Unfortunately, for europeans lots of bonds (i.e. US corporate bonds) are restricted now with Flatex. Thus, I use mainly IB for bonds picking. I have
Swissquote, Saxo, Tradestation aswell.
Welcome to the new world. I think the EU will die of overregulation, subsidies and stupidity. It is similar with American ETFs, until last year you were allowed to buy an ETF, now there is a new stupid regulation that requires ETF issuer to provide a "KIID" document localized into the language of the client to inform him about the risks of the fund. Let me show how retarded this is:
- there are 24 official languages in EU, the ETF issuer would have to create a document for each fund and then translate it so hundreds of new PDFs
- this fucking information is publicly available on hundreds of websites, go to etf.com or morningstar.com or finance.yahoo.com and you will find 10x more detailed information about any ETF you want, much better presented and more info than in this KIID document
- this regulation is supposed to "protect" retail customers from investing into "highly speculative" instruments such as ETF which is nice because an index ETF with 0.1% fee may be just ideal for a customer but that is banned. On the other hand, a shitty local fund with 3% entry fee and 2% TIR yearly fee is allowed to be sold and it doesn't even need and "KIID" document at all because it is distributed through a "financial advisor" (read as salesman).
P.S Now ECB deposit rate has gone even more negative i.e moved from -0.40% to -0.50% from Sept 18th I am sitting pretty with my 30 year treasury eurobonds

. Stay safe out there and if your into US stocks ride the bubble which will be stimulated by further treasury rates cuts but get out when hedge funds start to dump shares. Passive hedge funds hold like 60% of the entire US stock market I think.....lol.
What exactly are "passive hedge funds"? Did you mean to say passive index funds/ETFs? I imagine hedge fund like "clever" guys doing stockpicking, options, shorting, leveraging - doing all this and trying to beat the market while taking the standard "2+20%" commission.
Passive funds on the other hands I imagine like an average guy opening a
Robinhood account and putting it all into VTSAX or even worse SPY.
I don't know how a "passive hedge fund" would work.
Holding cash like instruments is the way. Right now everything is overvalued, stocks, bonds and REIT etc. I don't see any asset class that offers value right now. Saying that the US market will continue to rise if the Fed continues to cut rates next week and continues along that line
It may be true but there were people saying exactly this ("everything is overvalued") 4 years ago. If they stayed out of the market, they missed at least 50% gains. The problem is that there is too much cheap money in the economy (both euros and dollars), so logically people put it into real estate (via REIT), stocks (via ETFs), if you are desperate you put it into bonds.
Is that going to change in the near future? Is there any good reason why more money would STOP flowing into stocks? If you have zero or negative interest on your
bank account, that may motivate people to actually put MORE money into an index fund.
In my opinion having 100% cash would be stupid. I'm not saying there isn't an "everything bubble" but it may go on for longer than you think, Trump getting reelected may have big impact on it.
Many things are overvalued (S&P500, Nasdaq...) but staying out of the market sounds boring.
I'm thinking of dividing some free cash into:
- low volatility world ETF
physical gold and gold miners stock
- US treasuries if there is nothing better