Dukascopy question me by e-Mail (personally Operator Women) my income, jobs (how long) and names of companys
Its more personally as Swissquote (only Telephone and calls cost me to Swizerland).....Flowbank also more personally/basiclly
Let's wait and see if they take me in
i have cancel Swissqoute by FAX and i hope it works.
WE LIVE IN 2022 with Digital
Not in Swissquote
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your message.
It is not posible to close an account by email or in the chat.
If you would like to close the account, please send us a signed letter including the closing instructions to the following address:
Swissquote Bank Ltd
Ch. de la Crétaux 33
Case Postale 319
CH-1196 Gland
As soon as we receive your payment and delivery instructions for your liquid assets and securities, we will close your account and send you the closing documents.
In order to improve our service, we kindly ask you to mention the reason for the closing.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone on +41 44 825 88 88. Our customer care agents will be at your service from Monday to Friday 08h00 - 22h00.
Yours faithfully,
I have a answer of YUH.COM
This is offerfor young People and from Swisssquote
So its 99,9 % the same as Swissquote procedure
In German:
Hallo xxxxxxxx
Leider haben wir dich telefonisch nicht erreicht.
Bei Yuh erfolgt der automatische Informationsaustausch auch, wenn man kein Guthaben auf dem Konto hat.
Bis bald
Deine Yuh Crew