I feel sorry for these young kids who invest in
crypto without every cashing out. They see crypto as a savior from having to participate in the labor force or the real world. They lock themselves away in an echo chamber of never ending crypto shilling youtube videos and crypto news sites ran by pumper and dumpers and people with ulterior motives than their best interests. There is severe cognitive dissidence that occurs in the mind of such people that crypto can never be clamped down on despite the facts. A somehow euphoric belief that the wild west of crypto will never come to an end. A psychotic disillusion that btc or even xrp wil take over the world as the new global currency. Some even think they will replace the dollar. This is lies pumped to them by early adopters and investors looking to pump their holdings. This naivety and brainwashing has no boundaries sadly. Hence government has to step in and control the situation with tough regulations before it gets out of control and people lose everything. In the future what we will see is most cryptos become more and more undesirable as the promises they give are never delivered. In the end only a few native protocol cryptos will exist such as ETH or a similiar competitor.
Bitcoin will have sentimental value but very little real world use unless it radically adapts which is not without resistance.
Anyway stay safe, diversify wisely and don't pin all your hopes on cryptos as dreams don't often come true.
Rant over
The echo chamber seems to be inside forum groups like here for example.
I tend to think a lot of people working with
cryptocurrency tend to massively overestimate its current power to overcome these borders.
Most people outside the crypto ecosystem I talk to, do not give a flying f about Bitcoin,
Blockchain, defi and what not and couldn't care even less. They just care that every year prices go up and their salary does not as it is not keeping pace with inflation, so there are still a lot of people who can discover these basic facts of why non-inflationary money will make their lives better.
Bitcoin has a lot of value e.g. in Africa and is being used to buy and sell housing for example as a very convienent, and in practice the only viable option.
I recently also got an offer to buy a villa in Argentina for Bitcoin. Same goes for
5 years ago I did not get any offer at all to buy a house with bitcoin for example.
So the usefulness of cryptocurrencies went up quite a lot.
It is a whole lot more convenient than dealing with this very unusable and time wasting legacy banking system, which is actually more of a surveillance system.
You can just navigate the banking system if you have preferred accounts, good relationships with them and accounts in different locations, which excludes a lot of the population.
Also why should btc adapt and to what exactly? It works very well in what it is supposed to do as is and with lightning I can pay small things instantly.
Eth is already a big mess today and they try to constantly adapt to whatever is coming and maybe eth 2.0 will finally come online by maybe 2050?
Reserve currencies also never lasted for too long if you look back in monetary history. So why should the usd last with the current state of affairs there and their insanely high debt levels? Something will replace it and it will not be the euro as this one is not a viable alternative as its members are deeply divided and very heterogenous and do not even have a common language. So it could be
China, which even has a common language (Mandarin, which is spoken by most at highly different skill levels ), but will that go down easily now as they are being blamed for all evils of 2020?
If I recall correctly, heavily regulated and even outlawed goods and services, which are highly desired tend to have a very high market price.

So the eu should ban it tomorrow and try to save the failed euro project that way.