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BAFIN in Germany / Jobcenter/Sozialamt/ Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

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@DerAufklaerer, you have made an interesting and useful investigation. Thanks for posting the results.
It is obvious that times are changing and conditions are tougher and tougher – cf. information posted by @AlexanderSu here Is Dukascopy Bank SA a trustworthy bank?.
(Yes, it is true that the situation when someone having a Swiss current account is OK with such a low limit as 10000 CHF is – from general point of view – probably not frequent; but anyway.)

- WIREX with SEPA and transfers from/to Crypto Exchanger : BACKUP ICARD (both with VISA/Mastercard Cards)
Both have no Tax/TAN of me

- Wise for non crypto (with Cards)
Be aware that any EMI in AEOI/CRS country (both LT and BG are AEOI/CRS) will report you sooner or later. It is completely clear, see the Swiss results. (BTW, did't you posted that iCard had wanted your TIN?)
The only working solution if you want to hide your funds is to use a crypto (and gold etc.) or to bank in some non-AEOI/CRS country.
Last but not least Advcash as Last Solution for parking but for me its only a FIAT parking solution (SEPA Transfers withdraw 5 EUR + %)
BTW, be advised that Advcash has an inconsistent reputation, strange issues happened in the past from time to time (search here at forums), similarly for iCard. But it's just a remark.

Dear xxxxxxx

We are required to collect tax numbers of our clients under the Bulgarian Tax legislation, which has implemented the standard for Automatic Exchange Of Tax Information.

We provide the client with the opportunity to provide their tax number upon enroll or on ongoing basis (such as change of circumstances).

We have checked your file and you have not provided your tax number.

Please kindly provide the attached form completed and signed in order to update your file.

Kind Regards,
iCard Team
Customer Support

Oh WTF they send me a letter for sign in CRS
I can't imagine ICARD users filling this out on paper and sending it back. Zero digititalisation


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We have a new situation

Crypto Exchanger also for buy and selling directly, not for holding Cr<ypto or Fiat
I have lost 1000 EUR Lost on FTX for holding Fiat there. (Unregulated)

Now i have money on WIREX and WISE

Ledger ist a option but not for high speculated tokens

StableCoins Options only are USDC, USDT or DAI
We have a new situation

Crypto Exchanger also for buy and selling directly, not for holding Cr<ypto or Fiat
I have lost 1000 EUR Lost on FTX for holding Fiat there. (Unregulated)

Now i have money on WIREX and WISE

Ledger ist a option but not for high speculated tokens

StableCoins Options only are USDC, USDT or DAI
There are mobile wallets for this (wallets on your phone) which let you hold a whole variety of shitcoins (exodus, coinomi, trust etc are trusted ones).
Banks like Revolut need TAN ID Number for CRS/Facta.....Bankera have also from me

Icard and WISE and WIREX not until now

Crypto Exchanger FTX or Kraken or Kucoin also not until now. i prefer not EU Crypto Exchanger so i like FTX

Now my Problem:

IN GERMANY: BUNDESZENTRAL FÜR STEUERN see my Accounts on Revolut/Bankera because TAN ID


Employment agency
Social welfare office (Jobcenter)
can doing a DATA Request to BAFIN to see all bank accounts (NOT EMI), but they can only see German Bank Accounts.

What is safe ?
Ledger Hardware Wallet
Money on Crypto Exchanger like FTX

This is good but Problem is Cashout/Wirthdraw to FIAT.


Bundeszentralamr für Steuern ist not BAFIN...My Problem is BAFIN to see my Money

I hope you unterstand me ? Thank you
Crypto, Gold and Art may be the assets you want to put your money into if you want to stay invisible for the tax office for now.

It won't last long before Crypto also get so heavy regulated that you can't hide there neither.
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Crypto, Gold and Art may be the assets you want to put your money into if you want to stay invisible for the tax office for now.

It won't last long before Crypto also get so heavy regulated that you can't hide there neither.
Regulation in Crypto will not change anything.
The base case is already today totally transparent and full of regulation with full kyc and chain analysis as standard.
For those who care, there is another world as well.

It all boils down that at the end of the day, the enforcement mechanism applied to banking cannot be done with crypto (and if one holds private keys). Hopefully this implies govs see us more as customers than milk cows.
Esp. in OPs case (Germany), full regulation is the norm.
Well well, it is regulated as everywhere, but yet you have options to cash out your cryptos in FIAT without KYC. That is almost impossible with FIAT you hold on a regular bank account.

I'm well aware of the Scandinavian and German regulations, believe me, that's what I moved away from.
I think i will make a Mix of USDC+BUSD on Ledger

It it not only the unclare CRS information exchange

The account dann close or temporally suspended and then i can wait weeks and month (some cases in Wirex APP Board).
Its ever a risk
I Think Wise is not better

On Wise there is a VISA Card You can load with BUSD in it. Zero fees fron Binance to Ledger (Binance SMart Chain) and you can put BUSD on Ledger and you have your own keys.
It also doesn't help if you have your money in bank accounts in other countries, since an agreement is currently in place whereby over 170 countries exchange bank information.

This allows the tax office to see if you have money in the bank in Macedonia, Turkey, Spain, for example, and how much, that alone is enough to accuse you of tax evasion like a colleague of mine did (what nonsense in Germany).

The best way is still to keep it in crypto, on wins hold in usdt e.g. and swap via decentralized exchanges or bingx (no kyc) as an example.

Then you can send what you need to your crypto card and buy things.
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