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Does anyone know who Peter Taradash (Grandpa /Pugi) is and what happened to him?

At least one of his websites is still functional althought the last blog entry is dated Nov 6, 2020
(I won't print the URL here bc last time I did that I got banned for 'spam') but it is all the words in the title of his BBBB book dot com

I assume his name Peter Taradash is just based on the multi-meaning initials P.T. which stand for perpetual traveller, prior taxpayer, etc...

I used to follow his answers on Quora until his acciunt was no longer accessible - this was a couple of years ago. I dont know if he got banned or if he passed away or became otherwise incapacitated.
There was a picture that was supposedly him on his Quora but I doubt it's real bc his whole raison d'etre was anonymity

He seems to have two separate book series called BBBB - one has 3 volumes . the black books - and the other 2. You can get the latter for under a buck each volume on Kindle.

That's all I know. He was a fascinating man.
He was in short a perpetual traveler.... Some speculate he might have been the pen name WG Hill or others speculated it wasn't one person it was a group of authors at scope international...... I heard JJ Luna (the author of the paper trip) talk about him briefly and he gave a ultra tiny vague clue who he actually was in a YouTube video.....
I know this is an older post, but, I wanted to respond to it because I have a concern about Peter Teradash. The previous poster posted that Barry Reid mentioned is still alive which is possible, but, he could also be dead. I looked him up online and people have speculated he was another person who already died. I am not sure if the owner of Eden Press is also really Barry Reid.

I did buy some of Grandpa's reports but the information was quite old and outdated in terms of passport programs. There was useful information on general Libertarian, Offshore philosophy and life advice, but, it was not as valuable as what I paid.

There was a report that stated I could a person could become a passport broker and Barry could facilitate communication with Grandpa. I sent Barry my email for Grandpa stating my interest and also I was wondering what 2nd passport/residency program he recommended.

Grandpa (AKA Peter Taradash) stated he was in his 80s and lives in Campone D'Italia and had lived in Monaco. He lives in Argentina half of the year and lives in the Philippines in the other part of the year. Further, he replied that he could facilitate my interest for a consulting fee of $2,000 USD. The part that made me suspicious was that he said to send the Paypal payment to aily4u.7t5 (at) gmail (dot) com. This part immediately made me question is real because the Paypal address was different from the other email addresses he used like from (dot) grandpa at gmail (dot) com, Peter (dot) Teradash@gmail (dot) com or grandpa at protonmail (dot) ch. The passport program he proposed was in Turkey and the residency would be facilitating getting an apartment in Campione D'Italia and I would have to pay for the apt up front to the owner.

I have been closed to being scammed before so I am wondering if someone could have stolen some of this information? There was a lot of copying and pasting going on so it made question the legitimacy of this proposal. I am not sure if there is a way to verify his PayPal account. I have learned that if you send money via Paypal to a friend or family as opposed to a vendor, you cannot get the money back. $2000 may not be a lot, but, it is still $2000. I am very WARY of most offshore passport vendors because there are MANY scammers out there. There is a phone number to call Eden Press and I was able to speak with the person named Barry Reid and find out if this legitimate and report back.

Any feedback is welcome.


This is Peter Taradash, a/k/a "Grandpa" I retired last year and am currently living in the Philippines. Age-wise, I am way past my sell by date. I was recently contacted by "Passportskr" who was referred to me by Eden Press. Eden publishes abridged digests of many of my books and reports. The topics are often complex, and unsuitable for people of low intelligence or low income . As consultant and international lawyer I used to charge $25,000- upfront for two years worth consulting services. But after retirement last year, I decided not to take on any more clients. I heard from this chap "Passportskr" who said he made over $200,000 a year, would not pay even a token retainer fee to me, yet pumped me endlessly in many many emails for all the free information he could get out of me. His main expressed goal seemed to be moving abroad a.s.a.p. from the USA, & getting second passports, etc. I suggested , after giving him. a lot of free advice that he consider sending me a discounted fee of $2000 to my pay pal address if he wanted to continue our relationship as a consultee (consulting client) ---to get still more detailed specific information on achieving his stated goals. If I was not retired, I'd have charged (by the hour) at least $5000 for what I'd already given him. Then out of the blue, he revealed that because he had young kids in school in the USA that essentially he was just fooling around with me , wasting my time & sucking out info he wasn't intending to use in the near future & probably wouldn't ever be able to use. At that point I politely declined to correspond with him further. I didn't get 2c from him. Now I see here he is making the 1st complaint about me in 65 years of my career . I have been a very effective person in getting (mostly) high level entrepreneurs exactly what they want: Health, wealth, suitable wives, second passports, etc.. I guess this shows that you can't please everyone-- especially those who really need adult supervision. Inexperienced individuals don't realize how little they know and how much they misunderstand about moving abroad, passports, bureaucracy. Typically most wage slaves don't have a clue about dealing with such issues as being a digital nomad, & getting "legal residence." . Anyway, I felt compelled to respond here. I have written about two dozen books on the topic I sort of invented- i.e. being a PT, a Perpetual Tourist, just "Passing Through" invisible to any and all governments ...I've had probably over 300 happy clients, and if I ever had anyone the least b it unhappy, I refunded their unused funds.... Because of my advanced age and the fact that my clients were mostly older than I, they are almost all dead now, as I will be pretty soon. This response was just to set the record straight. As most people know, there are always two sides to every story.

This is Peter Taradash, a/k/a "Grandpa" I retired last year and am currently living in the Philippines. Age-wise, I am way past my sell by date. I was recently contacted by "Passportskr" who was referred to me by Eden Press. Eden publishes abridged digests of many of my books and reports. The topics are often complex, and unsuitable for people of low intelligence or low income . As consultant and international lawyer I used to charge $25,000- upfront for two years worth consulting services. But after retirement last year, I decided not to take on any more clients. I heard from this chap "Passportskr" who said he made over $200,000 a year, would not pay even a token retainer fee to me, yet pumped me endlessly in many many emails for all the free information he could get out of me. His main expressed goal seemed to be moving abroad a.s.a.p. from the USA, & getting second passports, etc. I suggested , after giving him. a lot of free advice that he consider sending me a discounted fee of $2000 to my pay pal address if he wanted to continue our relationship as a consultee (consulting client) ---to get still more detailed specific information on achieving his stated goals. If I was not retired, I'd have charged (by the hour) at least $5000 for what I'd already given him. Then out of the blue, he revealed that because he had young kids in school in the USA that essentially he was just fooling around with me , wasting my time & sucking out info he wasn't intending to use in the near future & probably wouldn't ever be able to use. At that point I politely declined to correspond with him further. I didn't get 2c from him. Now I see here he is making the 1st complaint about me in 65 years of my career . I have been a very effective person in getting (mostly) high level entrepreneurs exactly what they want: Health, wealth, suitable wives, second passports, etc.. I guess this shows that you can't please everyone-- especially those who really need adult supervision. Inexperienced individuals don't realize how little they know and how much they misunderstand about moving abroad, passports, bureaucracy. Typically most wage slaves don't have a clue about dealing with such issues as being a digital nomad, & getting "legal residence." . Anyway, I felt compelled to respond here. I have written about two dozen books on the topic I sort of invented- i.e. being a PT, a Perpetual Tourist, just "Passing Through" invisible to any and all governments ...I've had probably over 300 happy clients, and if I ever had anyone the least b it unhappy, I refunded their unused funds.... Because of my advanced age and the fact that my clients were mostly older than I, they are almost all dead now, as I will be pretty soon. This response was just to set the record straight. As most people know, there are always two sides to every story.
If this really is Mr P.T. himself, then we are blessed to be in the presence of a legend. I miss your always entertaining Quora postings. Please do stick around this forum as your input is more needed than ever in this age where countries institute draconian rules on a dime and backup plan Bs are more necessary than ever. Welcome sir.
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This is Peter Taradash, a/k/a "Grandpa" I retired last year and am currently living in the Philippines. Age-wise, I am way past my sell by date. I was recently contacted by "Passportskr" who was referred to me by Eden Press. Eden publishes abridged digests of many of my books and reports. The topics are often complex, and unsuitable for people of low intelligence or low income . As consultant and international lawyer I used to charge $25,000- upfront for two years worth consulting services. But after retirement last year, I decided not to take on any more clients. I heard from this chap "Passportskr" who said he made over $200,000 a year, would not pay even a token retainer fee to me, yet pumped me endlessly in many many emails for all the free information he could get out of me. His main expressed goal seemed to be moving abroad a.s.a.p. from the USA, & getting second passports, etc. I suggested , after giving him. a lot of free advice that he consider sending me a discounted fee of $2000 to my pay pal address if he wanted to continue our relationship as a consultee (consulting client) ---to get still more detailed specific information on achieving his stated goals. If I was not retired, I'd have charged (by the hour) at least $5000 for what I'd already given him. Then out of the blue, he revealed that because he had young kids in school in the USA that essentially he was just fooling around with me , wasting my time & sucking out info he wasn't intending to use in the near future & probably wouldn't ever be able to use. At that point I politely declined to correspond with him further. I didn't get 2c from him. Now I see here he is making the 1st complaint about me in 65 years of my career . I have been a very effective person in getting (mostly) high level entrepreneurs exactly what they want: Health, wealth, suitable wives, second passports, etc.. I guess this shows that you can't please everyone-- especially those who really need adult supervision. Inexperienced individuals don't realize how little they know and how much they misunderstand about moving abroad, passports, bureaucracy. Typically most wage slaves don't have a clue about dealing with such issues as being a digital nomad, & getting "legal residence." . Anyway, I felt compelled to respond here. I have written about two dozen books on the topic I sort of invented- i.e. being a PT, a Perpetual Tourist, just "Passing Through" invisible to any and all governments ...I've had probably over 300 happy clients, and if I ever had anyone the least b it unhappy, I refunded their unused funds.... Because of my advanced age and the fact that my clients were mostly older than I, they are almost all dead now, as I will be pretty soon. This response was just to set the record straight. As most people know, there are always two sides to every story.
This is passportskr and I wanted to remind everyone there are 2 sides to every story. This is not what happened exactly.

The first reason I posted if anyone was familiar with Grandpa/Peter Taradash is because I wondered what people's experience with his writings, professional services were, and just a general reputation -good/bad/indifferent. I bought some of his reports and they had good offshore, life, business, and investment ideas. Some of the second passport information did see dated because rules and programs change. That is not his fault.

Secondly, when doing the math on his life, I thought it could be a situation where he might have died and someone took over his psuedonym because I don't think Peter Taradash is his real name and this has been a subject of great mystery in off shore circles.

The reason I had a doubt about who he might be is because he had immediately asked for a fee of $2000 before NOT being willing to reveal the country's name of the CBI program he was suggesting (which happens to be Turkey). Likewise, he was not up front about the program of Campione D'Italia. I had a problem with the lack of transparency which is a best practice of most agents/firms in the offshore space. These firms even advertise or provide information on the programs they provide. I am not sure about anyone else here, but, there is a process called due diligence and I like to know exactly what product or service I am gettig up front *before* I pay for it so I don't get scammed or engage in a bad deal. It seems to me that when offshore services require a fee up front before they will even mention the country they handle, it is either a scammer and you may never see your money again or it might be a gray or black market passport that can get you in trouble so am very vigilant against these kind of vendors.

The other thing that I thought was unusual was the name of his Paypal account did not match his other email names so I was wondering if someone was scamming trying to steal money using Grandpa's identity. There were other inconsistencies in his communications including misspelled words, incorrect use of highlighting in text that just gave
off a non-English spammer vibe that gave me second thoughts.

Additionally, I am guessing he can help facilitate getting an apartment rental in Campione D'Italia as they are hard to get. This option allows a person to have access to the EU and Switzerland. On my own research, I found you can also qualify for an Italian residency card after living there for a while. After 10 years of living in Italy, you can qualify for the passport.

I don't know why he couldn't state this information up front. I handle the Turkish program it costs $$$ for my fee and you need $200-500k for a property investment. Campione D'Italia will not give you a passport, but, it will cost XXX dollars for my fee and you will need to prepay a 1 year lease of 20000 EUR. You will not get a residence card per say or you will. This was the kind of straight up clear communication I was looking for in his response.

He claims I was pumping him for information without being willing to pay his $2000 fee. I have no problem paying that fee amount. What I do expect to get before I pay a professional fee is to understand *exactly* what fees are being charged and what results I should expect to get in return from the residency/citizenship process. He would have saved a lot of my time and his by being up front and direct about the costs, money requierements for each program and I would not have needed to email him so much to get a straight answer. He could have presented a fact summary on each program and stated that any other communication will require a $2000 fee retainer and I could have then analyzed if I had the funds and whether the program is for me.

I was very up front with him in the intake questionaire he sends to clients about the fact that I am widowed and have two older sons. In particular, I stated that one son is 16 and I cannot leave the US full time for the next 2 years. I also stated that I am not a traditional HNW individual who can drop $100-300k on a CBI passport on a whim. I also shared my income was more what would be regarded as "upper middle class" and I have my own IT software business and I make about $200k a year. I was also very honest with his questions about what I would like to be doing differently in business and why I wanted a second passport/residency. I had explained that since I could not afford the $100k route now for a CBI program, I was interested in a lower cost program like Nicaragua or the Dominican Republic where you may have to spend time on the ground, but, you can eventually get a second passport (at least through my own research).

I have no problem paying his fee of $2k, but, I want to understand the services clearly. He still did not clearly explain how the Campione program worked. It sounds like you pay a fee to Grandpa and then he facilitates you getting an apt. that can then give you rights to live in Campione and have access to Switzerland or the EU but you prepay for at least 1 year. I am not sure how long you would have to prepay each year for the apt. or if it is a 1 or 4 year lease (have heard some stories in Campione of 4 year leases as real estate is expensive). After finally taking a guess at what this situation entailed, I determined it would not make sense for me to pursue this route as I would be paying at least $20-30k for an apt I wouldn't use but once a year and that would not get me residency or a second passport.

I did say I would be willing to proceed forward, but, at this point, he got sarcastic, condescending, and rude like he was better than me. I conced that he might have far more offshore intelligence than I and more money, but, that does not give him the right to be rude to a customer. He said I was asking a lot of questions and I informed him I would not have needed to ask so many questions if I had given straight up front answers like most of the reputable offshore firms. I don't expect professional offshore consultants to work for free. I do expect them to give the customer enough up front information before the customer decides to part with their own hard earned funds to get a program that would be good fit. I think any reasonable consumer would expect this.

Lastly, he felt the need to passively agressively call me a child not capable of going offshore without "adult supervision". He also basically looks down his nose at people that might not have as much money or as much offshore knowledge and treats them rudely even with they are the customer.

I am 49 year old widower, raising 2 teen sons alone, building my business, and being an adult thank you very much Grandpa.

I didn't pretend to have the offshore knowledge you do and would not go about it on my own which is why I am here trying to educate myself on good providers and the laws, countries, and good options surrounding second passports. I treated you with respect even when you were rude to me. Sorry you felt I wasted your time. If you presented the Turkish and Campione informmation up front clearly, I could have made a decision on if it would make sense to move forward or not. I would have no problem moving forward and paying the $2k fee looking at other options. However, you were a rude condescending man and then talked bad about me here on OffshoreCorpTalk so the feeling is mutual that I would not want to use your services and I hope other people know what they are getting into with you as a person and professionally.


I did contact Eden Press as I was interested in getting Grandpa's advice on a seccond passport program and potentially getting started as a second passport broker.

Sorry about starting a potential flame war that for issues board members might not care about but I did not appreciate Peter aka Grandpa talking incorrectly about me as I am trying educate myself and build a good rapport with board members. I do think if people are factual, it can be a benefit of whether or not to use an offshore vendor.

If this really is Mr P.T. himself, then we are blessed to be in the presence of a legend. I miss your always entertaining Quora postings. Please do stick around this forum as your input is more needed than ever in this age where countries institute draconian rules on a dime and backup plan Bs are more necessary than ever. Welcome sir.

What to Expect From Your Consultant, 1 June 2023, By Peter Taradash

It might be interesting for members here to know exactly what a consultant does and how they should be chosen to avoid scammers who take your money and provide nothing useful.

The major consultants who get several million dollars in fees upfront, qualify potential clients just as I do. Usually there is a small fee just for the initial consultation. Their fee for a two hour consultation may be $5,000 or $10,000. In my case, potential clients (before I retired) were required to purchase current updated versions of my 5 major books from me for $500 & to read them. Not my old out of date stuff from 40 years ago that pirates on the internet have plagiarized!

Potential clients had to be able to say for starters, that we are on the same wavelength. Then at our initial interview, I try to eliminate the tire kickers, conspiracy theory idiots, those with irrational or unrealistic expectations, con-artists, criminals, and finally-- the prospects who are too stupid or indiscreet ... Some "know it all" clients would probably not take good advice. They are too risky for me to take on.

Advice is confidential, not to be bragged about or even discussed with outsiders. Some people can’t keep their big mouths shut. Result? They end up getting us all in trouble. Counterparty Risk! This is always the big danger for consultants. I have many stories about clients who did exactly the opposite of what they were told to do. In some cases, hey lost a lot of money or narrowly escaped jail. Then they blamed the consultant for problems they themselves caused.

Good Consultants have good info to sell –not to give away for free-...Thus someone who says “I don’t mind paying” but gets info & doesn’t pay should & will not get any more of the valuable insights that the consultant is able to relay.

Now and then, I do give free tips to people who seem trustworthy & intelligent but need a “scholarship.” Unfortunately. . .

Giving out freebee advice has proven to be a big mistake many times. Why? Because most people value any info they get at exactly their cost. In other words, free is worthless…

In matters of immigration and passports, the law may say one thing, but bureaucrats are always the ones in control. That is why a piece of advice like “Don’t go to window 17 for your permit because Joyce the brunette behind that particular window always wants to use her discretionary power to show the public how important her rubber stamp can be. She will usually deny applications and flag many accounts as potentially fraudulent—even if they are good as gold. I know an oriental lady with an Italian husband, & an Italian kid who is a lawyer. She speaks fluent Italian. She has lived in Italy for 15 years. She should have been a slam dunk for citizenship, but she didn’t consult with me first. She went to the wrong window, and was denied.

The fact that I tell a client “Rachel at window 19 is much more agreeable, than Joyce a window 17” could mean the difference between a passport and no passport. How do we know stuff like this? Experience! Just like a surgeon who has done a kidney transplant operation 150 times; He is going to be better than the med student who is patching up someone for the 1st time in his life.

One chooses a consultant on the basis of reputation and also the results of the first (usually paid) preliminary consultation. A consultant who encounters a potential liability client, deadbeat, troublemaker or cheapskate will terminate the relationship. The client may find it rude & unpleasant to be rejected, but that’s life. The client may also reject a consultant whose personality he doesn’t like.

I have a Special Report, with more details --my own experiences over 50+ years. It’s cheap but not free, about How To Become Successful Consultant. I hope this little tidbit helps you. Peter Taradash at gmail dot com.


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Omg is this really Grand Pa :)

I always wanted to hear a "voice" interview by you lol

Have you ever done any?.....Please do some of your voice thoughts before you pass away or get Alzheimer's!!!!

Btw I was the person that originally requested about you!!!

There are 3 others that I'm here interested in hearing their voice as well and I don't know if your friends, fierce competitors or neutral with them.,...

1) (Streb..)
2) Hoyt Barber
3) Peter MacFarlane

Anyway this made my day.....

Maybe you can do a conference with Andrew Henderson, "Tom N", either of the Casey's, Mikkel, Simon (James).... etc; etc etc

or fellow lawyers like Nestmann, Nagel or Bauman...
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I sent a long reply but I don't see it here. Regards Peter Taradash
I have been reading so many gloom& doom predictions lately. They sounded familiar.
I went back to something I wrte 20 years ago--here it is:

Doomsday Predictions 2001

Why Doomsday Predictions Seldom Work Out
How You Can Get Richer V-3, 2001

We just read another prediction that the dollar will collapse in the next couple of
years. Then the USA will quickly become a failed state with a 3rd World Economy.

If the American politicians were incredibly corrupt and inept like they are in Africa
or to a lesser extent in places like Argentina or the Philippines, a country run by them can indeed go down hill and stay down. But that scenario is not likely in
the USA. Why? Because it is a relatively free economy with only mildly stupid

If the country you are worried about is a mostly laissez fair economy

the automatic pilot adjustments that occur in your country [or "Flag"] can be

turned into the exact opposite of what happens to your net worth.

Let's explain:

How well is the USA economy is doing? Depends on whom you ask. If you talk
with a banker heavy in bad loans to marginal borrowers or to a homebuilder,
then you'll probably get a negative answer. But if you talk with a farmer or
a manufacturer with strong foreign business, then you'll probably get a
very positive answer. The different views are a result of the current weak
dollar, which far from being a negative for them, is helping to fuel an
export boom.

Plus the weak dollar will slow down imports. This, in classic Adam Smith
"invisible hand" economics, will reverse the trade imbalance that plagues
the USA and will, at some point, reverse the dollar decline. How can you tell when that point has arrived? The Wall Street Journal publishes an arbitrage index cartoon almost every day. When the price of something like a "Big Mac" hamburger in America is laughably low compared to the same burger in other places; that means the USA currency is under-priced. A comeback for the dollar and the whole economy at that point is almost inevitable. That is why the stock market keeps jumping back after panic selling fueled by the doomsday boys.

