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Assange Released

both RFK and Trump dancing around pardoning Ross as well - I wonder who will be first to talk about Snowden ;)
perhaps... but what does it change? I will repeat myself but becoming a martyr is only good for a movie
Because it's a huge loss for free speech. He effectively plead guilty to free speech charges. A forced confession for a non crime.

So I suppose it doesn't change anything, but no precedent has been set. If you publish something the US government doesn't like, then you'll be wrongly imprisoned for it.

Good day for Assange, bad day for freedom of speech.
Because it's a huge loss for free speech. He effectively plead guilty to free speech charges. A forced confession for a non crime.

So I suppose it doesn't change anything, but no precedent has been set. If you publish something the US government doesn't like, then you'll be wrongly imprisoned for it.

Good day for Assange, bad day for freedom of speech.
I hear you and agree
yet everybody knows already how things work...
I will repeat myself but becoming a martyr is only good for a movie
#Bingo! 100% correct! I don't understand how this simple logic befuddles so many otherwise intelligent people. What gives? :rolleyes:
I'm so shocked by the sheer quantity of (ignorant?) people celebrating this major loss for Assange as some soft of "win." Assange WILL die prematurely due to being in prison for so long.
Does anyone know what it is like to be sleep-deprived, fed poisonous food, expired milk, no medical/no healthcare/ no dental, basically TOTALLY denied medical care, dealing with shakedowns at 3 am, doing stand-up counts at any time of the day, being on lockdown for weeks?
Like WTF are these (ignorant?) people celebrating? :rolleyes: stupi#21

Good day for Assange, bad day for freedom of speech.
This is NOT a good day for Assange! The first day he publicly (using his real name) published those things was a major loss for Assange. Had he done a Satoshi Nakamoto publishing strategy, then we'd be talking about a major win! I would have LOVED to see it. Assange's enemies are OUR enemies! No doubt!

Would we think it's a good day for us and a win AFTER spending 14 years in prison? stupi#21

Assange is JUST as bad (IMHO) as those who persecuted and imprisoned him. Assange did this for brownie points. To be famous. He should have released the contents of those files to the enemy first and watched them pick off the "infiltrators" left and right! That's how you win the War! That's how you take out the enemy! When busy scurrying around looking for cover, it's impossible for these diabolical and useless people to find the time to write rules and regulations to curb OUR financial freedoms! They are TOO busy trying to survive and dodging the next proverbial bullet!

China knows this: The CIA falsely believed it was 'invincible' in China — here's how its spies were reportedly discovered and killed in one of the biggest blows to the agency

Iran also knows this: CIA admits too many informants are being killed in top secret memo to spies around the world as former staff reveal Iran and China executed networks of US spies after agency's classified communications system was breached.

Do you know who "leaked" this? It's an "unknown Assange/Snowden." A Satoshi of sorts. They can't figure it out. They don't know his/her identity, or if more people are involved, so everyone is sh1tting in their pants! This is how you take out the enemy! It's impossible to mount an offense when you are in a perpetual state of defense.

Many "others" know this. Coincidentally, those who control the Western Media and narratives label those who know this: "Our enemies." My enemy? They've NEVER done anything against me. How can I claim them as enemies? :rolleyes:
I think the same way as the GOAT: People 10000 km away whom I NEVER met are NOT my enemies!

  1. I am under NO delusion or delirious mania that just because some of "our unproductive & useless Plantation dastardly neighbors" (i.e., the house n*gro*s as opposed to us, the field n*gro*s) are our "friends" just because their physiognomy is like ours or they were born next to us. Watch this before calling me names rof/% Malcolm X explaining the difference between house n*gro*s vs field n*gro*s.
  2. The house n*gro*s, i.e., the order followers, have CHOSEN their slave master! Their slave masters are our mortal enemies!
  3. They have Sworn Allegiance to their useless, unproductive, self-appointed, physically weak, and dastardly oppressors.
  4. Nobody is our friend or "family" when they vote & advocate to STEAL, even by LETHAL force, if necessary, +50% of the fruits of our labor!
  5. To hallucinate that either of these two groups, slave masters and house n*gro*s, "care" about us is to suffer from "amour fou" with Stockholm's Syndrome and Schizophrenia. stupi#21
Assange is NO martyr! I would argue that Satoshi could be deemed a martyr—an intelligent martyr! Let's try to emulate Satoshi and "Mr. or Mrs. unknown(s)" who have weakened those hellbent on enslaving us. ;)

PS. In the 80s, we knew there was a system in Iowa that could listen to most phone calls. Free speech? I went home once and told my parents and neighbors about Free Speech. I was around 9. They, except my mom) ganged up and beat the sh1t out of me. Even the cops in the neighborhood joined in beating me up and then kept a close eye on me. I got them all, though. One by one! Slowly but surely! dev56"""

PSS. Why do so many people choose to believe in all these "Santa Claus-type" lies? :rolleyes: