Campione used to be a very easy place to get a residence card, Swiss Driv license & plates for your car, Swiss Med insurance, tax freedom, and many other goodies --all for merely renting an apartment. You didn't have to buy real estate or invest in anything. Unfortunately, that all changed a few years ago when Campione became a part of the COMO ITALY province & the EU, Now it offers none of the above & nothing more than anywhere else in Italy --except for the fact that it is physically in Switzerland. If you don't speak Italian or have somebody who does (and who knows the ropes) you can forget about even getting your Italian residence card. There is some hope if you have an Italian parent or grandparent.
The esentaxa boys have put up a you tube last week or so, they saw the light and want to tell us basically 100% tax free in Campione at least for some years.
More than 30 years ago, some people like PTwere breaking ground and paving the way for many others to eventually follow... such as myself starting more than 25 years ago. I was part of a group of more than 1000 people who were fired by the dream of freedom and a PT life but as far as I know we were the only people in that group who could manage to make the break at that time. Those we still keep in touch with let go of the dream for many reasons... and maybe for most of them they made the right choice. Each walks their own path.
Eventually the numbers grew, finally evolving into the so called wave of Great Migration or
digital nomadism today. It makes me chuckle when people idolise some of the new boys who visit 100 countries in a year and pronounce themselves as the next great guru for nomadism

In the way a prophet is never really appreciated in their own land, and the way the passing of time causes the lives and impact of trailblazers to become lost in the mists of time (especially for the newer generations who were not even born when the ice was being broken) .... and perhaps due to so much stuff online these days selling 'advice' to newbies, its nice to see some people in this thread standing up and bowing in the direction of PT.
Nobody is perfect and nobody gets it right all the time and so on.... we are talking about humans on a learning curve and others getting the benefit of their hard won learning. Maybe PT and people like him were the 'new boys' way back then when I first starting reading their material

There are giants who fuelled and opened the way for the great migration today, and the quest for personal freedom.... and PT was a light and the opening door for many struggling with the limitations of their circumstances way back then. So we progress by standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before. If you want my 2 cents worth, PT would need enormous shoulders today if he was to figuratively be able to carry all those who (if they knew) were standing mainly or in part on his 'shoulders'. So thanks PT. Here's thanks from someone you never met but helped influence in life changing ways.