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Assange Released

She is a useful Mossad asset. Not much different than Epstein and more than half of Biden's/Trumps (they are the same, good puppets saying and doing what they are told to, everyone can read a teleprompter) cabinet. It's just a show to keep the plebs occupied with inane election drama.

This part of the article made me laugh so hard: "Israel has denied conducting spying operations in the United States."

"By way of deception, thou shalt do war" is Mossads motto for a reasons, they'll never stop committing cowardly acts of terrorism for the purpose of framing others.
Modern Israel is built on terror and murder.
Todays genocide isn't new, it's just Nakba version 2.0, the only shocking thing is that the rest world does nothing.

Wow! :oops:
Great stuff to read! I didn't know ANY of this!

Thank you for sharing this. I truly appreciate it! ;)