Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto?


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Dec 2, 2022
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According to many articles I have read, Satoshi Nakamoto is supposed to be a single person who invented Bitcoin. When I read about him and about Bitcoin from how Bitcoin originated, how it started, and to where we stand now - and I correlate it with all the calculations that have been made and the enormous plan that has been devised many years into the future, 2140 - I find it very hard to imagine that it is a single person!

I'm becoming more and more a supporter of the theory that this pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto covers an intelligence entity of the USA, CHINA, or even RUSSIA. I simply cannot imagine that one man alone would be capable of devising a complete financial system on the scale of Bitcoin, alone!

Things that one is not allowed to do are always extra exciting, and the things that are illegal usually always become worth a lot of money. So, the whole concept is so well thought out, right from the system itself to the marketing of it that I'm baffled. If it is a single person, then it must be an Alien; it cannot be an ordinary human without supernatural powers who created Bitcoin.

What do you think ? Is this Bitcoin run by Aliens ?
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What do you think ? Is this Bitcoin run by Aliens ?

My guess is that it was a zero day release of technology the US was working on back in the day. The culprit then disappeared rather than face justice when he realized what he had (hacked) and that he would likely face decades in jail rather than get kudos .

None of this has however stopped the U.S in its decades long plan to push central banks around the world to explore the technology as the basis for CBDC's .
Would it be this way they had so many opporitunities to destroy bitcoin in the early days (even today) but never did.All they did is they attacked verbaly but their actions clearly showed they are silent supporters with the big banks playin accumulation and distribution from the beginning.
Retailers are buying bitcoin where central banks and major banks are buying gold.Let's see who will win the race and set the new rules for the new global monetery system

And a serious question to people who are capable of self thinking.
Do you really belive BlackRock would create an ETF and put so many funds into it when they would not know who contols the 1.1 million btc from SATOSHI?That's 5% of all coins.With that account of a currency you can tank it anytime you wish.
You really belive they would put so much funds into it risking that a single guy could take out majority of the liquidity instantly ?

Come on you know how banks are working.
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A smart gov which is even smarter than the already supersmart gov we have already. Thats an amazing story!
Will you write a book about this?
Clear is a topic too difficult for one like you, I would bet you are also vaccinated with the magic and savior serum.
It is not about a smarter shadow government, it is about the only one "Master of Puppets" (subtitle for you - not metallic heavy metal band), unlimited funds at their disposal running all important global institutions in the world with the purpose of aiming to implement a globalist agenda of total control. Another film scenario detached from reality is that the first two world wars were created in order for this shadow gov to be able to create a reality in which it is necessary to set up those global institutions, for people to accept the need of them, to be blinded by the necessity of their existence, everything has only one purpose: unlimited money and masses control.
Did you heard of wef , read about what they discuss at their meetings and their plans, what about the Bildenberg group? Stories and movie script for sure, don't forget about Popcorn and Coca Cola!
It is not a theory of conspiracy, it is a conspiracy in the true sense of the word!
I bet you also don't know or accept that 9/11 was a domestic job in order to have the reason to use the terorism pretext to be able to implement global control, including the topics discussed on this forum related to KYC/AML these protocols exist today because of what happened in 2001, a false flag action.

If you want an interesting movie watch Aaron Russo interview, I saw him in 2004, I bet you didn't saw it.

So if an influential man says he knows him in an interview you take the information as valid, interesting what I can say more Don't forget about Booster, the government said that it is safe and efficient !!!
Dan Pena knows the guy and it aint some ducking japanese guy in a cave.

So if an influential man says he knows him in an interview you take the information as valid, interesting what I can say more
Don't forget about Booster, the government said that it is safe and efficient !!!

The same governments that make sure that the population eats healthily, guaranteeing the existence of food on the store shelf with dozens of chemicals, I bet that when you buy food, you don't even read what you eat.
Likewise, I bet that all crypto you buy is purchased with a credit/debit card or that you use platforms after complying with kyc protocols.
Forgetting at the same time that the existential philosophy of crypto is to break yourself from the governmental yoke.
Am I wrong?
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Isn't it funny that the crypto which was promoted in the beginning has completly nothing do to anymore with todays crypto and trading ?

Nearly all DEXes with no KYC are dead and only KYC and AML conform exchanges are floorishing.
HEY we are anti establishment.People don't care about tech all they care is about making money and they will go nearly everywhere to benefit from it

Btw Russo great guy.
Opened me personly the eyes what happens on a goldban where he has been punished $500k for selling physical in a timeframe where it was by law legal.

