Yes, what a story!

First start a crypto exchange that selectively freezes and scams people. Then run an ICO at the best time possible and raise 100 million euros for your blockchain bank. Then buy a fucking bank in fucking Vanuatu. Then set up a below-average website that acts like a reseller or Pervesk with perhaps lower KYC compliance. Now you have an electronic money wallet that doesn't really do much or need blockchain for anything at all. Don't forget to present your mobile application on the homepage, it doesn't really matter that you don't even have a working mobile app yes.

What the actual f**k

(P.S. I think there is no connection with Mr Tango)
(P.S.2 it can be easier to open with Bankera rather than with Pervesk directly)

No offence, but on this forum the payment provider/bank is good only when it does not do any KYC, AML, CRS and is FREE...

Your assuptions are strange. There would be no this forum or EMI's if high street banks would open bank accounts for all these persons with Cyprus residencies, nomadish lifestyles and companies in Panama

Many many people who are here on this forum, they have no option, but to use bank in Vanuatu or EMI, because no high street bank has risk apetite for such structures..
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Well, its all good until collective AIDS epidemic. These easy-access and low-fee whorehouses accepting D from Seychelles and Belize won't live long. What ever you're washing, be done rather prematurely than too late, or risk having some of your stuff stuck and snatched off.
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If your only option is a bank in Vanuatu, you need to really reconsider your life choices...

I have never said that this situation is particulary for me. But it's always good to have alternatives. Why to keep all the savings in one pocket. If you can have some investment in Vanuatu bank, why not? Keep it for the rainy day.
But this topic is about Bankera, not about Vanuatu..
I have always used EMI's mosly for the business and usually never had any problems.
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Why would you put even $50 in Vanuatu? Much safer to keep it in your mattress.
I agree about diversification in general but putting money in banana republic banks without deposit insurance and (probably) with high fees... I just don't see the upside.
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Consider these funds as donations somewhere down the line but will keep these places happy and your account open in the meantime.
Not sure if I would add 10K or more as "cost of doing business" I hope that we don't read any negative or horror stories in the near future about any EMI's that just took a run with peoples money.

I can follow what you say @AlbanyJames and it is a very good advise, but you can be put in a situation where you have 10K or more that you just wanted to transfer and then you face the problems issued by the EMI.
@Gediminas So as an introducer/partner whatever, can you clarify what's the point of Bankera at all? Since they are an EMI agent of Pervesk are the services/pricing/risk appetite different in some way or is it just a simple rebrand? Which one from the 2 do you recommend and why?

Bankera and Pervesk are more or less the same, just Bankera is a retail brand and they focus on developing Bankera as their main sales channel, while Pervesk is an engine behind it. Legally there is no difference which one will you choose (same IBAN, same compliance, etc) just Bankera user experience is where the key difference will be.

From the future perspective, I would register to Bankera, because they will be adding new possibilities and tools on an ongoing basis whereas Pervesk will remain as it is - strong banking engine.
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Maybe I am just simply tired and ignorant but when someone wants to open an EMI account and wants to see who legally the contracting party is, then the following expressions are quite strange:
- Bankera and Pervesk are more or less the same - They are either the same legal entity or not - more or less the same is a wonderfully misleading non-exact answer
- Bankera is a retail brand - of whom?
- they focus on developing Bankera as their main sales channel - who are they?
- Pervesk is an engine behind it - what is an engine in this respect?

And I might be wrong...

It's all about corporates ecosystem. You are overthinking it, man.
Do you think asking at which legal entity you will keep your money - and what are your safeguards is overthinking? I have been in this business for 28 years so what you say and what i commented on is a big warning sign I am afraid.... And I might be wrong

If you have made at least a basic due diligence, all of your questions had been answered already.
Yes, there are several quite important facts which for me are hard to find... Doing my basic due diligence I was unfortunately unable to find information about 1. Which bank my money on deposit will be kept 2. Will the Lithuanian deposit insurance cover my funds if Pervesk goes kaput. Probably you have the answers

One of their corresponding banks is Bank of Lithuania.

And there is no one EMI in the market that provides deposit insurance.
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