So the dirty crypto will plummet on risks of being outlawed?
And the clean crypto will plummet on the basis of having no purpose since just a being a simil to fiat/metals?
what is "legitimate" and "clean" holder in the eye of the gov according to your opinion?Every legitimate and clean holder of a major cryptocurrency should be glad about this sort of regulation since it will solve problems to turn fiat into crypto and vice versa.
- In case of crypto having it's only purpose as a tool of anonymity then, unfortunately, Yes.
- In case of crypto being the alternative of choice to fiat and its digital variants, then the answer is No.
This forum is an excellent place to study the various difficulties people face regarding crypto: Be it purchasing/holding/transacting/cashing out - nothing goes smooth! With a clear cut regulation these problems will all be gone.
It will also not take long anymore and all the "I Hold Physical"-goldbugs will face major problems to exchange their secretly stored "safe-haven asset" into anything useful.
Op stated: "I think they are after Trezor and Ledger companies."No one is going after Trezor or Ledger, that makes 0 sense, they just provide hardware wallets. You can do the same without a Trezor or Ledger in a few seconds, all you need is a mnemonic code generator and that's it. What they're probably going after is any business accepting crypto for their products/services, forcing them to do KYC on customers so they're able to know who's spending money, what is the person buying, when is it being bought, the amount, and the source of the funds.
Under this proposal, service providers conducting transfers must have the name of the originator of the transfer, the account number, where the account exists and where it is used to process the transaction. The originator’s address, official personal document number, customer ID number, or date and place of birth would also be required under the proposal. Service providers would similarly need to ensure that the name and account number of the beneficiary are included with the transfer, along with information about where that account exists. The beneficiary’s crypto-asset provider would also need procedures in place to detect whether the information for the originator of the transfer is included or is missing.
hehe that will be funny when all sensitive info is being written in each transaction which actually is trivial to do Adding custom data to bitcoin transaction – Cloud InventI read the below article yesterday on cointelegraph regarding this.
They are talking about including personal details on crypto transfers itself.
The first version of a proposed solution to this problem has been built by a team of engineers from BitGo, Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken and Fidelity, all members of the U.S Travel Rule Working Group (USTRWG).
Absolutely correct. It is the transaction they are interested in. The idea behind it is simple: At some point in life you want to do something with your secretly stored crypto-wealth.They aren't after Trezor and Ledger, instead, this is intended to target all the transfers happening online.
Yes, because it is all digital. Very easy to block, monitor and restrict.a banking system that is even more restrictive and less secret than what we have right now.
Atomic swaps.
“Make no mistake: It doesn’t matter whether it’s a stock token, a stable value token backed by securities, or any other virtual product that provides synthetic exposure to underlying securities. These platforms — whether in the decentralized or centralized finance space — are implicated by the securities laws and must work within our securities regime.”
Did anyone really expect EU and others to leave crypto unregulated forever? Crypto is money. Money is regulated.
Expect privacy coins to be slowly but surely outlawed, until we're left with "clean cryptos" that can be regulated and that can flow freely within EU financial institutions and "dirty cryptos" that aren't allowed. Exchanges will stop accepting them.
There will always be workarounds and ways to cover your tracks.. They can make laws all they want, crypto is here to stay and in many cases outlawing and/or regulating something only strengthens it or increases demand. Whether it's DEX, P2P, atomic swaps, people will find a way to make it work. If anything, this news is bullish for XMR which is really the only fungible coin in the top 100 (main property of cash).
No, will not happen.I just wonder if they will introduce circuit breakers in crypto trading like they have on stock exchanges.
Think that way: Crypto is money.