For many years, a luxury apartment in Buenos Aires, Argentina was priced at about 2/3rds of the price of a similar condo in Paris France. Then, in the currency crisis of a few years ago, the value of the Argentine Astral fell by 80% while apartment prices in the local currency stayed the same--for a few months while things adjusted.

In other words, a million dollar value apartment could be bought [briefly] for $200,000. Many international investors and PTs borrowed to take advantage of this anomaly, and with borrowed money, made returns of 100X on their money within six months -- as property prices adjusted and ultimately and inevitably went back to traditional relative values.
{Grandpa update 2023- WE just left our rented apartment in Buenos Aires that our landlady bought for $80,000 , 22 years ago. It's worth about $800,000 now and brings in $2000-$3000 a month rent. BA is a great place to live because with dollars or Euros you get 4 times as much purchasing power when you exchange for Argentine Pesos ion the Blue Dollar market. I think Turkey may offer similar bargains today plus a free passport if you buy any $400,000 or more value in Turkish bargain property.}

Also, if there is political freedom, even if the democracy involved is not perfect, when the economy goes way off course, the electorate eventually throws out the rascals and puts in new leaders who change course. This is another self-correcting feature not available in places like Zimbabwe.

The Gloom & Doom Boys have been around for 10,000 years.

We just got through the predicted Y2K end of the world without any changes. Right?

So instead of wringing your hands and panicking that civilization as you
know it is about to end, just position yourself to be in any segment of the
market that will probably do well in the next bull market comeback.

This can be in your home market or where ever there is a crisis. Make deals that will do
well in any event. If you can, pick up distressed real estate that will give you a good rental return on investment even if there are foreclosures going on all around you. Don't complain and waste your breath pontificating about the idiocy of your elected leaders. Go ahead. Take action! Do the obvious!

Nobody becomes a millionaire by jabbering, watching TV or reading blogs.

During the tail end of the great depression in the U.S.A., around 1940, a
relative of mine picked up at a tax sale auction a run down, virtually
abandoned 36 unit apartment building [in a then crappy neighborhood] for a total
of $300, "all cash." He personally moved in and rented out apartments for
$30 a month as he fixed them up. That one deal was the foundation of what became a great real estate fortune. When that neighborhood gentrified 20 years later, by 1960, each apartment was sold by him as a condo unit at around $100,000 @. Had he [or his heirs] held on, those units today, 50 years later, they would have been worth closer to $600,000 each.

This is not an unusual tale. The wealthy of today simply were in a position to do well financially no matter what happened, but were all set to join the ranks of the ultra—high-net-worth-crowd if & when economic growth resumed.

Grandpa's Note: Property I bought in California in 1970 for $100,000, I sold in 1980 for $1 Million.

In 2020 I read that it was sold for $100 Million.Yeah, I should have held on. But what the heck, I bought other stuff that did almost as well.

In Monaco, the Pastore Family did exactly the same thing starting with
nothing -- in 1938 or thereabouts. They bought, redeveloped & never sold much. Today they own, free and clear, about 28,000 apartments, stores, and warehouses on the Riviera, each one of which is worth today, on average, 5 million EUROS. (in 2001!) This does not include several businesses related to construction, building materials, plus a high end international real estate brokers and auction houses. They only buy bargains.

Today, their $300,000,000,000 [dollars] in net worth puts them galaxies ahead of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the Walmart Heirs -- or anyone else on the Fortune Rich list . They are however low profile PTs, and not well known. They have never been on the Fortune list. Where do they live? In Monaco; though nobody knows exactly where. Monaco is no economic powerhouse and has virtually no exports. No "poor people" at all. Some 35,000 people [including myself] are doing very well there, thank you. What's the attraction or the secret? An unregulated free economy where the most productive people in the world can do their thing – free of income taxes! (Grandpa Note 2023- The family's net worth is close to a TRILLION DOLLARS now.)

There are also many super rich people in 3rd World Countries who are making
serious money today. Thus, even if the USA would become less of a free
economy & go down the drain, not all investors there would end up losers.

Think! Be prepared to get richer & position yourself accordingly.
I sent a long reply but I don't see it here. Regards Peter Taradash
I have been reading so many gloom& doom predictions lately. They sounded familiar.
I went back to something I wrte 20 years ago--here it is:

Doomsday Predictions 2001

Why Doomsday Predictions Seldom Work Out
How You Can Get Richer V-3, 2001

We just read another prediction that the dollar will collapse in the next couple of
years. Then the USA will quickly become a failed state with a 3rd World Economy.

If the American politicians were incredibly corrupt and inept like they are in Africa
or to a lesser extent in places like Argentina or the Philippines, a country run by them can indeed go down hill and stay down. But that scenario is not likely in
the USA. Why? Because it is a relatively free economy with only mildly stupid

If the country you are worried about is a mostly laissez fair economy

the automatic pilot adjustments that occur in your country [or "Flag"] can be

turned into the exact opposite of what happens to your net worth.

Let's explain:

How well is the USA economy is doing? Depends on whom you ask. If you talk
with a banker heavy in bad loans to marginal borrowers or to a homebuilder,
then you'll probably get a negative answer. But if you talk with a farmer or
a manufacturer with strong foreign business, then you'll probably get a
very positive answer. The different views are a result of the current weak
dollar, which far from being a negative for them, is helping to fuel an
export boom.

Plus the weak dollar will slow down imports. This, in classic Adam Smith
"invisible hand" economics, will reverse the trade imbalance that plagues
the USA and will, at some point, reverse the dollar decline. How can you tell when that point has arrived? The Wall Street Journal publishes an arbitrage index cartoon almost every day. When the price of something like a "Big Mac" hamburger in America is laughably low compared to the same burger in other places; that means the USA currency is under-priced. A comeback for the dollar and the whole economy at that point is almost inevitable. That is why the stock market keeps jumping back after panic selling fueled by the doomsday boys.

For many years, a luxury apartment in Buenos Aires, Argentina was priced at about 2/3rds of the price of a similar condo in Paris France. Then, in the currency crisis of a few years ago, the value of the Argentine Astral fell by 80% while apartment prices in the local currency stayed the same--for a few months while things adjusted.

In other words, a million dollar value apartment could be bought [briefly] for $200,000. Many international investors and PTs borrowed to take advantage of this anomaly, and with borrowed money, made returns of 100X on their money within six months -- as property prices adjusted and ultimately and inevitably went back to traditional relative values.
{Grandpa update 2023- WE just left our rented apartment in Buenos Aires that our landlady bought for $80,000 , 22 years ago. It's worth about $800,000 now and brings in $2000-$3000 a month rent. BA is a great place to live because with dollars or Euros you get 4 times as much purchasing power when you exchange for Argentine Pesos ion the Blue Dollar market. I think Turkey may offer similar bargains today plus a free passport if you buy any $400,000 or more value in Turkish bargain property.}

Also, if there is political freedom, even if the democracy involved is not perfect, when the economy goes way off course, the electorate eventually throws out the rascals and puts in new leaders who change course. This is another self-correcting feature not available in places like Zimbabwe.

The Gloom & Doom Boys have been around for 10,000 years.

We just got through the predicted Y2K end of the world without any changes. Right?

So instead of wringing your hands and panicking that civilization as you
know it is about to end, just position yourself to be in any segment of the
market that will probably do well in the next bull market comeback.

This can be in your home market or where ever there is a crisis. Make deals that will do
well in any event. If you can, pick up distressed real estate that will give you a good rental return on investment even if there are foreclosures going on all around you. Don't complain and waste your breath pontificating about the idiocy of your elected leaders. Go ahead. Take action! Do the obvious!

Nobody becomes a millionaire by jabbering, watching TV or reading blogs.

During the tail end of the great depression in the U.S.A., around 1940, a
relative of mine picked up at a tax sale auction a run down, virtually
abandoned 36 unit apartment building [in a then crappy neighborhood] for a total
of $300, "all cash." He personally moved in and rented out apartments for
$30 a month as he fixed them up. That one deal was the foundation of what became a great real estate fortune. When that neighborhood gentrified 20 years later, by 1960, each apartment was sold by him as a condo unit at around $100,000 @. Had he [or his heirs] held on, those units today, 50 years later, they would have been worth closer to $600,000 each.

This is not an unusual tale. The wealthy of today simply were in a position to do well financially no matter what happened, but were all set to join the ranks of the ultra—high-net-worth-crowd if & when economic growth resumed.

Grandpa's Note: Property I bought in California in 1970 for $100,000, I sold in 1980 for $1 Million.

In 2020 I read that it was sold for $100 Million.Yeah, I should have held on. But what the heck, I bought other stuff that did almost as well.

In Monaco, the Pastore Family did exactly the same thing starting with
nothing -- in 1938 or thereabouts. They bought, redeveloped & never sold much. Today they own, free and clear, about 28,000 apartments, stores, and warehouses on the Riviera, each one of which is worth today, on average, 5 million EUROS. (in 2001!) This does not include several businesses related to construction, building materials, plus a high end international real estate brokers and auction houses. They only buy bargains.

Today, their $300,000,000,000 [dollars] in net worth puts them galaxies ahead of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the Walmart Heirs -- or anyone else on the Fortune Rich list . They are however low profile PTs, and not well known. They have never been on the Fortune list. Where do they live? In Monaco; though nobody knows exactly where. Monaco is no economic powerhouse and has virtually no exports. No "poor people" at all. Some 35,000 people [including myself] are doing very well there, thank you. What's the attraction or the secret? An unregulated free economy where the most productive people in the world can do their thing – free of income taxes! (Grandpa Note 2023- The family's net worth is close to a TRILLION DOLLARS now.)

There are also many super rich people in 3rd World Countries who are making
serious money today. Thus, even if the USA would become less of a free
economy & go down the drain, not all investors there would end up losers.

Think! Be prepared to get richer & position yourself accordingly.
Hi Peter,

How do these people maintain such high level of privacy? Is it due to the fact that people like Bill Gates don't try to private - they try to maintain a high profile?
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Fact is if you are going to be a celebrity or philanthropist or a tweet or facebook personality or influencer, you give up your privacy. You can live behind walls and have armed guards for protection, but Bill Gates or othrs int the super rich class for instance, have very little privacy . His divorce was big news, what his kids do is big news, everything he does outside of his own bathroom is reported upon...
IF You want privacy, never use your own real name on anything, especially "social media" Never let any photos of you be taken or posted anywhere, stay out of court, don't cross borders. Be a PT-Unregistered "Permanent Tourist" just "Passing Through," not breaking any laws by speeding, unlawful parking, getting into any arguments with anyone, or even spitting on the sidewalk...Be unimportant, low-profile, un-noticeable, un-remarkable in every way, & you will be invisible, and private.


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Re crossing borders, I mean -- don't cross borders with questionable papers or contraband, or anything that will get you in trouble. An old geezer like me was transiting thru Amsterdam with a young chick, actually same bird who starred in my story about the most expensive wine I ever had...well to make a long story short, he and the chick spent a month in jail and had to pay lawyers around $40,000 to get out because he was suspected of "human trafficking" -- Problem was he and the girl were questioned separately.They had stories that didn't match. Like they really were NOT related.

As to "don't live your life" I had army buddies who loved Bar Brawls...Some lost fingers, toes, ears and eyes... I chose not to live the life they did, and at 85+ I still have all my appendages.

If you get a kick out of speeding, illegal parking, smoking dope, fighting & getting arrested, that's living YOUR life, but you won't make the cut as a PT.
We are in the 1% financially, because we make deals, not conflicts, stay clean and out of trouble. We don't screw minors like all those wannabee playboys getting into deep s**t lately. Hey, I can't say I didn't have my share of fun, 5 wives of assorted colors, living in over 75 countries, and having all kinds of nutty friends. Even acted in a few sexy movies, well disguised, with funny stage names. Never got an academy award...if I did, I wouldn't have wanted the public exposure. I had a famous sword-fight with John Holmes the pornstar once in one of his better movies. I was also pals with a president of the USA.
I'm gonna finish writing my life story one of these days before I expire--I hope.
Peter Taradash a/k/a Grandpa

PS: I recently got a client a passport & residency for a total of $200.+ normal rent. The competition wanted to sell him the same thing for $500,000. Of course, I got a nice big consulting fee up front.
Don't ask me to help you do the same 4U unless you have ancestors that come from a place you'd like to live for a while. Oh, the same guy made back more than my fee a year later in a no-risk, no investment deal I put him into. That is what good consultants do. Of course I don't reveal details till I get paid.

But there are too many people out there like the one who just got in touch and said " bought your books but didn't make any money." He read the books, but didn't do anything that I suggested in those books. He seemed to think that a million bucks would come down on him like a waterfall if he read my books. That is what I call an unrealistic expectation.


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