About the vid with Pena.What a joke.Unable to post even bigger morons here?
At least when the US elite makes the rug pull on bitcoin they can blame it on Putin

First new monetary system
BRICS = gold
WEST = bitcoin

Who is going to win ROFL
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and are you done with your rant from moms basement?
and are you done with your rant from moms basement?
Funny how with every "short" answer you give you show off your underdeveloped IQ in all its splendor. I understand that there are incomprehensible or unacceptable topics for some whose neurons are short-circuited, but normally, those like you, if you lack the capacity for critical analysis or to understand at least on a micro level what is happening around you, there is no point in getting involved in discussions that are too complicated, preferable to stay in peace in the pasture zone, trust me, the reality overtakes you!
We don't know each other personally, but, it was enough for me to exchange a few lines with you to realize at what underdeveloped level you are.
Related to basements, I never even visited such a room. But the analogy you made with the basement is understandable considering the name you have, Alabama, a state that is classified everywhere as the worst place in the United States to live. Funny!
There is no point in getting into other discussions, I guarantee you that you are far behind me, I am looking at you with binoculars in terms of quality of life, including financial status. 100% And btw, another level at which I am far above you....freedom, because I understood what was happening around me and this thing helped me on many levels, including in makeing money, and also still pure blood

Do you believe in God? Probably not, Jesus said that the truth will set you free, but only those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will see the truth.
So from this point of view, you are clearly blind to the max, total darkness, blinded by total darkness.

If you mean making money by being employed, to make a career, there prob yes, it applies, OFTEN.
We have a saying in my country: being stupid, but at least to be lucky, so even a retard can make money, only those who do not take actions don't make money, if you have courage even if you are stupid but you take repetitive actions it is impossible not to make money, it is the so-called law of attraction!
Or the luck momentum being in the right place at the right moment!

The subject is much too complicated for most people, seen even in the plandemic how many geese and sheep there are in the world.
So there is no point in wasting energy in giving explanations, literally they are at a much lower level, it is something like a college student trying to explain applied mathematics in economics to a third grader. The brain quickly tires or effectively rejects the information as being valid.
Error errrorr contact the vendor!!!!
Same with Aaron Russo, mine first stages of awakening...

WEST = CBDC - btc was/is just the intro!!!!


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What do you think ? Is this Bitcoin run by Aliens ?
More probably run by some advanced AI prototype. Because cryptos are essentially currencies designed to be used by upcoming personal AI agents. In the future when these agents have to transact with each others at lightspeed, they won't be using the Swift system or any of its counterparts as they can't afford to get their transfers take several days or get frozen for enhanced AML or whatever reasons some random 3rd parties decide.
could not be more wrong but ok.
Reactions: jafo
This is exceedingly simple, gentlemen.
it can be easily confiscated or blocked if you try to cash it out
So, don't!

It's like trying to cash out ¥ for £ or € or $

Why? I got the funds "with" Mr. X
If Mr. X, in this case, isn't trying to rob me (or hasn't yet)
  • Why would I willingly disclose this to Mr. PS, Mr. E, and Mr. D.,
  • who are ALL known to be thieves (history does NOT lie) funneling my funds to their criminal friends on Wall Street so they can get a portion of it back in direct political donations and some to their useless and unproductive family members?

Assume Mr. X does rob me (in the future)....OK... I now have only ONE target... Mr. X.
If I have a birthday party and I only invite Mr. X. and a piece of my cake is missing, I KNOW who took it/ate it. Like WTF???!!!

With several people at the party, I am f*cked. It becomes a crime scene, and they WILL gang up on me to try to take what they have NEVER worked for. It's human nature. Birds of a feather flock together!

For example, having my funds safely secured in Mr. X's land, why would I now go to Mr. PS, Mr. E, and Mr. D and give them millions of reasons to target me? Why?

If anyone is insinuating CRS, AEOI, and all the other BS.... Well, this "info" is going (if they are sending it, and THAT is a BIG "if") to a tiny apartment in a tiny country with NO personal income tax! Zero!

Those who refuse to pay a few hundred a month in rental fees...well, they deserve the SAME fate as the husbands who have "bysides" but speak to her on the SAME phone as they speak to their wives and family. Get yourself a burner, and do NOT bring it home or anywhere your wife can get to or has knowledge of. #Amateurs!

The following Sparrow Story should inspire you all to keep quiet!

PS. I have other STUP1D stories of things people do with their Bitcoin/XMR/crypto/Stablecoins and "USDT debit cards"...but we'll leave that for another time.